In terms of theoretical study, carefully study and understand the new curriculum, pay attention to the development trends of early childhood education, and be optimistic about each issue of "Early Childhood Education" and "Preschool Education" magazines. Be good at thinking, exce

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 1)

  1. In terms of teaching business

  1. In terms of theoretical learning, carefully study and understand the new curriculum, pay attention to the development trends of early childhood education, and be optimistic about each issue of "Early Childhood Education" and | "Preschool Education" 》Magazine Be good at thinking, excerpt some famous sentences, develop the habit of thinking more, thinking more and writing more, integrate what you have learned into daily teaching, improve your basic teaching skills and skills, and strive for art education and generative activities In order to form their own teaching style and characteristics.

  2. Carefully take charge of each half-day activity, coordinate the alternation of activity between activities, enrich and concise the learning content, and reasonably arrange the operation activities of the two classes, so that the children can learn easily and effectively during the time I lead the class. Happy, easy to teach by yourself, face them with a good mood, and have a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. For example, the first class is a silent language activity, and the second class has loose music activities. If the first class is a math activity that requires children to perform operations, then there should be no art activities that continue to require children to perform operations in the second class. When guiding children to participate in activities, we strive to actively mobilize children's life experiences in teaching and use more heuristic teaching methods. At the same time, pay attention to children's reactions during lectures, adjust your teaching methods at any time, and develop children's enthusiasm and initiative for learning. Read more books about young children and books that children are interested in, pay attention to things that children are interested in, and strive to effectively introduce content into the classroom.

  3. Actively implement the "four seriousness" in teaching work, that is, prepare lessons carefully, attend classes seriously, correct homework seriously, and do all work seriously. Especially in teaching design, we study carefully, analyze teaching materials carefully, design each lesson carefully, and reflect on each lesson in a timely manner. We improve ourselves by watching excellent lesson examples, listening, evaluating lessons, and learning from excellent teachers. education and teaching abilities. Carefully analyze the problems that arise in the classroom and class management based on the child, and make timely reflection records, and strive to have a high-quality reflection and teaching design after one semester. In this way, we strive to continuously improve our teaching level and try our best to teach well whether it is an open class or a casual class.

  4. Discover problems, record problems, and analyze problems in a timely manner at work, combine practical work with topic research, and strive to produce a better paper every school year, organize teaching notes in a timely manner, and strive to submit articles to early childhood education magazines. At work, I want to unite and cooperate with the class leaders, and strive to learn more from sister classes on the platform of the teaching and research group, discuss problems, learn from other people's strengths, improve quality, lead the class better, and strive to become a class teacher as soon as possible.

  5. Pay attention to the development of children's creative games, create corner activities with rich materials, and guide children to explore independently.

    2. Childcare and parent work.

    1. Take protecting the lives of young children and promoting their health as your own responsibility, with a loving mind and a stable mood, and carefully take care of the seemingly trivial and ordinary lives of young children. Cultivate children's good self-care ability, living hygiene habits and eating habits, develop good habits of washing hands before meals and after going to the toilet, keep their appearance clean and hygienic, cherish food, not picky eaters, not wasteful, and remind them to dress in time according to weather changes Take off clothes; at the same time, ensure that children have a certain amount of outdoor activities to promote their physical and mental health development.

   2. Communicate more with parents through parent-teacher meetings, home visits, morning and evening pick-up and drop-off of children, etc., so that parents can understand the intention and content of recent activities carried out by the kindergarten, exchange opinions with each other, and discuss child-rearing strategies. Able to communicate and resolve problems immediately. Each semester, some class activities with parent participation can be carried out to enhance class cohesion.

  3. For children with special needs in the class, they can form a joint force with their parents. Teachers should take a proactive approach to communicate with parents more, and consider necessary measures and strategies from the perspective of parents, so that the children can get good results on the basis of the past. improvements and enhancements!

