Introduction: With the progress and development of society, education has become an eternal topic. In the minds of parents, perhaps nothing is more important than students' learning. There are many parents who insist on working hard because they hope to create a high-quality lear


With the progress and development of society, education has become an eternal topic. In the minds of parents, probably nothing is more important than students' learning. There are many parents who insist on working hard because they hope to create a high-quality learning and living environment for their students.

However, many excellent students are "other people's children", and parents are also very "crazy" about their students' education. At this stage, a student in Sichuan was shocked when his parents checked his school bag because his test scores were not satisfactory. Let's take a look at it together today.

" Li Shizhen is reincarnated"? Parents check schoolbags when students fail to do well in exams, but the results are surprising

From the time students enter elementary school, parents attach great importance to their students' education. The academic performance of students is even more crucial, because parents understand what "knowledge changes destiny" and understand the meaning of learning and academic qualifications.

but students seem to have a hard time understanding it. A student in Sichuan got C+ in several subjects in the final exam, so his parents were very angry. I really want to know what the student does every day.

was very angry and prepared to check the students' schoolbags. Generally, students with poor grades have their schoolbags in a mess, with textbooks and homework in a mess, or their schoolbags contain all kinds of food or toys.

But this student’s schoolbag not only surprised the parents, but also made the author find it incredible. found a notebook in the student's school bag. After the parents opened it, they found that it was a whole book of Chinese herbal medicine drawings.

not only shows the appearance of applying medicine, but also labels the taste and efficacy of herbal medicines, and even some clinical uses. parents themselves had no idea that their students were interested in this aspect, and were very shocked that a student could organize it so comprehensively and meticulously.

The author also feels that if this student is trained, he will have a bright future. has to admit that students do put a lot of thought into things they are interested in. Although this student's academic performance is average, he takes very comprehensive and neat notes on the aspects he is interested in.

No wonder many netizens ridiculed this student as "Li Shizhen was reincarnated." A large number of netizens called on parents to send their students to study traditional Chinese medicine, so that they can carry forward traditional culture and promote the progress of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.

But what the author wants to say is that students are still young, and it is a good thing to have interests and dreams, but the main job still needs to be completed first. Parents can take advantage of students' interest to promote students' basic courses.

Only after successfully entering college can you have more energy to study what you are interested in. Moreover, only by entering university can you have access to higher education. If you don't even understand the knowledge in the textbooks, how can you become a good Chinese medicine doctor?

A foot is short, an inch is long. Every student has his or her own shining points. Interest is the best teacher.

The author knows that parents certainly hope that their students will have excellent academic performance, be among the best, and be named on the gold list in the future. . However, there is only one first place in , and high-quality educational resources are limited. There is no guarantee that every student can enter a higher education institution.

However, every student has his own advantages and the direction he wants or is suitable for development. Even if your academic performance is not ideal now, it does not mean anything. With hard work, you can still enter your ideal university.

To put it another way, even if students cannot go to college, as long as students don’t give up on their dreams, they can eventually succeed. The author wants to say that interest is the best teacher for students. Parents must not ignore the students' own ideas in the process of cultivating students.

There is no fixed model for education. All-round talents are more in line with the development needs of society.

The author believes that there is no fixed model for high-quality education, and the best one is suitable for students. Perhaps the real teaching of students in accordance with their aptitude is to choose a direction suitable for students' development and cultivate them.

In the future society, there will be no need for students who "study hard" or "studying hard", but more "all-round" talents. And this student from Sichuan is so interested in traditional Chinese medicine. I believe he will continue to study hard if he wants to continue his interest. Work hard and learn.

The author believes that short-term accumulation is only temporary. When students have bigger dreams, students themselves know that by learning good knowledge and culture and working hard to further their studies, they can get a bigger stage to show themselves. I also know that only by studying hard can we have greater development and a better future.


There is an old saying that "learning has no end". Every student should understand the importance of learning earlier and understand the meaning of learning. hopes that every student can continue to grow and enrich themselves.

also hopes that when students encounter difficulties, they can neither be humble nor arrogant, and never forget their original aspirations and move forward. Finally, I wish the students of the motherland that they can ride the wind and waves in the future, set sail, and gain a sparkling stage through their own efforts.

Topic discussion:

Having said so much, what are your views on the education of contemporary students? welcomes comments and sharing of opinions, let’s discuss it together.

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