The results of the college entrance examination are out, and filling in the application form is a headache again. The children have a headache, and the parents also have a headache. If they fill it out well, they are afraid that they will not reach the score, and if they fill it

The college entrance examination results are out, and filling in the application form is another headache. The children have a headache, and the parents also have a headache. If they fill it out well, they are afraid that they will not reach the score, and if they fill it out poorly, they are afraid of losing money. Which school you go to will have a certain impact on your future future. It can be said that if you make one wrong step, you will regret it throughout your life. This reminds me of my relative's son who filled out his application for the college entrance examination that year. As his first choice, he applied for , Tsinghua University, , which he most wanted to go to, but he was not admitted.

My aunt’s son was the county’s liberal arts champion in 2005. He applied to Tsinghua University and the Youth Institute of Political Science, and was finally admitted to the Youth Institute of Political Science. As soon as he graduated from his undergraduate degree, he went to work at the Municipal People's Bank of China. Half a year later, he was admitted to the National People's Congress's postgraduate program. After graduating with his master's degree, he was recruited by two units, one was a central ministry agency and the other was the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress. However, he was introverted and unsociable, so he chose to teach at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China. But he always feels that life is not perfect, because he has had a dream of Tsinghua since he was a child. If he had been admitted to Tsinghua University or worked as a cadre in a government agency, would it have been better than being a teacher?

and later on, the score will be given first and then the application form will be filled in. In any case, the current post-00 generation is really happy. They can fill in dozens of applications and fill in whichever they want. Anyway, there are so many choices. Just like a girl in Shenyang, Liaoning, her score was not high, but she filled in Tsinghua University Peking University shocked her mother's jaw. When I asked her about it, she said that at least it wasn't a university that didn't stipulate that students with insufficient scores would not be allowed to apply!

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this scene. I wonder if it brought back your memories?

Netizen 1:

My daughter is very wise. This may be the last and only time in her life that she will realize her dream of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Although her score is so far away from Tsinghua University and Peking University, who can not dream?

Netizen 2:

My factory director’s son scored more than 300 points in the past two years. He filled in Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan and Zhongshan before, and then filled in a few according to this score. In the end he went to school in Zhongshan.

Netizen 3:

My son’s Shandong college entrance examination score is 620. The top ten candidates are Tsinghua University, Peking University , Fudan , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Fudan, Tongji, Tianjin University , Harbin Institute of Technology , Huake , Xi’an 's favorite major at Jiaotong University, he said, he couldn't fill the 96 choices anyway.

Netizen 4: It’s the same as

. I also applied for Tsinghua and Peking University in 2009. I scored 537 points, which was 540 for the second-tier university that year. I applied to Tsinghua and Peking University because I valued it. As for whether they will admit me or not, that’s their business. I Do not care.

Netizen 5:

I was first in the class in the college entrance examination, only 17 points higher than the first class score, and the second and third place were only a few points less than me. Then my mother studied the volunteer application book for me for three days and asked me to apply for 985, the best school in the province. Everyone was not optimistic about it because the admission score of this school every year was too high. It had to be at least 50.60 points higher than the admission line. I dared to apply, but it turned out that the application was not full that year, so I entered the major I wanted to study with my first choice. The second and third children did not dare to take risks because their families came from rural areas, so they went to ordinary schools. I felt that I was hanging over enough. When I got to school, I met another kid, a repeat student, who was 1 point above the first grade score. His first choice was to apply to Peking University, and his second choice was to apply to our school... Peking University would definitely not go, and he happened to be the second choice. The second choice was not filled, so I got in successfully!

Netizen 6:

’s son’s classmate, the son of a colleague of my husband, failed the college entrance examination that year. He repeated the college entrance examination the next year, and his score was just above the first line. He applied to Fudan and was admitted, majoring in environmental protection. Later, he took the selective transfer student and scored . He was working in a small city in Guizhou, but the Central Environmental Protection Department came to inspect and took a fancy to him, so he was loaned to the Ministry of Environmental Protection to work.

Netizen 7:

My daughter’s science score last year was 478, and I forgot how much 500 was for the first-tier exam. The first three choices were all from a university with a score of 520 or above, and were admitted to the first university. My husband said that sometimes there are benefits to overestimating one's capabilities.

