A rural person from Yunnan is 40 years old, divorced, and now single. I have been single for many years and it's hard to live alone. I have to face everything by myself. I have to bear the responsibility of living a cool and graceful life on the outside. In fact, I am in pain dee

Yunnan Rural People

I am 40 years old, divorced, and now single.

I have been single for many years.

It is difficult to live alone. You have to face everything by yourself and carry it yourself.

On the outside, you live a cool and graceful life, but in fact, deep down, you are miserable and feel like a chicken.

Actually, I am also a very good man, a kind and honest man.

Excellent men like me, kind and honest good men

can't find good women.

Maybe this is fate, everything is the best arrangement.

In today's society, scumbag men can only find good women, but kindness and honesty are no longer acceptable.

For a kind and honest man like me, who is too stupid to talk, no woman will like and love me.

Forget it, I won’t torture myself or feel wronged. I would rather be a kind person than a scumbag.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. When you are alive, you must have backbone. It doesn’t matter whether you have a wife or not.

As a human being, you should not do anything bad or immoral. You should still be righteous and have a sense of justice.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a wife or not, you still have to have positive energy and a grateful heart.

delivers positive energy and pays attention to positive energy.