Compared with young people, most older couples have a stronger relationship, but they often ignore each other's efforts and hard work because they are used to each other's existence, and think that some things at home should be taken care of by them. If you work hard, you will al

Compared with young people, most older couples have a stronger relationship, but they often ignore each other's efforts and hard work because they are used to each other's existence, and think that some things at home should be taken for granted. They work hard, but they will also be misunderstood by their significant other, etc.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, I can’t remember exactly when this situation started to occur. If we want to change this situation, we must try to avoid doing the following three things. Those who usually have a good relationship with their wives should also pay attention, otherwise the two of them will have problems sooner or later. Let’s take a look:

First, always show your face

Emotions are contagious, and always be with positive people. We feel more full of positive energy; when dealing with those who always like to blame others, no matter how optimistic we are, there is a great possibility that we will be led astray. This rule also applies to the relationship between husband and wife. No one likes a person who always shows off to himself. If the other person does this, we will feel torture at home today and even in the future.

The two of us must discuss everything in time. Anything that makes us feel unhappy should be digested by ourselves first. If it really doesn’t work, my wife is the most trustworthy person to talk to, because we don’t have to worry about them telling these unsavory things. other people. If the other person is a sober and comforting person, after some counseling from them, we may suddenly understand; on the other hand, if their empathy ability is relatively weak and they are not good at talking, it doesn’t matter. After all, many things are building up courage. After speaking out, the person involved will also feel relieved.

Second, giving too much

Although relatives give a lot without expecting anything in return, if you give too much, the other party will inevitably feel grateful or surprised from the beginning, and it will become a habit. Sometimes they will be similar to each other unintentionally. The act of giving orders will make everyone feel sad. Therefore, it is best for couples to be fair in their efforts, otherwise one party will easily not be cherished, which will give the other party the opportunity to hurt themselves.

Female friends should be more careful about this. In the past, the two people had different jobs and identities, and the family structure may have been that the male was the dominant one and the female was the internal one. Now that everyone has retired, they should work together to make the family happy. Don't think that those who are capable should work harder just because of habit. Taking advantage of the money and leisure now, leaving more time for yourself to enrich your life is the right thing to do.

Third, revisiting the past

In the process of getting along with husband and wife, it is inevitable that some unpleasant things will happen. There are many things where the most obvious fault is concentrated on one party. If these bad past events are still lingering in the other party's heart, Huai, two people should work it out and resolve it seriously, instead of repeatedly mentioning this matter to expose each other's scars when encountering conflicts in the future.

What is past will never come back. Life is only a few decades long, and we have already lived in this world for most of our lives. Looking forward is the main theme of future life. Giving oneself the upper hand by showing off one's quick words is not very beneficial to maintaining the relationship between two people.

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