"Knowledge changes destiny" is a sentence that almost everyone has heard since childhood. Although many people are shouting the slogan "Academic qualifications do not equal ability", nowadays, when the per capita education level has increased significantly, there is no one. A col

"Knowledge changes destiny", almost everyone has heard this sentence since childhood. Although many people are shouting the slogan "Academic qualifications do not equal ability", however, nowadays, when the per capita education level has increased significantly, no one has A college degree is equivalent to missing out on many decent jobs.

Therefore, the college entrance examination is a major life event for countless students. Whether the college entrance examination results are ideal or not will affect the future life direction of these students to a certain extent.

So, what kind of student will get a total score of "47" in the college entrance examination? Everyone will definitely think of "poor students" at the first time. However, the "poor student" we are going to talk about today is not like that.

Due to different environments, everyone's life plan will be different. "Children of poor people will become parents early" is a stereotype formed over thousands of years. Even children from "poor" families regard this saying as a guideline for fear of bringing a burden to their families.

Shen Juan (pseudonym) is a child from such a "poor" family.

The house leaked and it rained all night

In 2012, Shen Juan was only 11 years old, an innocent and innocent age.

However, Shen Juan faced a near-destructive blow this year. With a solemn expression and holding back tears, grandpa said to Shen Juan in a choked voice: "Juan'er, your parents were killed in a car accident."

"Gone" means dead. Shen Juan suddenly lost her parents. , I couldn’t react for a while.

Although her parents work abroad all year round, Shen Juan spends most of the year dependent on her grandfather, but her feelings for her parents have not diminished at all. When she was young, Shen Juan often missed her parents and wondered when the family would be able to live together happily.

Shen Juan’s family is in rural Sichuan. The economic development here is not very good. Most young and middle-aged people choose to go out to work. The village is basically filled with left-behind children and the elderly.

There are many children who are unable to continue studying due to financial conditions. Shen Juan is very lucky. Her family is willing to support her in studying, and they also hope that she can go to a wider world.

In a relatively backward campus, Shen Juan’s academic performance was considered top-notch. At that time, Shen Juan naively thought that after she was admitted to university and had a decent job after graduation, she would be able to lead a good life with her family. .

At that time, the most beautiful dream of an ignorant girl was shattered by the sudden death of her parents.

Without their parents and the living expenses sent back on time, the lives of the grandparents and grandchildren have become increasingly stretched. In order to keep his granddaughter from dropping out of school, Shen Juan's grandfather did whatever he could. His face, which was already showing an old look, was getting worse now.

The family is desperately trying to survive and want to have a better future.

Unfortunately, Shen Juan's grandmother became ill and bedridden. Even if she was reluctant to be hospitalized, the cost of daily medication was still a huge burden for this already financially strapped family.

Shen Juan was once again overwhelmed by the feeling of powerlessness. She thought that she was a burden to her grandparents. Tuition fees, which are not much for ordinary families, are her grandfather's hard-earned money for Shen Juan.

Looking at her grandfather who was struggling to make a living, and her grandmother who was bedridden, Shen Juan no longer wanted to go to school. She wanted to work to reduce the burden on her family.

Although grandpa is illiterate, he knows that he will never have a future in this mountain valley.

No matter how hard it is or how tiring it is, Grandpa is determined to support Shen Juan until she graduates from college so that she will no longer be like him, trapped in this small space all her life.

Grandpa’s earnest persuasion worked. Shen Juan studied harder and harder, hoping to repay her grandfather with good results.

When she has free time on weekdays, Shen Juan will also take the initiative to share the farm work and sundries at home, and she is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed. Poverty is a big hat, and Shen Juan secretly vowed to take it off with her own efforts.

However, what Shen Juan doesn't know is that in the same school, the teaching staff of each school is different, and in the same study, the learning environment of each student is also different.

There is no extracurricular tutoring by famous teachers, and there is no advanced learning equipment for Shen Juan to study by herself. The occasionally obscure content in the books always makes Shen Juan confused.

When Shen Juan was admitted to high school, she didn't know that her academic performance, which she was once proud of, was not even in the middle or upper reaches of her high school class.

