Where are the women who are no longer married after divorce, and where are they buried?

Now the divorce rate in society is getting higher and higher. Regardless of men and women, some people still want to remarry after divorce, but some people don't want to remarry and feel that it will be nice to live alone for the rest of their lives.

Today we were at the company. During lunch, a group of women discussed how divorced women would no longer marry and what to do when they die.

Everyone is still more interested in this issue, and they all talked about their own thoughts on what to do after death if they were to get divorced. Below I will summarize them. During the lunch break today, what a group of women discussed Kind of ideas.

Female colleague A said, if I get divorced and no longer marry, I will never buy a cemetery when I die. It is too expensive and burdens my children. I will only let the children scatter my ashes. Into the sea, let me feel the magnificent waves along with the sea.

Female colleague B first objected that if I get divorced and no longer marry, I will not let my children scatter ashes into the sea after death. It’s too cold and I won’t buy a cemetery. I will just talk about a nephew, and the underground. The men are buried together, so the underground will not be lonely, nor will it be cold.

Female colleague C said, I’m not as extreme as you guys. I like beautiful scenery and places with mountains and waters. If the divorce is no longer married, I will let my child find me someone with mountains and water. Place, bury me, but don’t spend too much money. This is called a treasured land of feng shui, and you can sleep in the mountains and rivers forever.

Female colleague D said, I don’t care. If I get divorced and no longer marry, I don’t worry about these things. I will deal with it as I love it. If I die, what else do I know? Later generations are up to them to deal with it, and I will not leave any last words or the like.

female colleague E said,If I am divorced and no longer married and die, I request that I be buried at the feet of my parents, so that my daughter can do her filial piety to her parents when she is underground. Female colleague B retorted that the tomb of her natal family would not allow her married daughter to be buried in her natal family.

Female colleague F said, her family will definitely not allow burials, nor will the former mother-in-law’s burial. If I am divorced and no longer married, I will find a cheap cemetery to put it in, and pay it every year on Ching Ming Festival I can see the children coming to sweep the grave. If the children talk to me, I may still be able to hear it. That’s great.

A group of women, everyone is talking about their ideas, but they don’t know how they are arranged in real life. Even I have not heard of women who are no longer married after divorce, after death What do you do?

It's really hard to be a woman. If you die, your family won't accept it, and your ex-in-law's won't accept it. Don't you have a place to stay if you die?

The topic was a bit heavy at noon today. A group of women have a feeling that being a woman, whether alive or dead, is not easy.

Divorced alive, it is not easy to find a second marriage. If you do not find a second marriage, it is lonely to live alone. Divorced and died. If you don't look for a relative, you will be alone in the underground. If you find a relative, can future generations still visit?

Where are the women who are no longer married after divorce, and where are they buried? What a problem.

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