The 2021-2022 school year student union re-election meeting of Chongqing No. 8 Science City Middle School was successfully held. Next semester, we will see the new student union "Tian Tuan" with "super good looks, multi-functional, and youthful" who will take over from their seni

The 2021-2022 school year student union re-election meeting of Chongqing No. 8 Science City Middle School was successfully held. Next semester we will see the new student union "Heavenly Group" who are "super good-looking, multi-talented, and full of youth". Take up the torch passed down by our seniors and write the surging youth in a new beginning.

The 2021-2022 school year student union re-election meeting of Chongqing No. 8 Science City Middle School was successfully held. Next semester we will see the new student union "Heavenly Group" who are "super good-looking, multi-talented, and full of youth". Take up the torch passed down by our seniors and write the surging youth in a new beginning.

Before starting the new semester, come and take a look at the heroic figures of this student union!


If there is anything more burning than this hot July, it is Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle school teenagers

The youthful life

and The turbulent cry

The young people have hills in their hearts

Boundless mountains and rivers are only within a short distance

Hundreds of rivers enter the sea, only day and night

Come and listen to the strongest "sound wave" in the hearts of these young people


These blossoming waves who dare to rise to the top of the tide

because they came to eight The Student Union of Zhongkecheng Middle School

comes together to become a link for more students

to participate in campus management and construction.

Each department performs its own duties.

Every member uses wisdom and sweat

to embody the role of being a small master of the school. Responsibilities and Responsibilities

"Almighty Team" - the Presidium

overall coordination, control of the overall situation

responsible for each department, carry the whole audience

daily work all-round players are you

@ NO.8

"League Spokesperson" - Deputy Secretary of the Student Youth League Committee

Assist the Youth League Committee in carrying out joining the Youth League

group classes, theme group day activities and other work

It can be called the best "spokesperson" of the Student Youth League Committee


"Campus Small Speaker" - Propaganda Department

The campus has first-hand information at its fingertips

A small expert in tracking cutting-edge hot spots

Use the spirit of exploration to excavate the beauty of Keba


"Facade Responsibility" - Discipline Inspection Department

Grooming, self-study discipline, queuing order...

As the guardian of campus order and norms

It is necessary to "manage leniently and guard strictly"


"Civilized Star" - Ministry of Labor and Health

is responsible for the evaluation and assessment of civilized classes, civilized dormitories,

civilized offices

Witness the birth of every moving little red flag


"Bookish Atmosphere Group" - the learning department

drives everyone to experience the mountains of learning and the sea

to help every aspiring youngster excel in various competitions. Style and sparkle!


"Athletes" - Sports Department

They are the "resident judges" on the playground, basketball court, table tennis court and other venues, , and they are also the most powerful "support club" at every sports activity of Keba. !


"Talent Trend Vane" - the Department of Literature and Art

"powerful" in front and behind the scenes of major literary and art venues in Keba

Let more students learn Feel the beauty of art

and the pleasant atmosphere of campus activities


"campus "Little Butler" - the right-hand assistant of the Youth League Committee of the Organization Department

Carefully keep the information of the whole school members

Listen to the voices of every aspiring young man


"Social expert ”——Ministry of Social Security Affairs

is on the way to find interests for his companions

Build bridges

I hope more teenagers from the eighth grade of science

will find their own interests


"Heartwarming Red Vest" - Youth Team

When students need help

their figures will appear

look forward to it brings warmth to everyone



With this Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle School

"The fire is passed down, the future is promising"

Student Union re-election ceremony A successful conclusion

The new student union cadres are in place

For them who are about to rush forward

Teachers and students of Section 8 still have something to say

Don’t forget your original intention and move forward

Teacher Jiang Yuqing, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City, announced the fifth class of students List of meeting cadres and encourage students We never forget our original aspirations and move forward with determination.

Marching forward bravely, riding the wind and waves

Teacher Zhao Tianyou, grade director of the 2023 grade of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City High School , spoke as a teacher representative. Teacher Zhao first expressed congratulations to all the outgoing student union cadres present here on behalf of the school and the Student Affairs Office. At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to the fourth student union cadres for their contribution to the development and stability of our school. He also expressed his best wishes to the student union cadres who are about to enter their senior year. Let us march forward bravely and create new brilliance in next year's college entrance examination. Next, Teacher Zhao talked about some opinions and hopes for the incoming student union cadres: first, we should play an exemplary and leading role in the construction of study style, class style, and school spirit; second, we should play an organizational leadership in various activities. Function ; Third, it plays the role of link in daily management. Finally, Teacher Zhao hoped that students can cherish the opportunity to work in the Student Union and contribute to the development of the Student Union. He also expressed the hope that the new student union cadres will inherit and carry forward the excellent traditions of the fourth Student Union while serving the students of our school. Work hard and ride the waves to take your work to the next level.

Moving towards the new and prospering

President of the 4th Student Union of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle School Peng Jing classmate gave a work summary at the meeting. She first expressed her respect and heartfelt gratitude to the teachers and students who have always cared about, supported and cooperated with the work of the student union, and concluded that in the past year, under the correct leadership of the leaders, the fourth student union of Chongqing No. 8 Science City Middle School Adhering to the purpose of "serving classmates wholeheartedly", carrying forward the spirit of "unity and cooperation, hard work, fearlessness and innovation", and following the principles of "self-education, self-management and self-service" to build a "learning-oriented" ", service-oriented" organization as the goal, with "formalization and institutionalization" as the work development direction, actively exploring new methods, new approaches and new carriers of student union work, achieving certain results and accumulating valuable experience, composing A new chapter in the work of our school’s student union. Next, Peng Jing made work reports for each of the six departments: the Discipline Inspection Department, the Labor and Health Department, the Sports Department, the Literature and Art Department, the Propaganda Department, and the Learning Department. He summarized the various projects that each department had organized and participated in in the past year. activity, expressed pride in the gratifying achievements achieved by the Student Union, and also reflected on the regrettable problems currently existing in the Student Union, and expressed the hope that the fifth Student Union will face up to the existing problems and continue to overcome and improve them in future practice. Finally, she expressed her thanks again and wished the Fifth Student Union success in its work and the conference a complete success.

