In order to better cultivate college students' practical ability, innovation and entrepreneurship ability and employability, and promote "industry, academia and research" cooperation, on June 30, and Yangtze Normal University signed a cooperation agreement on the con

In order to better cultivate college students' practical ability, innovation and entrepreneurship ability and employability, and promote "industry, academia and research" cooperation, on June 30, and Yangtze Normal University signed a cooperation agreement to build a practical education base for college students. Agreement, announcing the joint construction of an internship practice and employment base for Yangtze Normal University college students.

On the same day, the internship practice and employment base for college students of Yangtze Normal University was officially listed on

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Yangtze Normal UniversityDai Xuan, Deputy Dean of the School of Communication of Yangtze Normal UniversityRan Mingxian, Huang Zhi, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of the School of Communication of Yangtze Normal University, Long Mei, Vice President of, Zhang Weiwei, Brand General Manager, etc. attended this event.

It is reported that this school-site cooperation will make full use of the human resources advantages of Yangtze Normal University and the management and professional skills advantages of to jointly build a professional-related talent training platform to improve efficiency and reserve follow-up talents; at the same time, it will help the school reform teaching model to improve teaching quality.

Next, the two parties will cooperate to build a basic platform for college students to participate in social practice, promote the close integration of theory and practice, exercise and improve students' market competition awareness and ability to adapt to society, and cultivate and establish their correct outlook on life. , values ​​and career choices, enhance students’ competitiveness for employment after graduation, and cultivate qualified professionals for the country and society.

The National Bureau of Statistics stated that this year my country’s college graduates reached 10.76 million. With the arrival of the graduation season, college graduates are entering the labor market in a concentrated manner, which may further increase employment pressure. As China's leading comprehensive digital enterprise service platform, takes "helping hundreds of millions of companies obtain satisfactory services and helping hundreds of millions of talents find job opportunities" as its mission. It integrates the platform's online and offline resources and actively provides talent for college students to start their own businesses and find jobs. able.

As of now, has 5 national-level maker spaces, and a total of 28 maker spaces and incubators at or above the provincial level. Over the past ten years, many college student entrepreneurial stars have emerged on the platform, such as Xiaoerlang, Zekai Media, and Mihu Animation. A total of more than 100,000 individuals have grown into companies through the platform's incubation, and more than 1 million people have achieved flexible employment through the platform. Thousands of enterprises solve their professional service needs through the platform.

The relevant person in charge of said that the company is currently actively communicating with universities across the country, and will conduct in-depth cooperation with more universities on university internship training, entrepreneurship and employment and other related work.