This means that you really should not play with bad people, because it is very likely that they will eventually turn you into a bad person. This is the same as the old saying: those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black.


Nietzsche said in "Beyond Good and Evil": If you fight with the evil dragon for too long, you will become the evil dragon yourself; if you stare into the abyss for too long, the abyss will stare back. This means that you really shouldn’t play with bad people, because it is very likely that they will eventually turn you into a bad person. This is the same as the old saying: if you are close to red, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

So does this sentence also apply to marriage relationships? same! I saw a post like this not long ago. The couple had sex, but what did they get in the end? I think there is only pain, emptiness and helplessness.

Zhang Fan saw her husband flirting with other women on the street. After shopping sweetly, she was stunned. In her heart, her marriage was a happy and sweet one, and the first thing to bear the brunt was that she had a woman who was almost perfect. Her husband, Sun Heran, is young and promising, has a successful career, and is very caring to her. He even talked to her about their wedding anniversary before he went on a business trip yesterday.

But he never dreamed that the business trip was fake, but at this moment, he was holding hands with another woman. But in fact, her husband is so good that Zhang Fan never thought that he would be missed by other women, but the person with him at the moment is actually her best friend Lu Dan. If she knew that her husband was cheating, she would be given a slap in the face, and now he and Best friends are like a thunderbolt together.

Zhang Fan is not a person who can swallow his anger. When he saw his husband and his best friend betraying him, he immediately "teared" his mistress best friend to pieces, knocked Lu Danhu down with a big slap, and then rode on her and beat her severely. This made Neither Sun Heran nor Lu Dan expected that Lu Dan would be directly fooled.

Sun Heran was also at a loss and was stunned on the spot. It took half a minute to react and pull the two women. This gave Lu Dan a chance to escape, and he didn't even have time to find the missing half of the shoe.

Afterwards, Sun Heran confessed everything. It turned out that Lu Dan called Sun Heran once when he was looking for Zhang Fan but could not find him. The two gradually started chatting and even made an appointment to meet privately. Zhang Fan was completely unaware of these things. Sun Heran said that the two of them just came out to meet each other and did nothing else.

Just finished chatting with Sun Heran, Zhang Fan went to find Lu Dan. Lu Dan also regretted betraying Zhang Fan and said that he should fight and should not have a relationship with Sun Heran. When Zhang Fan heard this, he held back his anger and asked how many times they had had sex? Lu Dan said three times.

Zhang Fan knew that her husband was lying but did not break out. He said that he could forgive Lu Dan, but he could never approach Sun Heran again, nor could he say that he had talked with him this time. Lu Dan had long been frightened to death that he could be let go so easily. Guo immediately agreed to all Zhang Fan's requests.

After that, Sun Heran had been treating Zhang Fan carefully, returning home on time, and even took the initiative to hand over his salary card to Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan no longer had a good look on him.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Fan did not divorce is very simple, that is, his marriage has been running for so many years. Why should he get divorced if he made a mistake? Why should he say that such a stable and happy marriage does not exist? But Zhang Fan couldn't bear her husband's betrayal.

Therefore, Zhang Fan finally made a decision, that is, if her husband cheated on her, then she would have to cheat on her husband three times. This is only fair, so she had sex with two different people of the opposite sex through online chat, and Sun Heran didn't find out either. But when I was looking for the third and last time, Sun Heran accidentally found out.

This made Sun Heran very angry and completely incomprehensible. But Zhang Fan explained: "It's you who cheated on me, so I'll cheat on you too. This is only fair."

However, Sun Heran couldn't accept his wife being with other men, and actually had relations with three men, so he directly filed for divorce. .However, Zhang Fan disagreed: "You cheated on my best friend three times before and I didn't say anything. Why should you divorce me if I find three men each time?"

Sun Heran looked at his wife with anger in his eyes. He could accept his cheating. Others, including my wife, cannot accept others cheating on me. Therefore, he insisted on getting a divorce and eventually even decided to file for divorce.

As the old saying goes: good and evil will be rewarded in the end. For Sun Heran, his retribution came even though it was late. He betrayed his wife. He thought he had lied and his wife trusted him. He took it out and changed his mind. This matter was over. However, in his wife's heart, her The bottom line was breached, and she could never get over the hurdle in her heart, as if there was a big stone blocking her heart.

But for Zhang Fan, even if she is cheated by her husband or betrayed by her best friend, this is not the reason for her to cheat on her husband. It is not that she hates someone or something. After she can't let go, she can only be freed by being like him. This will only make herself Deeper and deeper. Similarly, her husband cheated on her, and she cheated on her husband. On the one hand, it was time to retaliate, and on the other hand, Zhang Fan was really happy by doing this, and could it make her heart happy? I don't think so.

For women, the only way to have sex is with the person they love, especially a woman like Zhang Fan who has always lived in what she considers to be happiness. Before she knew her husband was a human being, she must keep herself clean and keep a certain distance from other members of the opposite sex, but her husband’s Her behavior changed her temperament drastically. It seemed like she was taking revenge on her husband, but in fact she was insulting herself and made herself a betrayer of lies just like her husband.

Indeed, marriage is not a trivial matter. It requires respect and tolerance, and there must be a bottom line. Once the bottom line is exceeded, the relationship has actually deteriorated. If you can't let go, it's better to end it as soon as possible instead of letting go. The other party, but to let himself go and not to join the evil dragon, is the true mercy to himself.

Just as teacher Luo Xiang told Dostorovsky's "The Brothers Ramazov" in Thirteen Invitations: Love a specific person, don't love an abstract person; love life, don't forget to love life meaning. Also love yourself, don’t love your own love!