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 2)

  Chinese teaching in the new era should focus on learning new concepts, exploring and improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching, based on teaching reform, seeking changes and innovations, and achieving teaching and research based on teacher teaching improvement as the core. A corresponding teaching plan has been formulated for the second grade of high school, and we look forward to discussing it with all teachers.

  1. Guiding ideology

  Taking the "central work" of the school as the guide, comprehensively promote the "Four Development Classrooms", change the teaching concept, improve the teaching methods, improve the teaching quality, focus on the implementation of the new high school curriculum, transform the teaching concept, and practice hard Strengthen teaching skills, optimize teaching methods, explore new methods of practicing Chinese teaching, and achieve an overall improvement in teaching quality.

    2. Main work

  1. Strengthen theoretical study, update teaching concepts, and improve teachers’ own ideological and professional qualities. In the context of the "Four Development Classrooms", we must strive to change teaching concepts, turn churches into schools, and give students the initiative to learn Chinese. In bilateral activities between teachers and students, we must focus on cultivating students' spirits of "autonomy, inquiry, and cooperation."

   2. Strengthen the collective preparation of lessons by the lesson preparation team. Resource sharing, division of labor and cooperation within the lesson preparation group. Achieve unified teaching and review progress, unified lesson plans, unified courseware, unified exercises, etc. Pay attention to the second lesson preparation and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. It is necessary to regularly conduct research and discussion on issues such as teaching materials and teaching methods. In the weekly collective lesson preparation, the teaching focus and difficulties of each unit and lesson are clarified, and a dedicated person specializes in them to form practical and usable materials.

   3. Strengthen lecture listening and evaluation activities. Under the leadership of the school's Academic Affairs Office and the Chinese Teaching and Research Group, open class activities such as demonstration classes, high-quality classes, seminars, and report classes are carried out, and teachers in the group are required to actively participate in class evaluation activities to ensure that "classes are rewarding" and that Achieve greater improvement in your own teaching, ensure the teaching quality of the lesson preparation team and the teachers' learning from each other's strengths.

  4. Carry out “teacher-apprentice teaming activities” to strengthen the training of new teachers. In every class evaluation and discussion activity, we must achieve "teachers have something to teach and apprentices have strengths", strengthen the relationship between masters and apprentices, and urge apprentice teachers to prepare each lesson well, teach each lesson well, and improve each lesson well. A job. It gradually formed its own mature teaching philosophy, complete set of teaching ideas, and formed teaching style. And urge them to think and summarize their own teaching behavior on this basis and formulate written materials with the help of the study of advanced theories.

  5. Strengthen individual tutoring for students, make good use of morning reading classes, recess and night self-study time, and strengthen students' self-examination and self-management. Assignments are carefully selected and graded, proofread and explained in a timely manner, excellence is praised, and underachievers are encouraged.

  6. Grasp the depth and difficulty of the teaching materials, pay attention to the cultivation of students' activity ability, and try to use the teaching materials as examples to teach students to transfer their abilities. At the same time, we will do a solid job in accumulating basic knowledge of Chinese language. Focus on the college entrance examination and lay a solid foundation.

7. Strengthen the research on college entrance examination information. We carefully studied the new curriculum reform college entrance examination questions, and formulated effective measures to ensure that the knowledge of the college entrance examination is injected into the regular teaching.

  8. Strengthen the awareness of teaching and scientific research, improve scientific research capabilities, and actively write various papers at all levels.

  9. Carry out a variety of extracurricular activities in Chinese.

  10. Carefully organize the review work for various types of exams and strive to achieve good results in each exam.

  11. Strengthen communication with the outside world and keep abreast of the latest information on teaching and examinations.

  3. Teaching objectives

  The main tasks of this semester are "Selected Readings of "Historical Records"", "Chinese" Compulsory Course Five and "Eight Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties". The new curriculum standards should be used as the criterion when teaching, and the following aspects must be achieved. Goals:

  1. Implement the " Ordinary High School Chinese Curriculum Standard ", establish a scientific, democratic, open, and people-oriented concept of Chinese education, and constantly explore new teaching methods that can adapt to social development and the actual needs of students.

