Introduction: In the past, most old people favored boys over girls. They attached great importance to their sons because they wanted to continue the family line. Daughters were thrown away by married people. They did not pay attention to their daughters. When their daughters were


In the past, most of the old people favored boys over girls. They attached great importance to their sons and wanted to continue the family line. Daughters were thrown away by married people. They did not pay attention to their daughters. When their daughters were doing well, they did everything possible to take care of their daughters. The daughter is more filial and always wants to please the old man. In order to please his son, the old man does excessive things. Even the tolerant son-in-law can't bear it. He warns the old man: Don't go too far. What's going on? Look at this son-in-law’s complaints.

01 Aunt Liu’s son-in-law’s self-report

At first, my mother-in-law did not support her daughter marrying me. She thought my conditions were too bad and her daughter would suffer a lot when marrying me. Her daughter loved me so much that she couldn’t stop her. Yes, she offered a very high bride price, but I didn't agree and broke up with her.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Min was determined to marry me without asking for any gift. She only loved me. I was very moved and agreed to marry her.

At that time, we were very poor and had nothing. I swore that I would be good to her in this life. After several years of hard work, my career finally took off. I bought a house and a car, and my conditions were getting better and better.

My mother-in-law changed her attitude when she saw that I was feeling better now. My daughter always felt that she owed her mother, and she always responded to her mother's requests.

My father-in-law also passed away. My mother-in-law said that she wanted to live with my daughter for a while. Xiao Min was very happy and took the initiative to take my mother-in-law home. I also thought that the child was still young and I could ask my mother-in-law to help take care of her. I was very happy to have her come.

Who knew that after the mother-in-law came, she would be like an ancestor, doing nothing but talking. The daughter always felt that she owed her mother, who coaxed and served her every day without letting her spend a penny. It was delicious. Served with delicious food.

Who knew that she was in the Cao camp but her heart was in the Han Dynasty, and she often complained to her daughter: Your life is getting better. Don't forget that you have a younger brother. This will be more difficult, so help him.

As soon as my brother-in-law called, my mother-in-law was very excited. She didn't put down the phone for at least an hour. I couldn't say anything about it.


After some time, the mother-in-law said she wanted to go back to see her son. Xiao Min reluctantly sent her away, so I felt more relaxed. This mother-in-law was really a troublesome thing.

Xiao Min called her mother almost every day to comfort her and make her happy. Unexpectedly, half a year later, her mother-in-law was sent back by her brother-in-law, crying.

Later, the mother-in-law told the truth. It turned out that when he went to his son's home for retirement, he was very kind to her at first. Consciously or unconsciously, he wanted his mother-in-law to support him. He wanted to change to a bigger house. He said that when his children were older, he wanted to buy a house in a school district. They were really helpless and wanted their mother to help him.

The mother-in-law gave all of her savings of more than 300,000 yuan to her younger son before buying a bigger house and paying the down payment. However, the younger son later said that their mortgage repayment burden was too heavy.

wanted his mother-in-law to sell the house to them, but her mother-in-law didn't agree, so his son fell out and sent his mother-in-law here instead, not wanting to help her provide for her in her old age.

Xiao Min not only did not blame her mother for being partial, but instead enlightened her mother every day. After a period of time, her mother-in-law finally smiled and stopped crying.

After Xiao Min’s persuasion, her relationship with her son has returned to normal. He often calls her. We are also happy for her. After all, it is perfect for both sons and daughters to be filial.

has lived here like this for more than a year. We have been taking care of her with all our heart. Our grandson is now older and we no longer need her to pick him up. Because the kindergarten is far away, we have to drive him every day. She is an old lady who walks to pick up her grandson. impossible.


We were afraid that she would be lonely, so we took her out to play when we were free. She became happier and happier, and her mood became better and better. Because her tastes were different, she sometimes wanted to eat by herself, and we agreed.

The old lady is in good health and in a good mood. Sometimes she goes to square dance and plays after eating every day. She is very happy. We are also happy for her.

doesn’t let her do housework or cook for us. She can enjoy herself as much as she wants. Sometimes she will be taken out to have a big meal, and she will also buy her some fashionable clothes or some other items. Nutritional products, be filial to her.

One day, the mother-in-law told Xiao Min that she wanted to attend a class reunion and take a trip. Xiao Min was very happy and supportive, but she said she had no money and wanted to ask Xiao Min to transfer 20,000 yuan to her.

Xiao Min felt very strange and said: "Mom, your monthly retirement salary is 4,500, and you are not allowed to spend it? Don't you have 20,000 yuan?"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, the mother-in-law said to Xiao Min Out: Her monthly salary is transferred to Xiao Min’s brother. He has to repay more than 4,000 yuan in mortgage payments every month. His life is not easy. I hope Xiao Min can understand that she only has one brother and must help him.

Although Xiao Min was very angry, it was her mother and she didn't dare to blame her. She just discussed with me what to do about this matter?

I can't bear it anymore. I can't coddle her in this matter. It's not that I don't have 20,000 yuan, but that she is too partial.

Let her eat and drink at home, don't let her do any work, and don't let her pay a penny. I have to be filial to her and spend money for her. To be honest, I am not that filial to my parents.

I said to my mother-in-law: "You gave your 4,500 yuan monthly retirement salary to your brother-in-law, and you asked us to give you 20,000 yuan to go out for fun. Don't you think it's too much?"

Xiao Min also said: "Mom, you It’s too partial. You have never paid attention to me. I thought you would be kind to me if you were good to you. I didn’t expect that you are still partial to your younger brother. Since he is so filial to you, send you back and let him take care of you in your old age.”

Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law actually burst into tears and went back to the room to cry for a long time. Xiao Min also went back to the room to persuade her to comfort her. It was really bad luck for eight lifetimes to meet such an eccentric mother-in-law.


People must not be confused when they are old. No matter whether they have a son or a daughter, a bowl of water must be balanced. When you need to be filial, you look for your daughter, and when you need to spend money, you look for your daughter.

However, her heart was always toward her son. No matter how bad his son was to her, she would not be willing to be cruel to him. She felt at ease letting her son chew on her and was willing to suffer a loss.

Letting her daughter and son-in-law pay in vain, she takes it for granted. Can such a confused old man live happily in her later years? I'm skeptical.

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