On June 30, five departments including the Provincial Department of Education issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Plan for Special Positions for School Teachers in the Rural Compulsory Education Stage in 2022." The recruitment targets for special post teachers are mai

On June 30, five departments including the Provincial Department of Education issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Plan for Special Positions for School Teachers in the Rural Compulsory Education Stage in 2022".

The recruitment targets for special post teachers are mainly undergraduate graduates from ordinary universities. A small number of graduate students and junior college students in normal university teacher education can be recruited. The service period of special post teachers is 3 years. During the service period, they are all arranged to teach in rural schools below the township level. They can move to rural schools in the county according to local education needs. Our province adopts the "Shaanxi Special Post Teacher Management Information System" (tgjs.sneducloud.com, referred to as "Shaanxi Special Post System") to carry out the registration, recruitment, employment, management and dynamic update of information for special post teachers. Candidates should register and log in through the system. In principle, each candidate can only apply for one special teacher position. The specific time is from 9:00 on June 30 to 18:00 on July 4. The unified written examination time is July 16.

Source: Shaanxi Radio and Television Media Group·Quidian News

Editor: Li Qianqian