Primary and secondary students from all over the country have completed their final exams one after another and are ushering in the happy summer vacation. In order to protect students' self-esteem, the education department prohibits ranking primary and secondary school students'

Primary and middle school students all over the country have completed their final exams one after another and ushered in the happy summer vacation. In order to protect students' self-esteem, the education department prohibits ranking the results of primary and secondary school students, and cannot disclose scores . Some schools even It will no longer be distributed to students. Of course, the students of

are very happy, and they are not afraid of their parents' mixed doubles if they fail in the exam, but the teacher is not so relaxed. The results of do not need to be announced, but the teacher must know it well.

After the final exam, the teacher took the time to mark the exam papers. Many people thought that the teacher marked the papers by correcting and scolding at the same time. In fact, he finished the correction with a smile. . From time to time, he would take out his mobile phone to take pictures of the students' outrageous test papers and send them to Moments. .

"This is a test paper, not a prescription." The teacher was laughed at by the answer and gave 0 points to express his love.

The purpose of computer marking is to improve efficiency. The teacher's time to stay on each question is very short, and the longest time to stay is the composition. , but the composition was the most interesting question. Teacher laughed while correcting it.

A teacher laughed out loud at the answers while grading an English paper. When he saw the student's test paper , it felt like he was looking at a medical record written by a doctor. , the teacher couldn't help complaining, " this is a test paper, not a prescription " , maybe this classmate’s dream is to be a doctor.

's composition was filled with words, but he didn't understand a single word. After careful analysis, the teacher decided to give a score of 0 to express his love.

The essay topic for this English test is "My hero". Many students wrote about their idols. One student originally wrote Wang Junkai , but after writing three lines, he changed his mind and changed it to his mother , is it because you feel that chasing stars is unreliable?

There is another student who writes and Cai Xukun , but after reading , I feel like a hater instead of a fan.

wrote in the composition that likes Cai Xukun because he is good at basketball. , and Cai Xukun happened to be laughed at before for playing basketball. It may also be that he cannot write other words except basketball, so he can only temporarily sacrifice his idol. reputation.

This classmate who writes about being an English teacher is even more outrageous. ’s dream is to be an English teacher, but he can’t even spell out in the teacher’s English. At this level, it seems that he can only become a teacher of another subject. Being an English teacher is a bit difficult.

The teacher was so angry that he laughed when he saw such answers to the test paper, but he couldn't laugh anymore when he thought about the students he taught.

Encountering "little clever ghosts" in marking makes teachers doubt their teaching abilities.

In the exam, if you really encounter questions that you don't know, don't write them randomly. Otherwise, the teacher will feel that the attitude of the exam is not serious, and results will be poor. There is still help, but no one can save him without a correct attitude.

This teacher changed the Chinese composition questions. The first student was too lazy to write, so he just didn’t write. He had to play some tricks to impress the teacher. wrote "This requires VIP" next to it to read . The teacher saw I was speechless in the end. Such students clearly regard exams as child's play.

The next student wrote, but wrote "Mars Essay" . I could recognize the four words "I will remember" in the whole essay. Other students wrote essays, but this student posted one Sealed report, even VIP can’t understand it.

Putting aside feelings, this kind of test paper is very easy to mark. Give all 0 points without wasting time. But responsible teachers will feel very sad , making teachers doubt their own teaching ability. The

exam should be very rigorous. Every exam is a good opportunity for students to check for deficiencies and make progress. students must take it seriously and don't make careless typos, otherwise the embarrassing situation in the picture will occur.

The students seemed to have discussed it in advance. all wrote Princess Wencheng entered Tibet as "buried" . Princess Wencheng was probably still called "Shuan Q", and some students wrote Songtsen Gampo It was written as "Songtsan Cadre".

Typos in liberal arts exams will result in penalty points. If students are more careful, they will not make such low-level mistakes.

The neatly written test papers are "pleasing to the eyes", and the teacher can't help but give a few more points.

The above papers not only have unreliable answers, but also have many typos, illegible handwriting, and uneven paper surfaces. When the teacher marks the papers, It's very frustrating to see this kind of test paper.

computer marking will enlarge the answer area, and the shortcomings will be magnified, and the scrawled handwriting will look messier on the computer screen. The marking teacher said that good handwriting is really a bonus in the exam.

questions are scored based on points, and whether the writing is good or bad depends on the points. But if the composition is well-written, the teacher will really be tempted to give it a few more points. handwriting is also one of the scoring criteria for the composition.

Therefore, students should practice their handwriting well every day. There is no need to spend extra time practicing. As long as they adhere to correct writing habits every day, , their handwriting will not be too bad in the exam.

The standard for primary and secondary school students to practice calligraphy is that they can write neatly. does not need to be beautiful, so that the teacher can clearly distinguish what is written at a glance. , pay attention to the size and spacing of the words, and use unique Internet celebrity fonts with caution. .

When marking the final exam, the teacher was amused by the students' answers, but he also expressed helplessness at the students' improper attitudes. Behind the comedy, the students' incorrect study habits were revealed, and the students should learn from them.

Today’s topic: What do you think of the answers to the above test papers?