Red Net Moment News, July 2 (Correspondents Zhang Guorong, Chen Qianzi, Luo Tiantian, Zhang Jianing) "Children, do you know what day today is?" "I know, it is the Party Founding Day!" Some children quickly answered. On July 1, in the classroom of the Central Primary School in Hex

Red Net Moment News July 2 (Correspondents Zhang Guorong, Chen Qianzi, Luo Tiantian, Zhang Jianing) "Children, do you know what day today is?" "I know, it is Party Founding Day !" Some children quickly answered. On July 1, in the classroom of the Central Primary School in Hexi Town, Jishou City, volunteers from Jishou University "Youth Youth" were conducting a class meeting with the theme of "Childlike Hearts to the Party to Welcome July 1st".

Volunteers from the "Literary Youth" social practice group presided over the class meeting.

The children wrote "Young China, Chinese Youth" with pens on the white paper. Although the handwriting is immature, their serious look and their pure eyes show their respect for the Communist Party of China. Child Yang Xie told the volunteers that he wanted to write down these words on this special day to celebrate the birthday of the Communist Party of China. Later, the volunteer teacher introduced the origin and related knowledge of the Party Founding Day to the children, allowing students to understand the time, place and founding members of the Communist Party of China. Volunteer Duan Xinrui hopes that the students here can strive to be grateful, idealistic and responsible young pioneers, and to be qualified socialist successors.

A fifth-grade child wrote "Childlike Heart to the Party to Welcome July 1st".

The children answered the questions enthusiastically.

"We are the successors of communism and inherit the glorious tradition of our revolutionary ancestors." The loud "Song of the Chinese Young Pioneers" echoed in Hexi Primary School for a long time.