    2. Continue to cultivate students' good high school Chinese learning habits on the basis of the first year of high school, help them master some learning methods suitable for their own characteristics, and lay a solid foundation for Chinese language learning in the third year of high school.

  3. Design course objectives based on the high school Chinese curriculum from three aspects: "knowledge and abilities", "processes and methods", and "emotional attitudes and values".

  4. Complete the teaching tasks of Compulsory Course Five before the midterm exam, and complete the teaching of "Selected Readings of Historical Records" in the second half of the semester.

 4. Teaching progress

 1. Complete the following articles before the midterm:

 "Biography of the Assassin", " Biography of Mr. Wei ", " Biography of the Marquis of Huaiyin ", " Chen Qing Table ", " Xiang Jixuan Zhi" ", "Farewell at Changting", "Report to Ren Anshu ", "The Fisherman", "In Memory of Mr. Liu Hezhen", "Happy Journey ", "Preface to the Lanting Collection"; guide students to read "Nanzhou June Lychee Dan" ”, “Stripes”, etc.

 2. Part of Tang poetry and Song lyrics before the end of the semester (selected lectures)

 5. Processing of teaching materials

 1. Lecture and practice intensively, and strive to practice the "Four Development Classrooms". Select classic chapters from the textbooks, focus on explanations, and strengthen exercises.

   2. Make appropriate choices and pay attention to the cultivation of classical Chinese reading ability. The focus of study this semester is still on the teaching of classical Chinese. It mainly focuses on accumulating knowledge of classical Chinese, thereby enhancing students’ cultural foundation. Special attention should be paid to cultivating students' interest in reading classical Chinese, providing guidance on recitation and dictation, and appropriately supplementing them with knowledge about classical Chinese to enhance students' cultural heritage.

   3. Reading accumulation, accumulating students' Chinese literacy. Give full play to students' initiative, make full use of reading class time to guide students in extracurricular reading, and provide specific reading opinions, so that they are planned, measured, and effective, without formality or going through the motions. Or excerpts or comments or lectures or group lectures, teaching according to "class" and "people" conditions, to implement extracurricular reading teaching.

  4. Writing practice activities are also included in normal Chinese classroom teaching. With the "Innovation Class" teacher as the leader, students are allowed to carry out activities under the guidance of the teacher, and students are required to complete writing tasks regularly and quantitatively. In addition, the cultivation of students' practical Chinese abilities such as "using their brains, using their mouths, and using their hands" cannot be ignored in regular classroom teaching.

  6. Work measures

  1. Conduct a weekly group lesson preparation activity to ensure that there is a central spokesperson, records, supplements, and effectiveness.

   2. Communicate within the group to discuss the methods of the "Four Development Classroom" teaching model.

 3. During the open week, organize the teachers in this group to start classes, listen to classes, evaluate classes, keep records and organize them.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 3)

  1. Current status of education and teaching work

  The two teaching classes I teach now are two special classes. Since the preparatory grade took over these two teaching classes, I have clearly realized that to their own responsibilities. It is no exaggeration to say that for those of us who have completed and passed , special classes are the lifeblood of our school. If the lifeline is connected, the whole school will be connected. If the lifeline is blocked, the whole school will be blocked.Therefore, since taking over, I have always gone all out for the education and teaching of these two special classes and have not dared to slack off. This has provided ideological motivation for teaching these two classes well. Of course, just having ideas is not enough. The key is to implement your ideas through effective means and achieve certain results. It is not very easy to do this. Although both are special classes, the situations of the two classes are different.

