Postgraduate entrance examination politics, whether it is for liberal arts students or science students, it feels painful to memorize. Postgraduate entrance examination candidates will share with you some tips on recitation today to help everyone get rid of the misunderstanding o

Postgraduate entrance examination politics, whether it is for liberal arts students or science students, it feels painful to memorize it. Postgraduate entrance examination candidates will share with you some tips on recitation today to help everyone get rid of the misunderstanding of rote memorization (zi xun postgraduate entrance examination + v: kytj013). Solve political recitation nicely and quickly.


Understand and memorize


Basic principles and concepts Master the three "w"

The three "w" are who, what, why. For the basic principles and concepts in politics Generally speaking, the key words are nothing more than these three, characters , the essence, the reason. Mastering these three keywords means mastering this principle, simplifying your memory tasks and making a deeper impression.


Keyword memory

Sometimes we feel that the knowledge points in books are too professional, obscure and difficult to understand, and it is inconvenient to remember, so it is easier to learn to extract keywords from them to memorize, which will be used in the subsequent recitation of the four and eight figures. It is very effective when analyzing questions. Remember the key words. Even if you forget some of the content, you can use the content in the material to expand.


time axis, combined with the historical outline

the historical outline can be said to be the basis for all other subjects, and it is the simplest of these subjects, so we can try to combine the knowledge points when reviewing Mao Zhongte Putting it into the vertical axis of time to understand memory, the historical outline structure diagrams of famous postgraduate entrance examination teachers are worth learning from, they are clear and concise, and the series connection effect is good.


The content is used as a guide to classify and organize

Since there are many theories and knowledge points that are very similar and easy to remember, we can try to use the content as a clue to sort out similar ones, expand their respective backgrounds and meanings, and compare memories. For example, use conferences as clues, theories as clues, books as clues, etc. The process of organizing these is a kind of memory in itself, and after the organization, the knowledge structure has been clearly displayed, so it is not easy to get confused.


Learn to establish a logical framework

When answering questions, many people will not know what to answer. Some people even remember the knowledge points very well, but when they see the questions in the examination room, they find that the knowledge points are all in a mess, and they have no way to write. .

In this case, there is also a reason why the review is not in place, but the more reason is that there is no support from the theoretical framework, and the knowledge points are scattered and memorized. I just remember but don't use them. This is also a taboo in the examination room.

Therefore, when reviewing, friends should learn to use their own understanding to connect the subjects together to form a knowledge block diagram. You can clearly remember the big framework, big directory, small directory and the knowledge points under the small directory in your mind, and form an mind map . Only in this way can you truly understand everything and it will definitely be of great help in solving questions.


Key Knowledge Key Notes

Politics is actually quite boring compared to other subjects. There are too many theories, and many students just memorize them and throw them aside. If they are not interested in reviewing them again, they cannot consolidate them in time. And theory is usually the focus of the examination, which makes the friends lose a lot of points.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone devote special energy to breakthrough memorization, pay more attention to these important and difficult contents, and review in the morning when the best time to memorize is to achieve actual results more easily.


Use question-taking assistance

Simply reciting and memorizing is boring and has little effect, and taking notes is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so exercise training has become the best method.

The process of doing questions is actually the process of reviewing knowledge points. In this process, we not only consolidate the knowledge points, but also become familiar with the corresponding question types. We can also check for gaps and fill in the gaps, check our mastery of knowledge, and deepen our understanding of key points. The mastery of difficult knowledge plays a good role in assisting memory.