[Source: Jinxiang Subdistrict Office] "Eagle Classroom" is now open! In order to cultivate children's interests and hobbies and allow them to spend a safe, happy and fulfilling summer vacation, Jinxiang Street carries out the "Eagle Classroom" volunteer service activity, providin

[Source: Jinxiang Subdistrict Office]

"Eagle Classroom"

has started!

In order to cultivate children's interests and hobbies and let them spend a safe, happy and fulfilling summer vacation, Jinxiang Street launched the "Eagle Classroom" volunteer service activity to provide children with eloquence training, calligraphy practice, and drowning prevention Publicity and other courses to further enrich childrenโ€™s holiday life.

Eloquence Class

In the Eloquence Class, volunteers introduced to the children ways to improve their speech and eloquence, demonstrated correct body language and speech etiquette, and encouraged the children to stand in front of the stage and apply what they learned in class through on-stage drills. , improve children's language expression skills, and exercise children's confidence and expressiveness in self-presentation in public.

Young Eagle Classroom

Calligraphy Class

In the calligraphy class, the teacher taught the children step by step how to practice calligraphy starting from holding the pen and writing postures. During the activity, the children were full of curiosity about writing and listened attentively to the teacher's explanation and demonstration. I copied stroke by stroke with great enthusiasm and interest, and there was an atmosphere of joy everywhere.

Young Eagle


Drowning Prevention Publicity

Finally, volunteers conducted anti-drowning publicity to the children, distributed brochures and explained in detail the precautions for swimming, the correct self-rescue methods for falling into the water, and other anti-drowning knowledge. At the same time, through drowning cases, we can correctly guide children to establish an awareness of drowning prevention, and educate them to stay away from dangerous waters such as reservoirs, rivers, and ponds without the company of their parents to avoid drowning accidents.

"Eagle Classroom" not only enriches children's holiday life and ignites students' enthusiasm for learning, but also builds a "heart-to-heart bridge" between society, family and school. In the next step, Jinxiang Street will continue to enrich The content of the "Eagle Classroom" curriculum cultivates children's interests and hobbies, enhances children's creative abilities, provides a good guarantee and environment for summer study life and their own healthy and all-round development, and effectively improves people's happiness and satisfaction.


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