Shen Juan is not the legendary "prodigy". It is said that hard work can make up for weakness, but what has fallen behind over a long period of time cannot be caught up in an instant.

Shen Juan once again felt powerless and guilty. She hated her poor grades and "wasted" her grandfather's hard-earned money.

A hasty decision

Speaking of which, it was not easy for Shen Juan to go to high school. My grandfather worked hard all day and could not save enough money for his granddaughter to go to high school.

Seeing that the family's dream was about to be shattered, the local township government learned about Shen Juan's family situation and funded Shen Juan's high school education. For the family, this is undoubtedly great news.

Shen Juan felt the warmth from society, and increasingly felt that she should study hard and use her excellent academic performance to repay her grandfather and the township government that funded her.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, Shen Juan, who was originally the top academic performer in the village, began to feel at a loss after entering high school. There are many students from good families in

class. They have enjoyed better educational resources since childhood, and their foundation is naturally much better than Shen Juan's. Their starting point is that Shen Juan has to catch up for who knows how long.

Anxiety began to creep into her mind, and Shen Juan began to doubt herself more and more, whether she was not the material for studying at all.

Shen Juan thought, otherwise she might as well go work part-time. How can she use her grades to get ahead? If she can't get ahead, how can she lead a good life for her grandparents? I retreated and retreated again and again, but under my grandfather's expectant and encouraging eyes every time, I gradually gave up and concentrated on reading.

Despite this, Shen Juan's grades still haven't been greatly improved. Shen Juan can only get 400 or 500 points out of a total score of 750. Even the highest score is only 530 points. With a score like

, it is impossible to reach the threshold of "985" and "211". It may not even be possible to pass the two exams.

The closer to the college entrance examination, the more anxious Shen Juan becomes. Even if she forces herself to study and study, her grades always fall instead of rising.

Shen Juan is burdened with too much. She is burdened with the possibility of a good life for her family, the expectations of the township government, and her own future. One after another, Shen Juan is about to be crushed. collapse.

Shen Juan once again thought about quitting. She asked that if she went to a junior college or a third-level university, the cost would be high, and the future prospects would be much bleaker than those at key universities.

So, she told her grandfather that she didn’t want to go to college. Grandpa was distressed and angry, and told Shen Juan not to worry about money and to go to college.

Shen Juan no longer told her grandfather that she wanted to enter the society and work as soon as possible, but she had already made up her mind secretly.

Every mock test result was a straw on Shen Juan's back. In the last mock test, Shen Juan looked at her score of only over 400 points and decided to do what she wanted.

Shen Juan thought that since she couldn't get into an ideal university, she might as well give up on the college entrance examination. As long as she had an extremely bad college entrance examination score, her grandfather would have to work on his own to make money.

Bystanders know that from the perspective of bystanders, Shen Juan's thoughts are of course extremely naive. However, from Shen Juan's perspective, we cannot say a single word "wrong".

In 2018, the college entrance examination came as scheduled. Shen Juan pretended that everything was as usual and did not see any clues. Only Shen Juan knew that she was giving up on her future and the college entrance examination. When the test paper was handed out, Shen Juan did not review the questions carefully and answer the questions carefully like other candidates. Instead, she filled in some randomly, then stopped writing, leaving large blanks on the answer sheet.

If any marking teacher encounters Shen Juan's test paper, he will definitely think that he is a veritable "poor student".

When criticizing students' performance, many teachers will always use something similar to "put a fly dipped in ink on the paper and crawl on it, and it will score higher than you." Shen Juan's college entrance examination paper is like this.

After all the exams were over, Shen Juan felt heavy and relaxed at the same time. What is heavy is the uncertain future, but what is relaxing is that grandpa finally no longer has to worry about his tuition fees.

Shen Juan naively believed that as soon as her college entrance examination results were announced, her grandfather would give up the idea of ​​continuing her studies, but she was wrong.

"47 points", this is Shen Juan's total score in the college entrance examination. She did not see her grandfather's expected hatred and helpless compromise in letting her go to work. Grandpa firmly believed that Shen Juan's grades were wrong.

There is a bright future in another village

Grandpa, who is illiterate and usually does his job well, got angry for the first time.