   The students in Class 1 are smarter and can absorb the knowledge they have learned in a shorter time, and the learning results are faster, but it also creates the disadvantage of feeling good about themselves and unwilling to study seriously; the students in Class 4 have a more serious attitude towards learning and are more interested in learning. The tasks assigned by the teacher can be completed seriously, but there is a lack of autonomy in learning, so the performance improvement is not obvious. In view of the different situations of these two classes, the teaching methods used are also different: for the students in class one, I don’t spend too much time teaching new knowledge. I focus on the students’ application and understanding of the knowledge points. , so every time I will assign a certain amount of extracurricular exercises for them to analyze and discuss, and cultivate their spirit of study. In addition, I often create a competitive atmosphere in the class. I think this is very important in special classes, which can improve students' enthusiasm for learning.

  After more than a year of practice, the results of some top students are very stable. In addition, for individual poor students in a class, I adopt a positive encouragement method, because for them, it is difficult to catch up with the average level of the class. The key is to improve their confidence in learning through continuous encouragement so that their results can improve. improve. For Class 4, because there are fewer top students, most students are at the middle level, and some students are at the lower reaches. Therefore, while maintaining the performance of the top students, I focus on improving the overall level of the class. In addition to assigning them a certain amount of exercises, they must also be taught certain problem-solving skills. For some students who are in the lower reaches, I think it is still necessary to change their learning attitude, be moved by emotion, and understand by reason. After a period of practice and running-in, the results achieved are still very obvious.

    2. Education and teaching development goals

  Based on the existing situation, I have set myself the next stage of work goals: for class one, while maintaining the status quo, continue to improve the learning level of students, especially the top students. The number of students, in addition, for some middle and lower-middle students, we must work hard to change their study habits so that their grades can be further improved; for Class 4, it is a top priority to greatly improve the grades of some backward students. Only in this way can we Make the overall level of the class rise steadily.

  3. Measures taken

  1 We must work hard at ordinary times, study the teaching materials, do more exercises, and continuously improve our education and teaching abilities.

  2Study the high school entrance examination questions in recent years and infiltrate them into daily education and teaching.

  3 Strengthen students' ideological work and improve students' enthusiasm for learning.

  4 Actively use multimedia information technology to play a greater role in education and teaching.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 4)

  1. Analysis of students’ situation

  1. Through past science studies, most students have developed a strong interest in science classes and have developed preliminary inquiry abilities. They understand the surroundings The world has produced strong curiosity and desire to explore, and people are willing to do things and are good at operations.

   2. Shortcomings: Due to the limitation of activity materials last semester, part of the teaching content was just a hurried formality, and some inquiry activities were not even carried out at all, which limited students' knowledge and affected the formation of students' scientific literacy. . In addition, students are often time-consuming and inefficient during activities and cannot make good use of precious classroom time. If you are not active in speaking and have poor desire to perform, special attention should be paid to cultivating them to create a good atmosphere.

    2. Textbook Analysis

  This volume is composed of four units: "Tools and Machinery", "Shape and Structure", "Energy" and "Biological Diversity".

  In the "Tools and Machinery" unit, students need to learn to choose and use tools and understand their functions, and study simple machines such as levers, axles, pulleys, and inclined planes, and simple machines on bicycles.

  In the "Shape and Structure" unit, students need to understand the common shape structures such as beams, arches, frames, etc. around them, study the shape characteristics of objects that are not easy to fall, and explore how to use paper to make a load-bearing bridge.

  In the "Energy" unit, students have to make and study electromagnets , explore how small toy motors rotate, and study various energy forms and their mutual conversion. Through research, we initially established the concept of energy, learned that electricity can generate magnetism, that energy can be converted into each other, and understood the conversion and storage of solar energy.

  In the "Biological Diversity" unit, students have to investigate the types and distribution of organisms on campus, classify animals and plants, study differences in human appearance, and explore the impact of different environments on biological species and traits. Through research, we know that biological types and differences are diverse, understand that biological diversity is closely related to the environment, and understand the significance of biological diversity .

