[Source: Anhui Provincial Department of Education_Basic Education] As a "post-80s" party member teacher, Fu Changqing is an "old celebrity" in the Bozhou City education system. In July this year, after the selection of the Bozhou Good Person Jury, he was ranked on the list of "Bo

[Source: Anhui Provincial Department of Education_Basic Education]

As a "post-80s" party member teacher, Fu Changqing is an "old celebrity" in the Bozhou City education system. In July this year, after the selection of the Bozhou Good Person Jury, he was ranked on the list of "Bozhou Good Person" from May to June 2022, becoming a "dedicated and dedicated good person".

Fu Changqing is a member of Bozhou City Primary School Chinese Teacher Studio and currently teaches at Licang Town Central Primary School in Mengcheng County. After teaching for 14 years, he volunteered to stick to the front line of teaching in remote rural areas, paying close attention to left-behind children for a long time, voluntarily solving problems in students' lives and sending teachers to their homes. While caring for the healthy growth of children, Fu Changqing also focuses on studying business and actively explores new teaching methods. He has published many education and teaching papers in magazines such as "Chinese Youth", "Scientific Research", and "Primary and Secondary Education", and has won many awards. Evaluated awards in provincial, municipal and county teaching competitions; he has conducted more than 160 open classes and more than 40 academic lectures in many places. He participated in curriculum reform, shared teaching and research experience, and led a large number of young teachers to explore the professional growth path of rural teachers based on the model of "imitation-reading-practice-reflection". Fu Changqing has been awarded the honorary titles of "Outstanding Young Teacher" in Anhui Province and "Excellent Teacher" in Anhui Province, and was selected into the first batch of "Outstanding Rural Young Teachers" training award program of the Ministry of Education.

His favorite thing is to go to students’ homes

14 years ago, Fu Changqing volunteered to teach at Xuwei Primary School in Sanyi Town, the most remote county seat in Mengcheng , and became the “King of Children”.

During his five years of working at Xuwei Primary School, Fu Changqing visited 1,063 families of left-behind children. Seeing that some students had difficulties in life, he used his salary to buy daily necessities for them. He found that some students had poor home environment and personal hygiene because they had no adults to take care of them. Fu Changqing cleaned with the students while encouraging and helping them develop good habits, and sometimes even bought them new clothes. On cloudy days and rainy days, Fu Changqing cooked more meals at school and ate with the left-behind children. Seeing the happy smiling faces of the children, Fu Changqing felt that no matter how hard and tiring it was, it was all worth it. For these left-behind children, Fu Changqing regards school as his home, often going home only once every month or two. On weekends, he mostly spends time at students' homes, helping them clean and calling their parents...

Fu Changqing's devotion to students has won unanimous praise from parents and local people. Because of his meticulous care, the left-behind children he taught are particularly optimistic in life and particularly conscious in their studies. Some of them were rated as "Three Good Students" and "Outstanding Young Pioneers" at the county and municipal levels.

The most concerned about the roots of the countryside

In 2012, due to work needs, Fu Changqing was transferred to Gaowei Primary School in Licang Town, which was also a school far away from the county seat. There is no one to take care of the child. He takes his 3-year-old child to school 5 kilometers away from home on a motorcycle every day. No matter whether it is hot summer or cold winter, he has never been late or left early. At school, in addition to teaching cultural classes, Fu Changqing also took the initiative to take on teaching broadcasting gymnastics , training the national flag class formation, and organizing books.

In 2017, due to work needs, Fu Changqing was transferred to Luoji Primary School in Licang Town, a farther away place, to teach. Luoji Primary School has more than 1,000 students. It is located at the junction of Bozhou, Bengbu and Huainan, 50 kilometers away from the county seat. It is a truly remote area in Mengcheng County. Facing the remote and difficult working environment, Fu Changqing rose to the challenge and took the initiative to take on the school's poverty alleviation, party building, teacher training, library management, and data archiving. After teaching in the classroom, he threw himself down and devoted all his energy to his new job. To complete various tasks, the lights in his office often stay on until late at night. Colleagues marveled at his energy, but he always smiled and said: "You don't feel tired when you do what you like."

