For more application questions, you can follow the public account: Ranbala Global Fashion Alliance has offered courses for 21 years from 2002 to now, and each session has teachers from all over the country. Beijing, as a political and cultural center, has a strong cultural atmosp

For more application questions, you can follow the public account:

Global Fashion Alliance has offered courses for 21 years from 2002 to now, and each period has teachers from all over the country. Beijing, as a political and cultural center, has a strong cultural atmosphere. It has gathered the country's top teachers and polished the most complete and systematic image management course system in the country. The teacher is a chief lecturer in the industry. He has only done one thing for twenty years - to develop image management system courses that meet the needs of the Chinese market, and to create a Chinese beauty that suits him. Find the color and style that suits you, and you will find that you are beautiful even if you are different. Because the GFA International Practicing Image Manager Certificate is industry-recognized, it requires practical examinations. This exam is about real learning, that is, following the rules. It’s not just a formality, and then we issue you a senior image manager certificate. It would be a bit embarrassing to take this image management certificate to interviews and lectures.

Registration certificate 13807002481 WeChat same number

1. The application conditions for applying for the advanced certificate of image designer certificate are

1, work experience in image design, more than 5 years

2, college degree or above,

3, basic personal information such as ID card back and front, personal electronic photo

2. The application conditions for the Intermediate Certificate for Image Designer Certificate require

1. Basic personal information such as ID card back and front, personal electronic photo

2. Graduation certificate (college degree, if Only a high school diploma and more than 8 years of work experience can apply)

Registration Certificate 13807002481 Same WeChat ID

Employment Direction:

1. With this certificate, you can apply for relevant companies and units as a basis for proof of skills.

2. You can apply for jobs in studios, professional companies, scientific research institutes, and colleges and universities related to the industry where the certificate is issued to engage in professional design, design management, and professional education.

3. You can open your own store or start a company, both of which can be your career choices!

registration test 13807002481 WeChat same number