Netizen 8:

After reading the comments, I realized that the post-00s generation is really happy now. There are 8 or 90 parallel volunteers . At that time, we only had three choices in addition to early approval for the college entrance examination. .At that time, some students with good grades were entangled. They did too well in the test and were admitted in advance, but they could not get into the ideal school of their choice. If he or she does not do well in the exam, and neither the early batch nor the first choice is admitted, the second choice may not admit him or her. Even if the score exceeds the second choice school by a few points, because it is filled in the second choice, the school will probably not accept him or her. . Relatively speaking, the second and third choices are all fake and useless.

Netizen 9:

A distant relative of mine had very average college entrance examination scores. He applied for the Fourth Military Medical University , and that year he was admitted to Jilin Province. As a result, no one with high scores reported, so she missed it.

Netizen 10:

The scene from twenty years ago reappears! I filled in the application form for my daughter in the same way back then. From Tsinghua University to Peking University all the way to junior college, I applied for everything without missing a beat! I always feel like this is the only time in my life when I fill out my application form. Regardless of whether my score is over or under, it’s just an “enjoyment” and it’s not against the rules anyway! Just so capricious! Every time I think about it, it feels worth it. Unlike some people now, who experienced pressure once in the college entrance examination exam room and experienced pressure again when filling out the application form. It is unnecessary. Relaxation is better than anything else!

Netizen 11:

My daughter took the college entrance examination in 2019 and scored 608 points. Her application form was 1: Nankai , 2: Zhongda, 3: Huagong, 4: Shenzhen University , 5: Jinan, just I applied to 5 schools. I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get into Nankai University or CUHK, so I insisted that she put Hunan University of Technology first, and then she enrolled in the automation major of Hunan University of Technology. Alas, she could have gotten into CUHK at the time if she had applied for the first place.

Netizen 12:

’s child has been lazy since entering high school, and was disliked by teachers and classmates. In the last month, he studied hard, and his grades triple jumped, from 16W+ to the upper middle in the province to less than 1K, fill in The volunteer teacher suggested that he apply for the top colleges and universities. He directly applied for his favorite major in 985, which was his target for the first year of high school, and then he was admitted to his first choice. The class teacher asked him, if you work hard, you can go to , Qingbei , Why don't you study hard? People replied that you are so capable. It's really too tiring to get into Qingbei. If you pass the exam, it will be your fate.

Netizen Thirteen:

In 1995, for the college entrance examination, you filled in your application form first and then took the exam. Some students in our class with poor grades applied to Tsinghua University and Peking University. When I was waiting for admission to the college entrance examination, my relatives and friends asked, which university did I go to? Answer: I applied for a high school, but I didn’t get admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. I didn’t apply for any of the following choices, so I had to slip.

Netizen 14:

I had a buddy who passed the first line in the last semester and was admitted to Fudan University. The college entrance examination questions were particularly difficult that year, and he felt that he had failed the exam. He had already gone back to school to repeat his studies, so he casually applied to his ideal college. As a result, everyone felt that they failed the exam, and he was lucky enough to go to Fudan.

Netizen 15:

My girl is the same. She filled out her application form and said, as long as I have enough points, I can apply wherever I want. I replied, if you get more than 730 points, you can apply for Space University. Finally, I chose several schools and majors based on provincial rankings and actual scores. I only got it right after I closed the application form for the last two hours. If you wish, you will win the first choice. If parents don't pay attention, they may lose their reputation.

Netizen 16:

I remember back then (2012) when I filled out the application form for my daughter to apply for the college entrance examination. I said that I would help you maximize your college entrance examination scores and try not to waste a single point. When the universities finally announced their admission scores, she was not admitted to her first choice by one point, but was admitted to her second choice by one point more. The third choice has 3 points more, the fourth choice has 5 points more, and the fifth choice has 7 points more. At that time, her good friend scored 34 points higher than the first-tier score, but was admitted to an ordinary college. It was a waste of dozens of points. In addition to passing the college entrance examination, there are also many things to pay attention to when filling out the application form. If you are not careful, high scores will equal low scores.