Some people say that I am free to post whatever content I want. So whenever I see something, I like to redirect it to my own social platform. The content is arranged with mixed content, just to make myself happy. Indeed, your social account is your own, and you can post whatever

2024/05/1914:14:33 emotion 1686

Some people say that I am free to post whatever content I want.

So whenever I see something, I like to go to my own social platform.

has mixed content arrangement, just to make myself happy.

Indeed, the social account is your own, and you can post whatever you want as long as there are no violations.

But after contemporary people get to know each other, the first thing they do is add friends.

A person’s understanding of you comes from the various information you publish and reprint.

Those who post things as they please will inevitably leave a corresponding impression on others.

Your personality is fixed in other people's minds without even realizing it.

Some people say that I am free to post whatever content I want. So whenever I see something, I like to redirect it to my own social platform. The content is arranged with mixed content, just to make myself happy. Indeed, your social account is your own, and you can post whatever  - DayDayNews

When chatting with an HR, she told me a little thing.

's company is engaged in cultural media, so it is particularly in need of some design and copywriting talents.

Because of their generous remuneration, a lot of young people go to them for interviews every time.

Everyone's works are diverse, and she couldn't figure out why during the interview.

Because there were too many applicants, she could only make a blind selection based on her feelings during the interview. After

tried several designs that were not so satisfactory, she came up with a tip for recruiting people.

During interviews, she would take the initiative to add job seekers whose works are more eye-catching to their WeChat accounts. After adding

, she would browse through those people’s WeChat Moments one by one.

checks the aesthetics of job seekers through the contents of their friend circles.

For some job seekers who pursue beauty, the layout of the content in their circle of friends is exquisite and orderly.

A person who controls such small details to perfection will not be much worse at work.

And there were so many interviewers that she couldn’t remember them all.

But the Moments were different. Those pleasing contents left a deep impression on her.

Some people live a rich life, hide their pursuit of quality, and have a certain style.

Applicants who can impress her are lucky enough to be recruited.

There are also some job seekers who have also been deleted because of the content in their circle of friends.

Because some people post a lot of content about themselves going to bars and nightclubs. The company

felt that they were too playful and might not be able to work with peace of mind, so they eliminated them directly.

According to her, this screening method is quite reliable.

Currently, all the capable and reliable designers in their company are selected in this way.

can package ordinary life into something exquisite. This is the design talent they want.

Some people say that I am free to post whatever content I want. So whenever I see something, I like to redirect it to my own social platform. The content is arranged with mixed content, just to make myself happy. Indeed, your social account is your own, and you can post whatever  - DayDayNews

There are two types of people who impress people in social circles.

The first category is the kind of people whose content is high-end and makes people yearn for it.

Another type of people are those who are full of negative energy and feel at first glance that they are very substandard.

Some people seem to regard online social platforms as trash cans.

I like to talk about the unhappy things in life online.

Then it’s some bad housework, or it’s all your own complaints.

It would be fine if the people I saw were strangers with whom I had no contact.

Most of the people in the social circle are real acquaintances.

posts some disturbing things every day, which only makes people feel violent.

Over time, many people will consciously stay away from such people.

After all, life is difficult enough, and no one wants to add to it.

is like a person who only talks to you about all kinds of bad things.

If you listen patiently once or twice, you will never want to hear another sentence from him again.

Because such people have nothing of value in their mouths.

complains endlessly about nine out of ten things.

No matter how good things are, they can see many bad things in their eyes.

I have a classmate in middle school who is like this, posting insults on Moments every day.

is either scolding her husband, or blaming her parents-in-law, lamenting that her child has no future.

Later, when I chatted with some of my former classmates about her, I found that most of them had blocked her.

In fact, she is not that negative, but the content in her circle of friends makes many people regard her as a resentful woman.

No one wants to be friends with a resentful woman.

Because she will only make you feel that the world is not worth it and is filled with vicissitudes of life.

Some people say that I am free to post whatever content I want. So whenever I see something, I like to redirect it to my own social platform. The content is arranged with mixed content, just to make myself happy. Indeed, your social account is your own, and you can post whatever  - DayDayNews

We have been using various methods to gild ourselves throughout our lives.

is used to disguising himself in front of others to make himself look respectable.

A person who meets us for the first time has limited understanding of us.

The way they obtain our information is to look through some content posted in social circles.

had some emotions, but he didn’t think much about it when he expressed them.

In the eyes of others, it becomes an inherent impression that is difficult to change.

If you are still posting your various emotions as you please.

doesn't care about other people's opinions at all, just be happy.

If you still can't care less about other people's voices, make your social circle look respectable.

The Internet has memory. What gives you extra points may be a certain point of view that others agree with.

What creates a stereotype may also be a complaint you posted one day.

First impression is very important. Once formed, it is difficult to change.

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