  3. Teaching objectives

  During the study of this volume, students will have to do a lot of experiments and productions, and continue to learn the skills of comparative experiments, and identify and control variables. To make detailed observations, we need to use comparison and classification methods to understand and describe a variety of living things.

  In the study of this book, students will experience the huge impact that science and technology has on our lives, how it promotes the development of society, and form a positive attitude towards science and technology. Enhance environmental awareness and love for life at a higher level. Get a beautiful experience, feel the beauty of the shape and structure of the building, and the beauty of the biodiversity of our planet's home.

  Children's thinking ability in primary school is in the transition stage from image thinking to abstract thinking. Although the abstract thinking of sixth grade students still needs the support of intuitive images, it has made great progress, and their analysis and reasoning abilities have improved significantly. improvement. After three years of studying science courses, they have accumulated some basic inquiry learning methods and have preliminary awareness and ability of scientific inquiry. According to these characteristics of students, they should be more active and engage in deeper thinking in the inquiry learning in this volume. The details are as follows:

  (1) Scientific inquiry

  1. Cultivate students' scientific thinking methods, strive to develop students' problem-solving abilities, enable students to get close to science and apply science in their daily lives, and transform science into guidance for their daily lives. , gradually develop scientific behavioral habits and living habits.

   2. Understand the process and methods of scientific inquiry, let students experience the whole process of scientific inquiry, gain scientific knowledge, grow their talents, experience the fun of scientific inquiry, understand the true meaning of science, and gradually learn to look at and think about problems scientifically.

  3. Continue to guide and guide students to learn to use hypotheses, analyze the causal relationship between things, focus on observation skills in experiments, collect data, make their own explanations for experimental results, and learn to build explanation models to verify their own hypotheses. .

  4. Cultivate students' ability to use books, the Internet, newspapers and periodicals to access information and collect and organize information.

  (2) Emotional attitudes and values ​​

  1. Maintain and develop students' curiosity and desire for knowledge about the world around them, and form a scientific attitude that is bold and careful, pay attention to data, and dare to question, as well as a love of science, love for hometown, and love for the motherland.

   2. Cultivate students' awareness of being close to nature, appreciating nature, and cherishing life, actively participate in the protection of resources and the environment, care about the development of modern science and technology, and enable students to develop an awareness of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

  3. Cultivate students' awareness of cooperation and communication, the courage to argue, and learn to respect the opinions of others and express their own opinions reasonably.

  (3) Scientific knowledge

  1. Master the characteristics of commonly used machinery and tools, and be able to design and produce machinery and tools.

  2. Observe and study common shapes and structures, design and make your own "bridges", and experience the fun of combining science and technology.

  3. Study the relationship between heat and combustion and its causes, and be able to analyze and explain it in conjunction with daily life.

  4. Understand energy and energy changes, and be able to feel it personally during experimental operations.

  IV. Specific measures

  1. Grasp the characteristics of primary school students’ scientific learning and make the best use of the situation.

   2. Use rich and colorful hands-on activities to enrich the teaching process.

   3. Make inquiry the main way of scientific learning.

   4. Establish an open teaching concept.

  5. Carefully guide students’ scientific learning activities.

  6. Make full use of modern educational technology.

 7. Organize and guide students to participate in small science and technology production activities.

  5. Several points to note in teaching

  1. Guide students to boldly use existing experience to make well-founded speculations about some things and phenomena and make hypothetical explanations. For example, we can speculate on the reasons for the rotation of small electric motors, the origin of coal, and speculate on the environment in which animals and plants live based on their morphological characteristics.

   2. Instruct students to collect data carefully, be aware of the need to respect the data, and draw conclusions with a rigorous attitude, such as experiments on lever rulers and experiments on the magnetic force of electromagnets.

  3. Many of the contents in this book are suitable for hands-on operation, and the materials are simple and easy to obtain. We should create opportunities for students to practice and ensure that students can really start to explore and learn, which can promote students' in-depth participation in thinking.

