How powerful are the top academics in colleges and universities? Today, at the undergraduate graduation ceremony of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Executive Vice President Zheng Qinghua reported on the graduates and mentioned that Lai Qiping, a graduate of Pengkang Academy of the Sch

How good are the top students in colleges and universities?

Today, Xi'an Jiaotong University Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony,

Zheng Qinghua Executive Vice President informed the graduates,

mentioned that Lai Qiping, a graduate of Pengkang Academy of the School of Electrical Engineering,

achieved full marks in 23 courses during his undergraduate period,

43 courses with 90 points Above,

won the National Scholarship for two consecutive years, and

caused a burst of applause and cheers from the audience.

He also became a hot search topic

01 A male top student with perfect grades in 23 courses in four years,

is now admitted to graduate school Tsinghua

Lai Qiping is a college student in Class 813 of Xi'an Jiaotong University's electrical engineering major, and he is also a "student god" level figure.

In the past four years of Lai Qiping University, 23 courses of have obtained perfect scores, and 43 courses have obtained scores of 90 or above. The overall score has always been at the top of the grade. He has won national scholarships in the first two years of university.

While maintaining extremely excellent academic performance, Lai Qiping also performed very well in science and technology competitions, social practice, volunteer services, etc.: he won the national second prize in the Robocup World Cup China Competition and the Intelligent Robot Competition; as the first One of the authors published the research results in the form of a paper in the magazine "Science and Technology Innovation"; won the first prize in the national Intel Cup College Student Electronic Design Competition Embedded System Invitational Competition; and together with the team completed 7 papers in the mathematical modeling competition. For his writing, he won the F Prize in the US competition and the second prize in the national competition.

's excellent academic performance is the result of concentration on each course; the dazzling competition results come from the accumulation of bit by bit in daily life.

As a senior, he even ranked first in the electrical engineering major with his guaranteed graduate ranking, and was successfully admitted to Tsinghua University.

02 Self-discipline, a normal mind, and the courage to break through

are the key elements for his success

Lai Qiping firmly believes that "if you have a goal, you will make progress day after day." From learning about Xi'an Jiaotong University in a lecture in the second year of high school, to deciding to apply for Xi'an Jiaotong University after the college entrance examination, to clarifying the major he wanted to study in his freshman year, to enrolling in Tsinghua University, every step he took was practical and serious. For him, hard work comes naturally.

During his daily study, Lai Qiping will take the initiative to put away his mobile phone and other electronic devices to ensure his concentration in study, so that he can study efficiently.

Such self-discipline is very common in his life. When studying, he focuses on learning, absorbs the knowledge from books with a full mental state, strives to keep the knowledge points in his mind, and consolidates them repeatedly to digest and absorb the knowledge. .

And when it is time to relax, he will also relax, grasp the balance between study and relaxation, and the self-discipline of combining work and rest is vividly demonstrated in Lai Qiping.

A normal mind is one of the keys to his success, which means maintaining a good attitude and focusing on the learning process and the learning results. So in Lai Qiping's view, he doesn't pay too much attention to his academic performance.

"Working hard is also a choice of your own." Lai Qiping said. With excellent grades, he can also participate in various competitions and win awards in between complicated studies. Self-discipline and efficiency are his basic principles. In three years, he completed 57 courses, 23 of which were full grades, and 43 of which were 90 or above. His academic and comprehensive scores were always among the top 1.5% of his grade. In his freshman year, he ranked first overall among more than 1,200 students in the major of computer science. In his senior year, he ranked first in electrical engineering. He won the national scholarship for two consecutive years in his freshman and sophomore years.

Lai Qiping said, "The key to learning is to maintain self-discipline and a normal mind." When studying, he will put his mobile phone in his schoolbag to ensure concentration and efficiency in learning. But he doesn't care too much about his academic performance. "Keep a good attitude, the process is more important than the result" . He believes that as long as he works hard in daily study, excellent results will come naturally.

Editor: Zhang Peng

Comprehensive: Xi'an Jiaotong University News, Tencent Weibo Hot Search, Bailu Video, etc.