Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Correspondent Zhao Qing On July 1, the exchange meeting of "Schools and Localities Work Together to Promote Common Wealth" and the launching ceremony of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College to help 26 counties in mountainous areas to achieve comm

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Correspondent Zhao Qing

htmlOn July 1, the "Schools and Localities Join Hands to Promote Common Wealth" exchange meeting and the launch ceremony of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College to help 26 counties in mountainous areas promote common prosperity were held at Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College.

This event is hosted by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and hosted by Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College.

Chu Ziyu, Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Bai Hongxia, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Zhao Lin, Level 2 Inspector of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Development Planning Division of the Provincial Department of Education, Science and Technology and Education Division of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Relevant person in charge of the Policy and Regulations Office of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Rural Revitalization Coordination Office of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hangzhou City, Wenzhou City , Jinhua City , Quzhou City , Taizhou City , Lishui City and other places Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, 26 counties (cities, districts) in the mountainous area, Wei Guotan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, Du Lanxiao, Principal, and relevant leaders attended the event.

Chu Ziyu, Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, fully affirmed the importance of "schools and localities working together to promote common prosperity" and looked forward to forming a good experience and model of school-local cooperation to achieve common prosperity for the 26 counties in the mountainous area and achieve "two firsts" for Zhejiang. "Contribute to cultural tourism. Wei Guotan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, delivered a speech, saying that the school will do its best according to the needs of various places, form the strongest team, do its best, and use the greatest determination to ensure the implementation of the task of promoting common prosperity.

At the meeting, Chu Ziyu, Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, awarded the banner of "Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College Assists Professors and Expert Groups in 26 Mountainous Counties" to Wang Xianghua, the representative of the professor expert group and vice president of the Zhejiang Provincial Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute. Bai Hongxia, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Zhao Lin, Level 2 Inspector of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Wei Guotan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, jointly unveiled the "Common Wealth College of 26 Counties in the Mountainous Areas of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College". Leaders of 26 counties (cities, districts) in the mountainous area signed the "Tourism to Help Wealth Framework Agreement " with Wang Zhonglin, Vice President of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College.

Next, the "Common Prosperity College of 26 Mountain Counties" established by Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College will focus on 26 mountainous counties to carry out activities such as talent cultivation, professional training, resource integration, think tank research, and social science services. In addition, Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College will provide no less than 100 intellectual services in the integrated development of culture and tourism for 26 counties in the mountainous area, including rural scenic spot planning, homestay operation, food research and development, standardization construction, smart scenic spot construction, and intangible cultural heritage creation. Design, etc., will focus on implementing a 500 teacher assistance plan, implement more than 1,000 person-times of rural manager training, complete nearly 10,000 person-time training of cultural and tourism-related practitioners, and focus on assisting the construction of scenic villages and towns, rural catering, smart scenic spots, rural landscape, The development of new media and live streaming, brand creation, service etiquette and skill improvement and other fields.

An exchange meeting on “School and Local Areas Work Together to Promote Common Wealth” was also held on the same day. Nine teams from Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College held discussions and exchanges with leaders of 26 counties (cities, districts) in mountainous areas and leaders of culture and tourism departments in cities, counties and cities to connect service priorities and work plans.

It is reported that since its establishment 39 years ago, Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College has adhered to the school-running philosophy of "relying on industry, integrating industry and academia, and integrating with international standards", and has trained more than 60,000 tourism talents for industry enterprises. The school actively participated in the "Construction of Scenic Areas for Thousands of Villages in the Province", serving the needs of village construction with a total of 800 people for four consecutive years, providing guidance on rural tourism development to 286 villages in 67 counties (cities, districts) in 11 prefectures and cities in the province, and assisting 94 A village successfully created a provincial 3A-level scenic spot village, and guided Yucun, Anji, the birthplace of the "Two Mountains" theory, to become a national 4A-level tourist attraction.

The school makes full use of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s Zhejiang Training Base, Zhejiang Tourism Training Center, Zhejiang Farmers University Tourism Branch and other platforms to carry out diversified training, with more than 30,000 people trained every year. For the 14th consecutive year, we have carried out the summer education to the countryside activity, accurately launched the theme course packages such as "Service Etiquette", "Rural Revitalization", "Intangible Heritage" and "Hundred Counties Thousand Bowls", and provided more than 650 rural tourism training sessions free of charge. More than 110,000 rural tourism practitioners have been trained.

Zhejiang Tourism Institute also makes full use of industry-university-research platforms such as the Zhejiang Provincial Culture and Tourism Development Research Institute and the Zhejiang Rural Revitalization and Rural Tourism Application Technology Collaborative Innovation Center to prepare tourism development plans for more than 150 counties and towns in the province. More than 100 industry-university-research services are provided across the country to provide intellectual support for the development of the province's tourism industry.

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