In order to continue to promote the construction of a clean agency and enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline among party members and cadres, on the afternoon of June 29, the Municipal Big Data Bureau invited the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and

In order to continue to promote the construction of a clean agency and enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline among party members and cadres, on the afternoon of June 29, the Municipal Big Data Bureau invited the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to appoint Hu Supeng, deputy leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, to give a "case-based explanation of discipline" "Special Lecture on Warning Education. The meeting was chaired by Wang Qi, a member of the bureau’s party group and deputy director, and attended by all personnel from the bureau and the big data center.

Hu Supeng gave a vivid and profound warning education lesson to the participants in accordance with party discipline and party regulations. Through an in-depth analysis of the causes, characteristics, harm and other aspects of real disciplinary and illegal cases around us, it is pointed out that party members and cadres must maintain relationships in their interpersonal relationships, constantly purify their social circles, life circles, and friend circles, so that interpersonal relationships can change. You must be clear-headed and be a "clean person" who has principles and adheres to the bottom line.

Finally, Wang Qi emphasized that all party members and cadres should learn lessons from the cases and take them as a warning. In their daily work and life, they should always tighten the strings of discipline and rules, always keep a clear head, and improve their political judgment and understanding. Strength, political execution, enhance the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, ensure strict use of power, perform duties and responsibilities, and contribute to the construction of clean Taiyuan and clean institutions.

(Source: Taiyuan Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a reply to within 24 hours. 】