At the end of 2017, a heavy snowstorm hit the northern Anhui region, and schools were forced to suspend classes due to water and power outages. In an environment of more than ten degrees Celsius below zero, Fu Changqing was on duty at the school for half a month. He worked with other colleagues on duty to remove snow on campus every day to prepare for students to resume classes.Facing some people's doubts and confusion, Fu Changqing said this on WeChat, "Someone asked me, others are resting at home, are you stupid? Why don't you think about your family and are busy with these useless things every day? ? I told him, this is not stupid, it is for the homeland I love!" Because of his outstanding performance, Fu Changqing received many invitations from the county and other schools, hoping that he could work there. The conditions were not low and the teaching environment was not bad, but he declined them all. He gave up the opportunity to teach in the city many times and always took root in remote villages, devoting himself to rural primary school education and eager to provide rural students with a better education through his own efforts.

The most fascinating book in his hand

While caring for the healthy growth of students, Fu Changqing also pays attention to studying business and insists on continuous learning. In every assignment and lesson plan evaluation, his serious attitude and innovative design were highly praised by his colleagues. Fu Changqing actively explores new teaching methods and strives to learn from famous teachers. The papers he has written have won first and second prizes at the county level many times. He has published many education and teaching papers in magazines such as "Chinese Youth", "Scientific Research", and "Primary and Secondary Education". He has presided over and participated in the completion of many provincial and municipal projects. He also took this opportunity to lead the professional growth of many rural teachers, guided and helped many rural teachers to obtain honorary titles such as "Rising Star in Teaching" in Bozhou City and "Backbone Teacher" in Mengcheng County, and explored the "Imitation-Reading-Practice- The professional growth path of rural teachers based on the model of "Reflection".

In terms of teaching, Fu Changqing won the second prize in the First Multimedia Teaching Competition of Bozhou City in 2010. In 2016, he was hired as a teaching expert by the School of Liberal Arts of Anhui Normal University. He has successively conducted academic reports in Hefei and other places, and taught open courses in many schools. In 2017, the micro lessons he created successively won the third prize in the Provincial Rural Teacher Informatization Competition and the first prize in Bozhou City. In 2017, he won the second prize in the Bozhou Quality Course Competition. From 2016 to 2018, Fu Changqing served as a member of the Mengcheng County School of Education to the Rural Areas for three consecutive years. He taught open classes in more than 10 township (town) schools and was highly praised by teachers who attended the classes. In 2018, at the 5th Anhui Province Primary School Chinese Teachers Studio Annual Meeting held by Fuyang , the lesson example " Boya Juexian " taught by Fu Changqing was rated as an excellent lesson example. In 2019, as the first place in the primary school group, he represented Bozhou City in the Anhui Province Primary and Secondary School Young Teacher Teaching Competition and won the second prize. Up to now, Fu Changqing has taught more than 160 open classes in many places and schools, and held more than 40 academic reports.

People work hard and God will not let them down. Fu Changqing's efforts have been recognized by leaders at all levels and won the support of colleagues. He has won the honorary titles of "Excellent Class Teacher", "Excellent Rural Teacher", "Excellent Teacher in Online Teaching and Research", "Discipline Leader", "Most Beautiful Teacher in Medical Capital" and "Excellent Young Teacher" and "Excellent Teacher" at the provincial level. , won the Bozhou City May 1st Labor Medal, and was selected into the first batch of "Outstanding Rural Young Teachers" training award program of the Ministry of Education.

adheres to rural education, walks on the road of knowledge, and illuminates the future for rural children. Fu Changqing believes that he can achieve greater personal progress on this platform, contribute more to rural education, and dedicate his youth without regrets. (Special Correspondent: Zhang Xiuli)

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