Although most people are disgusted with finding their partner through blind dates, in real life, many people get out of singles through blind dates. I often hear girls complain that men are too stingy during blind dates, which leads to unsuccessful blind dates, but too generous m

Although most people are disgusted with finding their partner through blind dates, in real life, many people get out of singles through blind dates. I often hear girls complain that men are too stingy during blind dates, which leads to unsuccessful blind dates, but too generous may not necessarily lead to success.

During a blind date recently, a man ordered a large table of dishes. The girl was very touched. At least the other man expressed his feelings and was sincere. Who knew that when they chatted later, they learned that the other man’s monthly salary was only 4,000, and the girl was very moved. She got up and left without eating. The reason was that she felt that the boy was not a suitable marriage partner at all and he was too incompetent to live.

This restaurant where a man brought a girl came to has a relatively high-end decoration. The dining environment is very good. There are not many guests. It is very private and very suitable for dates.

The man thoughtfully ordered for the girls, which are all girls like to eat. First he came with a plate of spicy chicken . The nutritional value of chicken is very high. The spicy chicken tastes good and goes well with rice.

You can tell by the color of this plate of chicken that it is delicious. The chicken is about one year old, chopped into small pieces, stir-fried, and added with chili pepper ingredients. Two people will definitely be unable to finish such a large bowl.

Steamed fish is served next. Fish has high protein content and low fat content. For girls who love beauty and always want to keep in shape, eating fish on weekdays is the best choice. High-quality fish is generally used The steaming method can preserve the freshness and tenderness of the fish and give it a very good taste.

Okra , okra is a vegetable with health care effects. It has a protective effect on gastric mucosa . The food outside is relatively oily. Ordering a portion of okra has a protective effect on the stomach.

The preparation of okra is also quite simple. Wash the okra, remove the front and rear parts, cook it in a pot, pour the sauce on it, and serve!

Abalone rice , abalone rice has high nutritional value and good appearance, and it looks delicious. Abalone Q The popcorn rice has clear grains. After stirring it with the soup, you can eat one mouthful of rice and one mouthful of abalone. It's very satisfying!

Flower steamed buns. Nowadays, restaurants have higher and higher requirements for the quality of dishes. Even an ordinary steamed bun is made so delicately, like a flower. It uses whole grains and adds ingredients. It tastes very good, not as refined as The pastry taste was bad.

Two people order these few dishes, which are not a lot. They cost more than 200 yuan in total, which is not expensive. Even with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan, it is affordable. Why do girls dislike him for not knowing how to live? The girl was confused, and the man couldn't figure it out even though he thought about it.