Now that the 2022 college entrance examination has basically ended, the students' results have also been released, and a large number of students will realize their dreams and continue their studies at the university of their choice. Among them, in addition to the performance of

Now that the college entrance examination in 2022 has basically ended, the students' results have also been released, and a large number of students will realize their dreams and continue their studies at the university of their choice.

Among them, in addition to the results of the students, the famous schools have also attracted much attention. Everyone wants to know the admission rates of these schools, such as Zhang Guimei Principal Huaping Girls' High School .

This year’s college entrance examination results for Huaping Girls’ High School have come out. The students have achieved great results again and have achieved very good results. After seeing the results, people can’t help but admire them and say, “Principal Zhang Guimei is really amazing. people".

So what are the results of Huaping Girls' High School this year? It is said that a total of 159 students from this school took the college entrance examination this year, and 150 of them passed the undergraduate level. Among them, 17 students scored more than 600 points, and 70 students passed the first level;

had the highest score of 651 points in science and 651 points in liberal arts. 621 points. Although the number of students is not large, the results are indeed remarkable, which once again shows that the efforts of Principal Zhang Guimei are not in vain.

You must know that the classmates of Huaping Girls' High School are all from with relatively poor family conditions, and have even given up going to school. They were able to go to school because of Principal Zhang's persuasion and hard work.

Fortunately, the persistence of Principal Zhang Guimei, the unremitting efforts of the teachers in the school, and the persistence of the students have made Huaping Girls' High School what it is today.

However, Principal Zhang Guimei is really amazing. Everything in the school is done by herself, no matter how small it is. She personally wakes up the students, then personally takes the students for exams, conducts home visits, etc., and has done things that most principals cannot do. .

She has become not only a role model for students, but also a role model for teachers. If there are more good teachers like Principal Zhang in the world, more and more students will be able to read, learn, be successful, and change their destiny.

In Principal Zhang Guimei, we see what qualities a teacher should have?

loves students. Principal Zhang Guimei deeply embodies the spirit of loving students. Only when teachers love students can they sincerely hope that their children will do well.

I have heard a saying before: "The people who most hope you can learn well and develop well in the future are your teachers and parents." Principal Zhang Guimei allows many children to go to school and receive a good education. actually gives them better choices and will help them achieve their future.

Excellent teaching ability. Huaping Girls' High School can achieve such excellent results, and it is absolutely inseparable from the efforts of teachers. The college entrance examination is a fair competition.

In addition to the competition between students, there is also a competition between teachers. The teaching methods and knowledge reserves of teachers will play a very big role. Teachers have excellent teaching abilities and can teach according to students' academic conditions, which is convenient for students. Better absorb and understand knowledge.

Maybe many students are still young and do not realize the importance of learning. They think that even if their academic performance is very poor, they will have their own way to support themselves.

It is true that you can support yourself without studying, but there are many differences in the methods. In today's society without knowledge and culture, it is difficult for to be competitive and influential, and can never compare with those who are educated. There are also examples of grassroots counterattacks by

, but they are not ordinary people. They are very flexible and not universal. If students want to learn from these people, they must first have their minds. Otherwise, they should just stick to the path of reading and learning.

I am glad that students can meet teachers like Zhang Guimei, and I am also glad that students can seize the opportunity to learn.

The students who graduated from Huaping Girls' High School and went to college are without exception. They are lucky, and they have truly realized that knowledge can change their destiny. I am also glad that they can persevere, and the rest of their lives will be controlled by themselves.

Of course, students whose college entrance examination results are not ideal should not be discouraged. There are many opportunities. It is also time to improve your own strength in college. Students who do not have enough academic qualifications can improve their academic qualifications. Students who lack ability can actively exercise and gain a different self after graduation.

Many students in reality may not have teachers like Zhang Guimei, but we cannot stop learning because of this. We still have to learn what we should learn, and cannot link the attitude of learning to the teacher's teaching , otherwise it will easily affect the performance. .

The quality of a teacher's teaching is only one aspect. The attitude towards classmates is not the only criterion that can affect students. Students learn for themselves, not others, so everyone should recognize this and take the initiative to choose their own. Take up the burden of learning.

Final summary

The 2022 college entrance examination results are out. Huaping Girls' High School has ushered in a great harvest. It is inseparable from the hard work and dedication of Principal Zhang Guimei. Her spirit of selfless dedication to students, we are deeply moved and inspired. Groups of teachers and classmates worked hard to realize their dreams.

If teachers do their best to educate students and students do their duty to learn, the education industry will definitely get better and better in the future, and more and more students will be able to achieve good results and change their destiny.

Today’s discussion:

How much do you know about Principal Zhang Guimei’s deeds? Welcome to share and communicate together.