The policy content is compiled by the 12320 health hotline of Henan Province (Zhengzhou City) (as of 9:00 a.m. on July 15, 2022) 01 people entering (returning) into Zhengzhou. This content is submitted to the State Council customers by Zhengzhou City before 12:00 on July 14. End

Policy content is organized by

Henan Province (Zhengzhou City) 12320 Health Hotline

(as of 9:00 a.m. on July 15, 2022)


Entry (return) Zheng personnel

This content was published by Zhengzhou City at 12:00 on July 14 Submit to the State Council client - local epidemic prevention and control policies and measures in advance.

(1) Entrants:

Management measures of "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days of home health monitoring" will be implemented for entry personnel.

A nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and a nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 3rd day of home health monitoring. Do not go out during the home health monitoring period. For special circumstances such as medical treatment, you must take personal protection when going out and avoid taking public transportation.

(2) Personnel entering (returning) from high-, medium-, and low-risk areas:

html Personnel entering (returning) from Zhengzhou with a history of residence in high-risk areas within 17 days shall implement "7-day centralized isolation medical observation", Sections 1, 2, and 3 , a nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 5th and 7th day;

html Persons entering (returning) to Zhengzhou with a history of traveling to medium-risk areas within 17 days will implement the "7-day home isolation medical observation", and a nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 4th and 7th day, such as If the conditions for home isolation and medical observation are not met, centralized isolation and medical observation will be adopted.

html Personnel entering (returning) Zhengzhou with a history of traveling to low-risk areas within 17 days will be subject to two inspections in three days.

(3) There are no clear high, medium and low risk areas, but there are community (villages) streets (townships) counties (cities, districts) with infected cases within 7 days (returning) to Zhengzhou:

Refer to the high, middle and low risk areas respectively. Personnel screening and management in risk areas.

(4) There are a large number of locally infected people within seven days, and the local government has carried out multiple rounds of regional nucleic acid screening for all employees:

Refer to the local screening scope to determine specific epidemic prevention and control measures.

(5) Macao will implement the management measures of "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days of home health monitoring" based on the management measures for people returning to Zhengzhou from abroad:


(6) Persons entering Zhengzhou from outside the city:

must log in to the "Yu Affairs Office" APP or "Zheng Hao Ban" APP to report, and when necessary, cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control department to implement information screening, nucleic acid testing, medical observation and other measures.

When entering Zheng and scanning the QR code to fill in information such as your place of origin, please fill it in truthfully. Anyone who fills in false reports or deliberately conceals information, causing the spread of the epidemic and endangering public safety, will be held legally responsible in accordance with the " Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases", " The Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments" and other relevant laws and regulations.

(7) Zhengzhou Airport , Zhengzhou East Station , Zhengzhou Railway Station, Zhengzhou Airport Station , Zhengzhou West Station and other transportation stations, for people coming (returning) to Zheng:

All check the health code and 48 Proof of negative nucleic acid test within hours. health code exceptions shall be handled according to relevant procedures. Those who have a green health code but do not hold a negative 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate must take a free test at the temporary nucleic acid testing point at the transportation station without waiting for the results before arriving at their place of residence.

(8) When the Zhengzhou Expressway enters Zhengkou, a transportation service station is set up. For people coming (or returning) to Zheng:

All people will check the health code and the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. Health code exceptions will be handled according to relevant procedures.Those who have a green health code but do not hold a negative certificate of a 48-hour nucleic acid test must be tested once for free at the temporary nucleic acid testing point of the service station without waiting for the results before arriving at their place of residence in Zheng.

(9) People coming (returning) from outside Zhengzhou City:

must take the initiative to take a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after arriving in Zhengzhou.

(10) Persons with health code "yellow code" who have a history of traveling to low-risk areas (other areas in counties where medium- and high-risk areas are located) within 7 days:

should proactively report to the community (village) where they live, and cooperate with the implementation of the "three "Two daily inspections" and other related measures. People with "yellow code" can enter Zhengzhou normally and are not allowed to take public transportation such as subways and buses. They can take taxis and online car-hailing services to travel "point-to-point"; they can stay in hotels and hotels normally; they should avoid going to crowded places and not participate in gathering activities. ;Medical institutions and nucleic acid testing institutions shall not refuse to provide medical services to persons with "yellow codes".

Information source - Zhengzhou City submitted to the State Council client before 12:00 on July 13 - local epidemic prevention and control policies and measures, and the Zhengzhou City New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office’s notice on adjusting the policy for people coming (returning) to Zhengzhou ( No. 120, 2022)


Persons leaving Zhengzhou from low-risk areas must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. Do not travel unless necessary to cities and towns where positive cases have been reported within 7 days, take personal protection when going out, and pay attention to the epidemic situation at your destination and places you pass through.

The above measures will be dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic prevention and control situation.

Warm reminder

Specific policies are dynamically adjusted according to the development of the epidemic. Before traveling, please understand the epidemic prevention and control measures at the place of departure, transit place (transportation hub), and destination in advance, take personal protection, wear masks scientifically and standardly, and implement regular nucleic acid testing , insist on being the first person responsible for your own health.


Epidemic risk levels of various regions in Zhengzhou

1. High-risk areas

Zhengdong New District : Building 5, Putianjiayuan South Campus, Putian Township.

High-tech Zone: Building 1, Langyue Xiduhui Community, southwest corner of the intersection of Guohuai Street and Shinan Road, Fengyang Street.

2. Medium risk area

Zhengdong New District: east of Zhide Street, west of Chongxu Street, south of Houtunli, and north of Zhongyuan Avenue.

High-tech Zone: Buildings 2 and 3, Langyue Xiduhui Community, southwest corner of the intersection of Guohuai Street and Shinan Road, Fengyang Street.

3. Zhengdong New District and High-tech Zone, except for high and medium risk areas, are low risk areas.

The scope and control requirements of the above areas will be adjusted in a timely manner according to changes in the epidemic prevention and control situation.

Source of information--Notice of the Zhengzhou City New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office on the Implementation of Classified Management in Some Areas (No. 118, 2022)


Zhengzhou City Normalized Nucleic Acid Testing Frequency Adjustment

From 0:00 on July 15th, Zhengzhou The frequency of normalized nucleic acid testing in the city has been adjusted from 72 hours to 48 hours. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

1. Residents within the city's jurisdiction and other people in Zhengzhou should voluntarily complete a nucleic acid sampling every 48 hours (testing once every other day).

2. Nucleic acid tests for districts, counties (cities), risk occupation personnel and personnel in key institutions and places with new cases within 7 days shall be carried out at the prescribed frequency.

3. Persons coming (returning) from non-epidemic areas outside the city to Zhengzhou should provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours before arriving in Zhengzhou.

4. Further strengthen the "Place Code" scanning and verification work, strictly implement the code scanning and verification, and the code verification must be strict. Persons who have not obtained nucleic acid sampling or testing certificates within the specified time are not allowed to enter public places or take public transportation.

Information source--Notice of the Zhengzhou New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office on Adjusting the Frequency of Normalized Nucleic Acid Testing (No. 121, 2022)

Source | Healthy Zhengzhou