   4. Establishing the concept of energy and understanding biological diversity are based on the accumulation of students' three years of study. Pay attention to making full use of their original knowledge and help them sort out and improve it to form more general scientific concepts.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 5)

  A semester of intense and busy work has ended, and I have gained a lot. Now I will summarize the work of the last semester and set new goals for the new semester.

    1. Ideological understanding.

  During one semester, I was strict with myself in thinking, loved the party’s education, actively participated in various political activities organized by the school, actively participated in the school staff conference, carefully studied the superior documents issued by the school, and cared about major domestic and international events. Pay attention to the study of political theory. I obey the school's work arrangements and cooperate with leaders and teachers to do various tasks inside and outside the school. While doing a good job in various education and teaching tasks, I strictly abide by the school's rules and regulations.

    2. Teaching work.

  In terms of teaching work, this semester I am responsible for the chemistry class of three classes in the third grade of junior high school. The teaching task is heavy. However, in order to improve my teaching level, I often read books about chemistry teaching and often find some excellent lesson plans on the Internet. Study with courseware, and strive to listen to more classes, learn from the strengths of other teachers, understand the teaching art, and strive to explore a teaching model that suits you.Pay attention to the study of educational theories, and pay attention to applying some advanced theories in the classroom to make learning useful. During the usual lesson preparation process, we carefully analyze the teaching materials, design teaching plans according to the characteristics of the teaching materials and the actual situation of the students, extensively explore various knowledge, form a relatively complete knowledge structure, strictly demand students, respect students, promote teaching democracy, and enable students to learn something. , and constantly improve, thereby continuously improving their teaching level and ideological awareness, and successfully completing the education and teaching tasks.

  I also work as a chemical laboratory technician. The laboratory management is orderly and fully prepared for the smooth conduct of experimental teaching. It laid a solid foundation for the smooth passing of additional chemical experiments.

  Teaching and educating people is a comprehensive art that shapes the soul. Today, with the advancement of curriculum reform, society has higher requirements for the quality of teachers. In the future education and teaching work, I will be based on reality, carefully analyze and study the teaching materials and curriculum standards, study the students well, and creatively improve the chemistry class. Teaching enables us to pioneer and make progress in our work. We must be more strict with ourselves, work hard, carry forward our strengths, correct our shortcomings, forge ahead, and contribute our strength to a better tomorrow.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 6)

    1. Guiding ideology.

 Following the strategic thinking of “education must be oriented to modernization, the world, and the future”, the implementation of education must serve socialist modernization.

 Must be combined with production and labor to cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development, and comprehensively promote quality education with the purpose of comprehensively improving teaching quality.

    2. Teaching purpose.

  (a) Knowledge requirements.

   1. Understand the knowledge about the earth and maps.

   2. Master the knowledge about the earth's space environment, atmospheric environment, marine environment and terrestrial environment.

   3. Master the content of world geography and related regional geography.

  (2) Intelligent training requirements.

   1. Cultivate students' ability to use image analysis to explain problems and their ability to explore and practice.

   2. Cultivate students' self-learning ability and teach them correct learning methods.

  (3) Ideological education requirements.

   1. Help students establish a scientific view of the universe.

   2. Cultivate students dialectical materialism worldview and methodology.

   3. Cultivate students' love for science and the spirit of courage to explore.

   Three. Main work.

   1. Learn from the teacher and learn from each other's strengths. In accordance with the school's requirements, new teachers and old teachers are paired up to listen to each other and learn from each other's strengths. After listening to the class, evaluate the class in a timely manner, identify problems, and solve them in a timely manner.

    2. Prepare lessons collectively. Adhere to the collective lesson preparation in the eighth period every Monday, focus on the content, key points, difficulties, teaching objectives, teaching methods, study method guidance, etc. of this week's lesson preparation, and collectively discuss the problems discovered during lesson preparation to form a strong teaching and research atmosphere.