New beginnings, new challenges

Fu Shiting, a member of the fifth student union bureau, took the stage to speak. First of all, on behalf of the students in the class of 2024, Fu Shiting wished the students in the class of 2023 a brighter future and wished the new student union a more brilliant future. In her speech, she focused on plans for the future work of the Student Union, including arrangements for the allocation of work for the Student Union, arrangements for the construction of the Student Union system, arrangements for activities, and the style of each member of the Student Union. She said that a new beginning creates a new future, and a new beginning also means new challenges. I believe that the students of the fifth student union will move forward bravely, pioneer and innovate, use labor, wisdom and sweat, and uphold the fine style of being pragmatic and enterprising. , closely focusing on the purpose of "diligence, prudence, and versatility" , seeking truth from facts, shouldering the expectations given by teachers and students in the school, and pushing the school's student union work to a new height.

At the scene of the re-election ceremony, Mr. Ran Maoyu, deputy director of the Student Affairs Office of the Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle School, Mr. Zhao Tianyou, the grade director of the 2023 grade, Mr. Jiang Yuqing, secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Tang Shuhao, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Kong Xiangni, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Mr. Zhou Jian of the Student Affairs Office attend together.Members of the new and old student unions gathered together to witness the student union's spiritual inheritance of "unity, collaboration, and courage to innovate" and join hands to open a new chapter in campus construction.

Keep running, back wave! Your future is shining!


Marching forward bravely, riding the wind and waves

Teacher Zhao Tianyou, grade director of the 2023 grade of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City High School , spoke as a teacher representative. Teacher Zhao first expressed congratulations to all the outgoing student union cadres present here on behalf of the school and the Student Affairs Office. At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to the fourth student union cadres for their contribution to the development and stability of our school. He also expressed his best wishes to the student union cadres who are about to enter their senior year. Let us march forward bravely and create new brilliance in next year's college entrance examination. Next, Teacher Zhao talked about some opinions and hopes for the incoming student union cadres: first, we should play an exemplary and leading role in the construction of study style, class style, and school spirit; second, we should play an organizational leadership in various activities. Function ; Third, it plays the role of link in daily management. Finally, Teacher Zhao hoped that students can cherish the opportunity to work in the Student Union and contribute to the development of the Student Union. He also expressed the hope that the new student union cadres will inherit and carry forward the excellent traditions of the fourth Student Union while serving the students of our school. Work hard and ride the waves to take your work to the next level.

Moving towards the new and prospering

President of the 4th Student Union of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle School Peng Jing classmate gave a work summary at the meeting. She first expressed her respect and heartfelt gratitude to the teachers and students who have always cared about, supported and cooperated with the work of the student union, and concluded that in the past year, under the correct leadership of the leaders, the fourth student union of Chongqing No. 8 Science City Middle School Adhering to the purpose of "serving classmates wholeheartedly", carrying forward the spirit of "unity and cooperation, hard work, fearlessness and innovation", and following the principles of "self-education, self-management and self-service" to build a "learning-oriented" ", service-oriented" organization as the goal, with "formalization and institutionalization" as the work development direction, actively exploring new methods, new approaches and new carriers of student union work, achieving certain results and accumulating valuable experience, composing A new chapter in the work of our school’s student union. Next, Peng Jing made work reports for each of the six departments: the Discipline Inspection Department, the Labor and Health Department, the Sports Department, the Literature and Art Department, the Propaganda Department, and the Learning Department. He summarized the various projects that each department had organized and participated in in the past year. activity, expressed pride in the gratifying achievements achieved by the Student Union, and also reflected on the regrettable problems currently existing in the Student Union, and expressed the hope that the fifth Student Union will face up to the existing problems and continue to overcome and improve them in future practice. Finally, she expressed her thanks again and wished the Fifth Student Union success in its work and the conference a complete success.

New beginnings, new challenges

Fu Shiting, a member of the fifth student union bureau, took the stage to speak. First of all, on behalf of the students in the class of 2024, Fu Shiting wished the students in the class of 2023 a brighter future and wished the new student union a more brilliant future. In her speech, she focused on plans for the future work of the Student Union, including arrangements for the allocation of work for the Student Union, arrangements for the construction of the Student Union system, arrangements for activities, and the style of each member of the Student Union. She said that a new beginning creates a new future, and a new beginning also means new challenges. I believe that the students of the fifth student union will move forward bravely, pioneer and innovate, use labor, wisdom and sweat, and uphold the fine style of being pragmatic and enterprising. , closely focusing on the purpose of "diligence, prudence, and versatility" , seeking truth from facts, shouldering the expectations given by teachers and students in the school, and pushing the school's student union work to a new height.

At the scene of the re-election ceremony, Mr. Ran Maoyu, deputy director of the Student Affairs Office of the Chongqing No. 8 Middle School Science City Middle School, Mr. Zhao Tianyou, the grade director of the 2023 grade, Mr. Jiang Yuqing, secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Tang Shuhao, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Kong Xiangni, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Mr. Zhou Jian of the Student Affairs Office attend together.Members of the new and old student unions gathered together to witness the student union's spiritual inheritance of "unity, collaboration, and courage to innovate" and join hands to open a new chapter in campus construction.

Keep running, back wave! Your future is shining!
