On the afternoon of June 30, Chen Chao, a young teacher of the ideological and political course of Yongzhou No. 2 Middle School, gave a "July 1" special party history class to the first and second grade students. The theme of this party history class was "The Red Boat Reflects th

Red Net Moment News July 1st (Correspondent Chen Chao and Zhang Jungui) On the afternoon of June 30, Chen Chao, a young teacher of the ideological and political course of Yongzhou No. 2 Middle School, gave a lecture on the "July 1" special party to the first and second grade students. History class, the theme of this party history class is "The Red Boat Reflects the Original Aspiration and Departs a Hundred Years Later", which aims to deepen and continuously promote the special study of party history study and education, guide students to work hard in study, and strive to become an outstanding high school student in the new era born. In the

class, young teacher Chen Chao led all the students with a song "Ode to the Red Boat" to look back at the red boat and the story on the red boat that broke through the waves in the wind and rain. This lesson is divided into the influence of the "October Revolution" and " New Youth ", the establishment of the Communist Party of China, looking at the light of Li Dazhao's revolutionary life through the yellowed pages of "New Youth", and keeping in mind the Red Boat Spirit It contains four parts, and emotionally tells the founding of "New Youth" and the glorious life of Mr. Li Dazhao. Teacher Chen Chao said that we must always remember those revolutionary martyrs who made immortal contributions to national independence and people’s liberation.

Through this party history class, the students deeply realized that today’s happy life is hard-won due to the perseverance and greatness of the revolutionary ancestors. They all said: "We should work harder to study, fight, struggle, and learn our skills to serve the motherland."