  3. Participate in teaching and research, actively participate in teaching and research activities organized by the school, listen carefully to the lectures and demonstration lessons of each teacher in the same group, and strive to explore new ways and methods of geography teaching.

  4. Research teaching methods, summarize teaching work in a timely manner, summarize your own experiences and lessons in a timely manner, and constantly improve your teaching methods to facilitate future teaching.

  5. Teach learning methods and cultivate abilities. Teachers should gradually infiltrate learning methods in classroom teaching so that students can gradually develop self-learning abilities.

  IV. Key difficulties.

  1. The teaching focus of this semester is physical geography.

   2. Earth motion, time zone calculation, contour calculation, and atmospheric motion are the difficult points in this semester.

  V. Teaching measures

  1. Strengthen the intuitiveness of teaching and make more use of multimedia technology to make the teaching content intuitive and cultivate students' interest in learning.

   2. Appropriately supplement extracurricular geography content.

  3. Strengthen two-way teaching, cultivate students' self-learning ability, let students participate in teaching activities, and change passive acceptance into active exploration.

  4. Strengthen tutoring to ensure that poor students can keep up and top students have enough to eat.

  5. Lecture intensively and practice more, and strive for quality in 45 minutes.

6. Learn with an open mind, listen to more lectures, and learn from old teachers.

 7. Prepare lessons collectively and discuss with each other.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 7)

  1. Academic situation analysis

  This semester I will be teaching science to Classes 1 and 2 of Grades 3, 4 and 5. The third grade students are different. Some have already had two years of science learning experience, and some have not had any experience in learning science. It's a little easier to teach to third grade students. For senior students who already have some basic scientific knowledge and are more accustomed to the learning ideas and methods of the original textbooks, most students will not be able to adapt to new learning methods now. To this end, they must realize that scientific knowledge is everywhere and science is everywhere in life. This will lay an important foundation for students to learn this subject and create conditions for improving students' problem-solving and practical abilities.

  2. Analysis of teaching materials

  Current teaching materials are guided by a complete set of teaching writing ideas and principles, and strive to make the structure of the teaching materials consistent with the principles of pedagogy and psychology and the age characteristics of children, reflecting a different style and characteristics than previous teaching materials. The teaching materials follow the requirements of the "New Curriculum Standards", and the content selection is close to the actual life of children, in line with the development of modern science and technology, using basic and simple scientific activities as the theme of students' inquiry activities, while focusing on scientific inquiry, Integration of emotional attitudes, values, and scientific knowledge. Taking the life experience of primary school students as the main clue to build the unit, the content is integrated under the guidance of "life experience".

   In order to allow students to develop their own scientific inquiry abilities under the new educational concept, the special plan is as follows:

  3. Analysis of the current situation of the students taught

  1. There are three classes of third-grade students taught, and students’ in-depth thinking on the problem It may be very lacking in aspects. When doing hands-on experiments, you often play for the sake of playing, instead of playing with a plan and purpose, and then play after you figure out a way. Therefore, what students often do in class is that they don’t know everything after playing. Therefore, in response to this situation, science classes this semester should provide scientific enlightenment education to students, and provide special training and development of students’ ability to actively explore scientific knowledge. Students love science, have the interest and ability to learn science, and use science. In this semester, I will start with the comprehensive practical ability of students, starting with small production, small planting, small experiments, small investigations, small operations, etc. Combined with the new curriculum standards for science courses, audio-visual media are rationally used to creatively cultivate students' scientific inquiry abilities and innovative spirit. Strive to cultivate students' innovative thinking and innovative abilities. Implementing the new curriculum standards of science courses into science teaching will bring science teaching into a new period of new curriculum reform.

