The 2022 high school entrance examination has ended, and candidates can breathe a sigh of relief. The high school entrance examination is very important for students. It is a "watershed" in their academic career. Only when the high school entrance examination scores reach the gen

The 2022 high school entrance examination has ended, and candidates can breathe a sigh of relief. The high school entrance examination is very important for students. It is a "watershed" in their academic career. Only when the high school entrance examination scores reach the general high school level can they enter high school.

The high school entrance examination will undergo some changes every year, and the score line is not static. Some people predict that the score line of the high school entrance examination will be improved this year. If the candidates' scores are not very satisfactory, they will be diverted to secondary vocational schools or drop out of school and go home.

High school entrance examination students are facing "bad news". Those who score less than 525 may not be able to get into high school.

What is certain is that the high school entrance examination is becoming more and more difficult. In the past, the general-vocational examination ratio was 8:2, and most students can get into high school. But now it has become 5:5. The competition for is very fierce. If the scores in the high school entrance examination are not ideal, you will not be able to enter the high school.

The Vocational Education Law was revised this year. points out that the status of vocational education and general education are the same. means that vocational education will be vigorously developed in the future, and students will be encouraged to enter secondary vocational schools to study, which will reflect the impact of entering high school. The difficulty will become greater.

The minimum control line for high school admissions in many areas has been raised this year. For example, the provincial model high school in Lanzhou has a score of 580 points, and the score in Bengbu is 595. One result that can be inferred from this is that the admission scores for general high schools in many provinces will not decrease with , but may increase with .

Based on last year’s general high school admission scores, it is speculated that if the scores of high school entrance examination candidates this year are lower than 525, they may not be able to enter high school. In some provinces with a large number of high school entrance examination students, it will be more difficult for candidates to be admitted to high schools. If candidates If your score does not reach 580, you may have to enter a secondary vocational school.

This is bad news for high school entrance examination students. If they fail to pass the high school entrance examination, they cannot drop out of school and go home. You have to choose a secondary vocational school. However, many parents do not recognize secondary vocational schools and think that the academic qualifications of secondary vocational students are relatively low. If it is low, you will not be able to find a good job in the future.

In fact, parents and candidates don’t have to worry too much. Now that the high school entrance examination is over and the results have been determined, they should look forward. If you really don’t do well in the exam, there are many "remedial" measures for . As long as you have a positive attitude for , many problems can be easily solved.

What should candidates do if their high school entrance examination results are not satisfactory?

can go to a private school to repeat. Junior high school is a nine-year compulsory education. Public schools will not accept repeat students, otherwise it will occupy educational resources. This is also to maintain the fairness of the high school entrance examination. However, students can go to private schools to repeat the high school entrance examination and can still take the high school entrance examination in the second year.

However, the cost of private schools is relatively high. Before making this choice, you must consider your family's financial situation. In addition to repeating studies in private schools, students can also study on their own to prepare for the exam, or go to some education and training institutions to study. After working hard for a year, they have a chance to get good results in the high school entrance examination in the second year.

went to a vocational high school to study. Some parents do not approve of vocational high schools. They think that only students who have not entered high school will go to vocational high schools. It is like a "gathering place" for poor students. The learning environment is not good. students can also easily develop some bad habits. For example Smoking, drinking, puppy love, fighting, etc.

In fact, this is the impression that vocational high schools left on people many years ago. With the development of society, vocational high schools will become more and more formal. countries will vigorously develop vocational education, and the teaching quality of vocational high schools will be greatly improved. Campuses The environment will also become better and better. Vocational high school students will be able to take the college entrance examination in the future, and students will have the opportunity to enter university.

The high school entrance examination becomes more difficult, junior high school students should work harder

They should lay a good foundation in the first year of junior high school. In fact, the content studied by junior high school students is not very complicated. As long as they can listen carefully during class and review in time after class, they can achieve good results. When they are in the first grade of junior high school, students should realize the importance of learning and strive to do well in every subject.

It is not recommended that parents send their children to remedial classes. Junior high school students do not have much learning content, and remedial classes will put a lot of pressure on the students.Parents should make their children interested in learning and let students find a learning method that suits them.

Junior high school students should pay attention to aesthetic education subjects. While learning cultural courses well, junior high school students should also pay attention to aesthetic education subjects. Many provinces have implemented the "Aesthetic Education High School Entrance Examination" and include some aesthetic education subjects in the high school entrance examination, such as art, music, physical education, calligraphy, etc.

If the results in the aesthetic education subjects are not satisfactory, the overall score in the high school entrance examination will not be too high. Junior high school students should develop their moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills in an all-round way, and become all-round talents, so that they have a greater chance of being admitted to high schools in the future.

In short, the current high school entrance examination is much more difficult than in the past. If this year’s high school entrance examination students do not reach 525 points, they may not be admitted to high school. I hope candidates and parents are mentally prepared.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t do well in the high school entrance exam. You can go to a private school or educational institution to repeat the exam, or you can prepare for the exam at home. After a year of hard work, you will still have the opportunity to achieve ideal results in the high school entrance exam.

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