In order to express the deep memory of the revolutionary martyrs and pay tribute to the exemplary leader, the Red Heart Party Practice Group of the School of Computer Science of Hunan Technology and Business University went to Xupu County Comrade Xiang Jingyu Memorial Hall to con

In order to express the deep memory of the revolutionary martyrs and pay tribute to the exemplary leader, the Red Heart Party Practice Group of the School of Computer Science of Hunan Technology and Business University went to Xupu County Comrade Xiang Jingyu Memorial Hall to conduct party history study and education practice activities on July 13.

Members of the Hongxinxiang Party Practice Group took a group photo in front of the Xiang Jingyu Memorial Hall.

Where you observe women, you can understand the greatness of great men. Members of the Red Heart Xiang Party Practice Group of the School of Computer Science at Hunan Technology and Business University visited Comrade Xiang Jingyu’s former residence and viewed Xiang Jingyu’s compositions and reading notes when she was a student, as well as the manuscripts and letters she wrote when she was engaged in revolutionary activities. They deeply felt Xiang Jingyu’s Comrade Comrade Xi Jinping's lofty ambitions of "women's liberation" and "education to save the country" have truly achieved "study history to understand reason, learning history to increase credibility, studying history to respect morality, and studying history to practice it."

The sculpture of Xiang Jingyu in Jingyu Square.

Women are not inferior to men, writing the glorious chapter of the times. By visiting the exhibition room of Comrade Xiang Jingyu’s life and deeds, the practice group learned about Comrade Xiang Jingyu’s life story and revolutionary sentiments, and explored and inherited the red revolutionary spirit.

The water flows forever, but the spirit of warning will last forever. Comrade Xiang Jingyu’s revolutionary spirit has been passed down and carried forward in his hometown, inspiring generations of Chinese people to continue their struggle. Study the history of the party, strengthen ideals and beliefs in learning, thinking, and practice, practice the original intention and mission while working hard, let the original intention be passed on to others, always shoulder the mission, and truly strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. . (Intern Zhou Chunmiao Correspondents Liu Jiayan and Hu Limei)