On the occasion of July 1st, the Party Branch of Nanyuan Primary School in Futian District invited Yang Hua, associate professor of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, to conduct a novel immersive psychological party class for all te

On the occasion of July 1st, the Party Branch of Nanyuan Primary School in Futian District invited Yang Hua, associate professor of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, to conduct a novel immersive psychological party class for all teachers and staff - "Beliefs, Faith and Confidence of the Centennial Party" . In the

class, Yang Hua explained the spiritual guidance role of the Chinese Communist Party’s spirit in the current fight against the epidemic from three aspects: belief, faith, and confidence. The entire class is full of participation and interactivity. The familiar stories of party members touched the hearts of every student. Everyone received a spiritual baptism and sublimation of faith, which further strengthened the beliefs, beliefs, and confidence of all party members.

He Zongfang, secretary of the Party branch and principal of Nanhua Primary School, said: "Today's psychological party class allowed us to immersively review the history of the party again and experience the hardships and hardships of a century-old party. I hope that all faculty and staff will remember it. Take it into your heart, take action, have faith, belief, and confidence in your heart, never forget your original intention, build up your moral character, and work together to build Shangmei Nanyuan.”

It is reported that Yang Hua has long been engaged in psychological party classes, improving the psychological abilities of leading cadres, and art and psychotherapy. For his scientific research and teaching work on courses such as healing and language expression ability improvement, he won the first prize for teaching quality in 2021 of the Municipal Party School.

text by Zhu Xiaofang