June to August every year is the "handover" period for junior college to bachelor's degree. Many 23rd and 24th graduates have already started preparing for the exam. There are also some students who are confused about "should they start reviewing early" and decide to upgrade to b

Every year from June to August

is the "handover" period for junior college to bachelor's degree.

Many 23rd and 24th graduates have already started preparing for the exam

✨There are also some students,

is confused about “should I start reviewing early?” I have decided to upgrade to a bachelor's degree, but I don't know where to start?

Many students choose to start preparing for the exam this summer. This is the first golden period to prepare for the junior college-to-undergraduate exam.

Be sure to grasp it!

Questions and answers to prepare for the exam in advance

1. Do you want to review early?

Some people think that reviewing early will take too long, and later preparation will be weak.

And some people think that preparing early will have more time to arrange.

Everything must be implemented in practice. It is a bit unrealistic to talk about the length of preparation for the exam without personal circumstances. But one thing has to be said: if the foundation is not strong, the ground will shake. Therefore, everyone must consider their own actual situation.

2. What are the restrictions on associate degree upgrading?

1. Regional restrictions: cannot cross provinces, where did you study for junior college, where did you take the junior college to undergraduate examination .

2. Major restrictions: You cannot upgrade across major categories.

For literature and history, you can only apply for literature and history, and for science and engineering, you can only apply for science and engineering. (For details, please refer to the comparison table for majors from junior college to undergraduate).

In addition, some majors have strong professional skills, and the school can separately note professional requirements for such majors. If there is no mark, all majors within the same category can be applied for.

3. Does a long front mean weakness in the later stage?

When we are taking the college entrance examination, most courses will end in the second year of high school. The third year of high school will spend a year preparing for the college entrance examination. But when it comes to upgrading to bachelor's degree, there is a saying that the battle line is too long. In fact, the principles are the same.

In the later stages of preparation for the exam, all previous students reported that they had less and less time and that they still had many unfinished learning tasks. This is also the main reason for anxiety in later sprints, so many people choose to prepare for the exam early to minimize the stress of later preparation.

4. Does short-term preparation mean efficient preparation for the exam?

There is no shortage of seniors and seniors who prepared late for the exam but successfully passed it. But this is definitely not a high-probability event. Other people’s experience in upgrading to a bachelor’s degree can only be used as a reference and must not be copied! If you calculate carefully, you will start preparing for the exam from now on. Many students will also have to go through internships during this period. Putting aside these matters, there is no time to actually prepare for the exam. Not long.

couldn't keep up with the progress. While others were doing three rounds of review, I hadn't completed the first round of study yet, so I was working day and night to catch up on the progress. Instead of doing this, it is better to start making a study plan from now on and review according to the plan.

/Get ready and wish you ashore/

College Trends

(1) Phenomenon: 1. Most public institutions show a downward trend, and most private and The number of independent colleges and universities is on the rise.

Example: The enrollment number of Nanchang Hangkong University in Jiangxi Province in 2021 is 1,420, and the enrollment number in 2022 is only 60.

(2) The number of joint training enrollments has decreased, and most of them are local undergraduates.

Example: The number of joint training enrollment in 2021 is 10,810 people, and the number of joint training enrollment in 2022 is 8,155 people.

Example: The number of joint training enrollment in 2021 is 10,810 people, and the number of joint training enrollment in 2022 is 8,155 people.

Reference significance: For our candidates in 2023, they are bound to face a situation of "more monks and less rice". Schools that want to get into the exam must put in more efforts and energy.

Jiaomen Operation Meow reminds: No matter what the trend of the reform from junior college to undergraduate, it cannot change the nature of the selective examination. Facing the future competition, all I can do in 23 years is to prepare hard for the exam and improve my scores!

As long as you have excellent grades and high enough scores, who else would you choose to take the junior college to undergraduate examination?

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