[Source: Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net] Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client News (Reporter Guo Lixia, Correspondent Xu Ying) Cut off the lemongrass and mint branches grown by yourself from the rooftop farm, take them home, cut and plant them, and record them with nature notes Growth

[Source: Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net]

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client News (Reporter Guo Lixia, Correspondent Xu Ying) cut off the lemongrass and mint branches grown by themselves from the rooftop farm, take them home for cutting, planting, and use Nature notes record their growth - On June 28, children at Honggangcheng Primary School in Qingshan District received a special summer vacation homework task. Since both lemongrass and mint have their own aromas, the children joked: "This homework smells really good."

The children pruned the plants grown on the farm and took them home to make cuttings. Photo by Correspondent Xu Ying

On that day, children from Honggangcheng Primary School came to the "Red House" farm on the roof of the school to end the semester with an outdoor labor class. Under the leadership of the teacher, the students of the school spent three months developing this rooftop farm. From designing, measuring, and drawing, to moving soil, filling boxes, sowing seeds, to watering, observing, and fertilizing, they did everything personally. Finally, June ushered in the harvest scene full of fragrant flowers and plants.

The children pruned the plants grown on the farm and took them home to make cuttings. Photo by correspondent Xu Ying

"Mint can be made into tea, which can prevent colds and play an anti-inflammatory role. It can also remove odor when placed in the refrigerator." "Lemongrass is also called lemongrass . It can be viewed and repels mosquitoes. "Science teacher Zhou Lirong led the students to cut branches of these two plants in the "Floral Area" of the farm, and told them how to make cuttings. Everyone is invited to take the branches home to plant, and feel the characteristics of the plants by looking, touching and smelling them. Write it in your observation diary.

The children pruned the plants grown on the farm and took them home to make cuttings. Correspondent Xu Ying Photo

Chen Yamin, principal of Honggangcheng Primary School, said that the "Red House" farm opened by the school this semester is the children's favorite place to go during class, where they sweat and feel the joy of labor. In order to implement the " double reduction " policy, the school encourages teachers to assign such practical summer homework to guide students into the countryside, get close to nature, and cultivate their labor concepts and ecological protection awareness.

[Editor: Zheng Xiaoxiao]

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