As the saying goes: "If you are not afraid of the first day of June, you are afraid of the rain on the night of the third day of June." Today is the third day of June. Why are you afraid of rain at night? Because in June, it is the peak of summer, and the rain comes and goes quic

1. Let’s first look at what the proverb says about rain on the first day of June.

As the old saying goes, you are not afraid of rain on the first day of June, but you are afraid of rain on the night of the third day of June. Let’s see what the proverb says about rain on the first day of June.

There is a proverb that goes, "On the first day of June, a cowherd will get gonorrhea." means that if there is a burst of rain in early June, it often indicates frequent rains in summer, and thunderstorms are prone to occur. The cowherds have no time to escape and are easily wet by the rain. If not careful, it will cause colds and so on. It can be seen that the proverb predicts that it will rain in early June, and there will be many torrential rains in summer, so be prepared for rain at all times.

It seems that when it rains in early June, people are already worried, and they need to be prepared to prevent rain and diseases in summer. However, this is not terrible. People are more worried about the rain on the night of the third day of June. What does it mean?

2. As the saying goes: "You are not afraid of the first day of June, but you are afraid of the rain on the third night of the third day." What is the omen?

Just now we discussed the farmer's proverb about rain on the first day of June and learned about the omen of rain on the first day of June.

What does the proverb mean: "We are not afraid of the first day of June, but we are afraid of the rain on the third night of the third day". What does it mean? We know that rain on the first day of June often indicates frequent rains in summer, frequent torrential rains, and it is easy to get wet and cold, but this is not terrible. What is even more frightening is that it rains on the night of the third day of June, and its omen is even more worrying.

It is not difficult to see that if it rains on the night of the third day of June, it indicates that the consequences will be more serious than if it rains on the first day of June. So what does the proverb say if it rains on the night of the third day of June? We focus on communication.

3. Why are you afraid of rain on the third day of June? What the proverb says.

Let’s take a look at the farmer’s proverb left by our ancestors. If it rains on the night of the third day of June, what is the omen?

Farmer's proverb: "It rained on the third night of June, and it rained continuously for seventy-two days." In other words, if it rains on the night of the third day of June, it will rain continuously for more than two months. It will rain continuously for 72 days. From the third day of June, it will be the fifteenth day of August. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival. It seems that the rain on the night of the third day of June indicates that frequent rains in summer and autumn will cause floods, which will inevitably cause damage to crops and affect the autumn harvest of food.

There is also a proverb that says: "It rains on the third day of June, and the wind cools down until autumn." . It is not difficult to see that if it rains on the third day of June, there will be ups and downs. The pattering in autumn indicates frequent and continuous rains, which is not a good weather.


As the saying goes: "You are not afraid of the first day of June, but you are afraid of the rain on the third night of the third day." This time you understand why the proverb is afraid! Although the proverb is an exaggeration, the ancestors reminded people that if it rains on the third night of June, they must do a good job in flood control and drainage to ensure a bumper harvest.

Today is the third day of June. Has it rained anywhere? Don’t forget to communicate and share.