Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation 1. What is the connotation of professional analysis discipline? Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation is a member of the mechanical category in engineering. It is easy to see from its name that this major includes three pa

Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation

1. Professional analysis

What is the subject connotation?

Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation is a member of the mechanical category in engineering. It is easy to see from its name that this major includes three parts: mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing, and mechanical automation. Within the industry, they are called mechanical design, mechanical design, and mechanical automation. Mechanism, electromechanical. In other words, it is an interdisciplinary discipline based on the design, processing, and manufacturing of mechanical structures and integrating automatic control technology, information technology, and computer science and technology.

Today's mechanical design, manufacturing and automation have penetrated into all aspects of social life. It is everywhere in aerospace, shipbuilding, mining, and drilling, as well as in refrigerators, washing machines, mobile phones, paper clips, and . It can be said that mechanical design, manufacturing and automation are applied disciplines that study and solve theoretical and practical problems encountered in the development, design, manufacturing, installation, operation and repair of various machinery. What is the difference between

and mechanical engineering majors?

Mechanical category is a big family. In the undergraduate major catalog, the Mechanical category includes 8 first-level majors: mechanical engineering, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, material forming and control engineering , and process equipment and control engineering. But many candidates will have this question: What is the difference between mechanical engineering, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation?

From a literal understanding, the extension of mechanical engineering is larger, including mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing and many other contents. It can be said that mechanical design, manufacturing and automation are part of mechanical engineering, and mechanical engineering is broader, but there is not much difference between the two. Industry insiders also said that in fact, there is no essential difference between the two majors. It is called mechanical engineering just because some colleges established this major earlier, have a deep industry background, cover a wide range of professional directions, and will train talents according to their own advantages. .

In addition, in the past, the names used by many colleges and universities during the enrollment process were not uniform. Some were called mechanical engineering and automation, and some were called mechanical manufacturing and automation . After the major catalog was revised in 2012, it was uniformly changed to mechanical. Engineering, and mechanical design, manufacturing and automation majors. What abilities do

develop and what courses do you study?

Although the training goals and training directions of each school are different, most of them mention a wide caliber, a solid foundation, a focus on practice and a sense of innovation.

"Wide caliber" refers to the knowledge system based on mechanical disciplines, incorporating electronic information, automation technology, management technology and other related professional knowledge into the curriculum system to enable students to adapt to a wide range of work fields; "thick foundation" is reflected in the emphasis on mathematics, mechanics Basic courses in other disciplines; "emphasis on practice" is reflected in focusing on students' basic skills training and engineering training. Innovation awareness means to continuously stimulate and develop one's own innovative thinking and innovation capabilities according to the needs of industry development.

In addition to basic courses such as advanced mathematics , college physics, and foreign languages, this major mainly studies professional basic courses and professional courses: theoretical mechanics, material mechanics , engineering drawing, basic engineering materials and molding technology, mechanical principles, and mechanical design. , Electrical and electronics, basics of electromechanical control engineering, mechatronics integration system design, CNC technology and CNC machine tools, etc.

2. Profession and employment

High employment rate and wide range of employment

The machinery industry is a basic industry in our country. The development of many industries is inseparable from the technical support of the machinery industry, such as aerospace, shipbuilding, construction machinery, Agricultural machinery, etc., all require the machinery industry to help manufacture basic equipment. It can be said to be the "equipment department" of the national economy.

According to the latest data from the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform, the number of undergraduate graduates majoring in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation is between 85,000 and 90,000. In recent years, the employment rate of this major has ranged from 85% to 90%, which is a relatively high employment rate. Highly professional.

The employment of mechanical majors takes the form of interdisciplinary and multi-industry employment.Because not only the machinery industry needs mechanical professionals, any industry, whether it is a production enterprise or a research and development unit, as long as it uses equipment and production lines, there will be room for mechanical professionals, such as printing, logistics, pharmaceuticals, food, rubber They are needed in other industries to install and maintain production equipment. As long as the entire social economy develops normally, there will be no shortage of jobs for graduates of this major.

There are many employment fields for graduates of this major. The employment positions can be summarized in three major directions:

1. Mechanical engineering technicians. On-site technical support personnel who can engage in the repair, maintenance and management of machinery on the front line of industrial production. This type of work requires a certain amount of technical content and practical experience.

2. Design and R&D personnel. Responsible for participating in the design, development, and production of new products, and can be engaged in the installation, debugging, improvement, and drawing drawings of the mechanical parts of new products (parts). This type of job has relatively high requirements for graduates, and the general starting point is a graduate from a prestigious university or a master's degree.

3. Salesperson of mechanical products. Can be engaged in sales and customer service of mechanical products in related industries. Mechanical major graduates have technical knowledge in related mechanical majors and will have an advantage in sales jobs.

High salary requires " fresh tricks "

People in the industry believe that as long as students majoring in mechanics are not particularly bad, finding a job will generally not be a problem. Although it is easy to find a job, the level of salary depends on individual ability, which is related to the characteristics of the mechanical major. The machinery industry is highly practical and values ​​experience and technology. When experience and technology have been accumulated to a certain stage and you can do some highly technical work, you will receive better treatment in all aspects.

A teacher who has been working on the front line for many years said that talent training in the machinery industry requires students to have strong hands-on ability, practical ability and professional innovation ability. These abilities are very important, but for employment, ordinary students should still learn basic knowledge well and have a solid grasp of basic abilities. You don't need to have comprehensive abilities, but you need to have the ability to "make a fresh move".

For example, if someone says a product, you can draw a three-dimensional design drawing and design a virtual product, which requires drawing skills. The factory needs a part, and if it gives you a thing, you must be able to process it and make it. This is manufacturing capability. For another example, if you take out a machine and you can use digital experiments to show its inner qualities, this is analytical ability. With this kind of ability and "a new trick", you don't have to worry about not being able to find a job or getting better pay.

However, candidates need to be reminded that in terms of the work content and working environment after graduation from this major, it is more suitable for boys. There are currently fewer girls studying in this major. In 2017, the gender ratio of graduates from ordinary colleges and universities nationwide was 92% male; 8% are female.

3. Application Guide

At present, there are more than 500 colleges and universities recruiting students for this major nationwide, and they recruit students in each undergraduate batch. Each university's training direction will also focus on its own background. For example, according to functions or working principles, some focus on mechanical design and machinery manufacturing, some focus on mechatronics, and some specialize in hydraulics; according to the industries they serve, some focus on agricultural machinery, some on textile machinery, and some on textile machinery. Focus on printing, and some focus on metallurgy.

Such as Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 's undergraduate major in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation is divided into three directions: mechanical manufacturing, mechanical design, and numerical control. The Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation major of Beijing Zizi University mainly focuses on the direction of logistics equipment engineering, cultivating senior engineering and technical talents who plan, design, and manage logistics equipment from various aspects. When applying, candidates can refer to the school background, each school's " admissions regulations " and professional settings, etc., and choose the future development direction according to the focus of the school.

In addition, engineering majors have a heavy workload, especially mechanical majors, and the work they will do in the future will also be harder. Candidates who want to apply for this major must be mentally prepared.

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