The college entrance examination score is related to the future of my granddaughter. My granddaughter knows it best. Although her granddaughter’s score is not outstanding, it will definitely not be so bad. There must be something wrong with the teacher who judged the paper!

Grandpa's unconditional trust in herself and his unhesitating questioning of the marking teacher were something Shen Juan never expected.

Shen Juan did not dare to say that she had given up on the college entrance examination. She could only murmur to her grandfather: "If you can't pass the college entrance examination, then you can't pass the college entrance examination. I will go work." Of course, the grandfather refused and must get a "can" for his granddaughter. justice".

Grandpa first found Shen Juan’s high school teacher, who also thought there was something fishy about such results.

Although Shen Juan is not the student with the best grades, she is a hard-working student in the class. If she gets 470 points, it is possible, but 47 points is impossible no matter what.

So, with the help of the class teacher, the grandfather found the local education department, with tears in his eyes and anxious to seek "justice" for his granddaughter.

Grandpa has lived in the mountains all his life. This time when he went to the city, if Shen Juan's class teacher hadn't accompanied him, he would have had to work hard to find the Education Bureau.

The development direction of things like this was something Shen Juan never expected. She didn't dare to confess her childish behavior, for fear that her grandfather wouldn't be able to bear the blow of being so "incompetent".

So, Shen Juan could only keep begging her grandpa not to check, just let it be.

Grandpa only thought that Shen Juan was sad and ashamed of such a result, but he didn't know the reason behind it. The leaders of the local education department were shocked when they learned about this incident, especially after learning about Shen Juan's family conditions.

The leaders attach great importance to this matter. After all, it is related to the life direction of a girl and the future of her family, and cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, the leader personally came forward to coordinate with various parties and was extremely efficient. He found Shen Juan's college entrance examination papers for review.

Grandpa looked at the nearly blank paper in disbelief. He could not figure out how his granddaughter could do such a thing as handing in a blank paper. Seeing her behavior exposed and seeing her grandfather's shocked and confused expression, Shen Juan finally couldn't help but burst into tears.

Shen Juan cried and said that her grades were not ideal and she did not want to add any more burden to her grandfather. When Shen Juan said that she no longer wanted to study and wanted to work as soon as possible to supplement the family income, people around her were not very sad.What a sensible and stubborn child! She is gambling with her future!

Although he may have a good future without going to college, the probability is still low after all. If her grandfather hadn't insisted on seeking "justice" for Shen Juan and acquiesced in Shen Juan's achievements, then she would have had to go through a lot of hard work to earn some salary to supplement the family's income.

Everyone present felt sad and moved. Perhaps, there are still many "Shen Juans" in the world, but no one has discovered it. Shen Juan thought her studies would end here, so she was looking for a job while helping her grandfather with farm work and housework at home.

Grandpa hated himself for not being able to give Shen Juan a good future, but Shen Juan was very satisfied with it.

is so distressing and sensible, but it makes people have mixed feelings. Fortunately, things took a turn for the better, and Shen Juan's life path finally moved in a better direction.

The leaders of the local education department were very moved by Shen Juan's experience. After comprehensive consideration, everyone unanimously decided to help this miserable child.

When Shen Juan received the news that her tuition would be waived and she would be allowed to repeat her studies for free for one year, Shen Juan even thought she was still dreaming of an unrealistic dream.

Fortunately, everything is true, and Shen Juan really has a chance to start over. This opportunity is hard-won and is a rare piece of candy in Shen Juan's bitter life.

After listening to the education department staff saying that you can apply for student loans to study in college, and that you can get scholarships if you study well, Shen Juan finally stopped worrying about tuition fees.

This time, Shen Juan no longer had those childish ideas and focused on her studies, not wanting to live up to the expectations of her grandfather and everyone.

In the college entrance examination the next year, Shen Juan did not hand in the blank paper again, but answered the questions seriously. Every stroke was an expectation for the future.

Holding the admission notice from Sichuan Normal University , Grandpa couldn’t stop crying. It’s great that his granddaughter finally has hope for the future!

And Shen Juan has also made clear her life direction. She will step onto the three-foot podium to bring more students knowledge and future.