English thinking is to let children have a native English learning thinking! English is a language like Chinese, and each language has its own logic. If you use Chinese thinking to learn English, it will largely lead to expressions in real scenes, which cannot be applied well, no

English thinking is to let children have a native English learning thinking! English is a language like Chinese, and each language has its own logic. If you use Chinese thinking to learn English, it will largely lead to expressions in real scenes, which cannot be applied well, nor can it be fast and fluent. Use sentences to express; correspondingly, in this case, the test results can be imagined!

At present, the direction of English examination has changed from test-taking to application. In this case, if you still memorize by rote and answer a lot of questions, your scores will become less and less impressive! At this time, we need our children to change their learning thinking to learn English. This kind of thinking is "English thinking"! For example, if your children are sent abroad, their English listening and speaking abilities will improve rapidly. Why? Because he is in an environment where everyone communicates in English! Qiyu AI English listening and speaking training machine is to create such an immersive, native English-style learning environment for children!

Qiyu AI English listening and speaking training machine creates this kind of learning environment for children from several angles:

1, situational learning

rich life scene themes, combining English with daily use;

situational theme courses

situational The imported video animation

uses familiar and interesting scenes to simulate the real language environment, stimulate children's curiosity, and improve children's motivation and interest in learning; interactive exercises in situations can deepen the application of language in life and strengthen their understanding of English. understanding ability, thereby improving English learning ability;

2, AI+ real teachers lead learning

AI+ real people, interactive learning, timely encouragement, and guide children to take the initiative to speak

In every learning link, there are AI or real teachers to lead the learning, children can pass The virtual foreign teacher learning environment actively participates in the learning process;

uses the technology of AI + real teacher I to guide children to take the initiative to speak. During the learning process, the teacher will give encouragement or point rewards based on performance to help children gain learning success. A sense of achievement, making it easier to persist in learning

3, AI fun interactive exercises

AI game interaction, high-frequency practice, firmly grasp the learning content. Use AI technology to get rid of the traditional form of rote memorization, adopt the form of games and interactions, and perform it frequently Listening and speaking practice, firmly grasp the pronunciation, meaning, and spelling of words and sentences, and comprehensively improve English listening and speaking skills;

4, AI intelligent voice evaluation

Oral practice, AI intelligent feedback on pronunciation, timely guidance to correct pronunciation; read along with the text , vocabulary and sentence listening and speaking training, AI intelligent feedback of pronunciation situation, children can promptly check the accuracy and fluency of their pronunciation, practice repeatedly, and correct pronunciation;

Qiyu AI English listening and speaking training machine synchronizes children's English teaching materials, and at the same time The built-in expansion courses can effectively expand the teaching content while learning the textbook content well. More importantly, it benchmarks the school examination standards and comprehensively improves English ability from 6 aspects, including listening, analysis, spelling, reading, 6 dimensions of dialogue and expression, truly mastering vocabulary and sentences from the application level.

Qiyu AI English listening and speaking training machine can learn words and practice sentences through an immersive listening and speaking training method. The learning content is progressively advanced, and the English ability is gradually improved. It only takes 10-20 minutes a day to perform lifting training easily! You can quickly improve your English scores at home without going to tutoring classes!