As a class teacher, how can you improve your prestige and enhance your influence on the class? The author feels that efforts can be made from the following aspects. 1. Use "love" to create power. There is no education without love. Class teachers must have a motherly heart that l

As a class teacher, how can you improve your prestige and enhance your influence on the class? The author feels that efforts can be made from the following aspects.

1. Use "love" to create power.

There is no education without love. The class teacher must have a motherly heart that loves the students. He must not only care about the students' learning, but also care about their food, clothing, housing and transportation. From getting sick and being hospitalized to asking for help and chatting, the state director must always "pretend" to the students, especially to care for and care for the underachievers. Love is the catalyst for doing a good job as a class teacher.

The class teacher loves the students and has high hopes for the students. The students will be psychologically satisfied and willing to accept the teacher's education. Love is a silent language that can knock on the hearts of students.

2. Use "emotion" to support power.

The traditional concept is that management is control, while the modern concept is that management is service. As a class teacher, we must strive to create a class environment suitable for students' learning and living, and create a good atmosphere that is conducive to the healthy growth and development of each student. This is also the inherent requirement of quality education for the work of the class teacher.

Therefore, it is not enough for the class teacher to appear as a caring "elder". He should also be a close friend of the students and establish an equal teacher-student relationship with the students with five aspects of respect, mutual understanding, and mutual trust.

Teachers can use the "emotional" link to keep the "pulse" of prospective students' growth in order to prescribe the right medicine, solve various problems in a timely manner, and better promote the healthy development of students. The class teacher should put down his airs, squeeze out more time to participate in the activities of his classmates, communicate the feelings between teachers and students through multiple channels, and strive to become one of them.

3. Use "morality" to establish authority.

The prestige and appeal of the class teacher depend to a large extent on the moral cultivation of the class teacher. Since young students are more malleable and imitative, and the class teacher's ideological, moral, scholarly attitude, behavioral habits, etc. are always under the supervision of students, the influence and influence of the class teacher on the students is subtle.

"If you want to correct others, you must first understand yourself, and if you want to correct others, you must first correct yourself." The class teacher must consciously improve his moral cultivation, and must have the professionalism of lifelong teaching, the spirit of exploration of hard work, the spirit of a gardener who loves his children like his children, and the fighting spirit of not being left behind. The dedication of gains and losses exerts a positive influence on students from every word, deed, and every move. Teaching by example is more important than teaching by words. The intensive role of the class teacher is an irreplaceable and huge educational force.

4. Strengthen authority with “talent”.

The reason why the role model of the class teacher is huge, and the reason why students respect teachers and trust the class teacher, is not only the "him" of the class teacher, but also closely related to his "talent". As a class teacher, you must first be proficient in the subjects you teach, be professional, and have solid basic skills (such as three words, one word, etc.). Just imagine, a class teacher who is not even qualified for the course he is responsible for? How can

be respected and welcomed by students! As a class teacher, you must constantly pressurize yourself, "recharge" yourself, and constantly update your knowledge, so that you can have a continuous flow of "talent". As a class teacher, you should also strive to be both professional and knowledgeable, with extensive coverage and multi-faceted talents.

For example: you may win the admiration of students by reciting a melody at a party or singing with great emotion. These are all positive factors that enhance the influence of the class teacher. No one likes a class teacher who is old-fashioned and has little talent and knowledge.

5. Replenish power with "yi".

The class teacher should pay attention to his appearance. Some people think that dressing up is only a personal matter, so there may be two tendencies: one is disheveled clothing, disheveled hair, and unkempt appearance; the other is dressing up deliberately, wearing heavy makeup, and excessive pursuit of gorgeous and peculiar clothing. These are not conducive to establishing a good image of the class teacher. The class teacher should unify the beauty of the soul and the beauty of the appearance. The appearance should be natural, simple, neat and generous, and it is also necessary to dress appropriately.

6. Use "capacity" to transform authority.

The class teacher must learn to be tolerant and not regard students' mistakes as intentional violations of disciplines. must take into account both subjective and objective aspects: do not look at students after death and allow them to repeat themselves; do not simply use discipline and system to restrain students, but use more persuasion. methods of education.

Especially young class teachers should avoid emotional impulses when encountering problems, and avoid rough reprimands, severe criticism, ruthless scolding, and even sarcasm. The class teacher's words and deeds must be calm, measured, neither impatient nor impetuous, and meticulous. We must use a tolerant heart to understand students, leaving students with time to think and room for correction.

In fact, the personal charm of an excellent class teacher is "prestige", which is what the saying "silent self-prestige" means. As long as the class teacher strives to improve personal accomplishment at work, integrate with the students, and have a high degree of integration, prestige will naturally be established. Readers, what do you think? Looking forward to your comments!

(Written by Lin Qiuyu)