The age range of candidates taking various vocational qualification examinations is very large, and their professional levels are also mixed. Therefore, some people pass the exams smoothly and can pass the exams in one or two years, while some people take the exams year after yea

Candidates who take various professional qualification examinations have a wide age range, and their professional levels are also mixed. Therefore, some people pass the examination smoothly and can pass the test in one or two years. And some people take the examination for one year and one year. In 2008, I went from a young man who just graduated a few years ago to a middle-aged man who has already started a family and started a business, but the embarrassing thing is that he has not yet received the certificate. I have been taking the certificate for several years. Should I continue to persevere? I give you three words to remember.

First Construction Examination

 You are not fighting alone

 For more difficult qualification certificates such as first-level construction engineer , first-level cost engineer , etc., there are many people who have not passed the exam after five or six years. As we said before However, there are even people who have been working hard for 10 years but failed to succeed. Do not deny yourself and think that you are not smart enough. Don’t look at what people say online or around you, there are people who passed the exam in one year and got several certificates in three years. The proportion of these people is actually very low.

There are very few people who pass the exam and get the certificate in one year

It may be that they have outstanding learning ability, graduated from prestigious colleges and universities, or majored in related majors, but excluding such candidates with their own aura, actually has more than 90% of candidates left. , are on the same starting line. Whether you can successfully pass the certificate depends on the level of effort. If you can spare time every day to prepare for the exam systematically and completely, it will not be difficult to pass the exam.

review test results, optimize learning methods

Although in the face of qualification exams, "all beings are equal" below the passing line, the difference between scores within 10 points and within 20 points can still reflect the problem , There are even many candidates every year who are just a little short of passing, such as the first construction practical score of 95 points and the second construction practical score of 71 points. Objectively speaking, the knowledge reserve of this type of candidates is almost complete. The only thing lacking may be just luck or awareness of regulations. After a good summary, there is still a good chance of obtaining the certificate next year.

Review and preparation

 The exams have failed one after another. It may also be that the learning method has deviated, leading to detours. Although the appropriate learning methods for vary from person to person, in the qualification examination, many answering techniques and preparation plans are common. If you make good use of them, you can also improve the possibility of passing the test. Moreover, many problems among candidates are also common. , in this case, the key to clearing customs lies in planning.

  Make a choice based on your own situation

 The choice mentioned here is not to persuade candidates to give up, but to set more realistic goals. For example, if you have taken the first construction test for several years and your results are not ideal, then adding the additional item to the second construction test of is also a good choice, and it is similar to supervision engineer , second level cost engineer, safety engineer , and the difficulty is lower than first level. Although it can't compare with the price of building, it is still more practical.

Second construction examination site

In addition, it is also a construction engineer certificate, and the difficulty of each major is also different. It is recommended that you choose architecture as your main project, because regardless of first construction or second construction, architecture is easier than other majors. Wait until first After passing the certificate exam, you can add other required majors. In short, does not recommend that you give up easily, nor does it recommend that you get into trouble. However, the road to certification is destined to not be smooth sailing, and candidates should be mentally prepared from the beginning.