À 2, there are three teaching classes for the fourth grade students. After one school year of scientific study, these students have a preliminary understanding of scientific knowledge.This semester, teaching content should also be selected according to children's physiological and psychological characteristics, focusing on the fun and exploratory nature of the content. Implement the principle of integrating theory with practice and strengthen the connection between life, production and social reality. Follow the laws of children's physical and mental development, handle the depth and breadth of the content, and achieve appropriate difficulty and weight. Pay attention to developing children's intelligence and cultivating children's ability to use their brains and hands.

À 3, there are 2 teaching classes for fifth grade students. After two academic years of scientific study, these students have a deeper understanding of scientific knowledge. This semester, teaching content must be selected according to children's physiological and psychological characteristics, pay attention to the fun and exploratory nature of the content, follow the laws of children's physical and mental development, handle the depth and breadth of the content, and achieve appropriate difficulty and appropriate weight. Pay attention to developing children's intelligence, and pay more attention to cultivating children's brain and hands-on abilities.

  4. Analysis of teaching materials. Purpose, focus, difficulty

  Teaching purpose: Starting from the characteristics of science courses, using "students' life experience" as a clue to cut into basic and standardized scientific inquiry activities. The teaching materials mainly focus on three topics: "Approaching Science", "Experiencing Science" and "Independent Inquiry". They follow the physiological and psychological characteristics of children. They not only focus on the teaching of knowledge, but also pay more attention to the cultivation of inquiry ability, so that students can operate independently. Observe, think, ask questions, and solve problems, cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability, and enable students to have the interest and ability to love science, learn science, and use science.

  Key points: "How do we know", "Weather and Our Life", "Science of Water"

  Difficulties: Let students use independent experience as a means and scientific inquiry as the core,

  Key points and difficulties of teaching: In terms of ability development , mainly cultivate the following abilities:

  1. Observation ability: learn to use visual methods to observe wind direction and wind force, and use dynamometer to measure force. Schools where conditions permit can teach students to use a microscope to observe the internal structure of leaves.

   2. Experimental ability: learn to use alcohol lamp to heat water, and conduct experiments on elasticity, friction, heat conduction, thermal convection, water absorption by roots, and water transport by stems, consolidate and compare experimental methods, and learn to design and illustrate the role of roots in absorbing water. Experiments and rain simulation experiments.

  3. Inquiry ability: Learn to use inquiry methods to understand the conditions for condensation of water vapor and the three states of water.

   4. Analytical and comprehensive ability: Learn to use analytical and comprehensive methods to understand the three-state changes of water, the circulation of water in nature and the way heat is transferred.

 5. Reasoning ability: Learn to use deductive reasoning and analogical reasoning methods to understand the causes of weather phenomena such as dew, fog, clouds, rain, snow, wind, etc.

 6. Imagination ability: Based on observation and experiment, imagine the nature of evaporation and the internal structure of leaves and stems.

7. Hands-on ability: learn to make plant and animal specimens, etc.

   The fifth grade textbook consists of five units: "Tiny Creatures", "Knowing Yourself", "Light and Sound", "Changes of Matter", and "Machines and Movement".

   The unit "Tiny Organisms" starts with the smallest viruses, then studies bacteria, and is required to know that fungi are a type of organisms that are neither animals nor plants. Realize that science must respect evidence, learn to appreciate, value other people's works, and respect the fruits of other people's labor.

  "Knowing Yourself" unit first guides students to understand the world of life; understand bones, muscles and their functions, and understand the processes of digestion, respiration, and blood circulation in the human body. Be able to recognize the importance of developing good living habits.

  Observe the characteristics of light propagation (linear propagation and reflection) and its application in production and life; then guide students to understand that many light sources also generate heat when they emit light. The sun is the largest light source and heat source on the earth. The heat an object receives under sunlight is related to the intensity of the light it receives, as well as to the properties of the object itself. Know that sound is produced by the vibration of objects, know that sound is transmitted through materials, and understand the hazards and prevention methods of noise.

  The content of the unit "Changes of Matter" mainly includes: first, knowing that water can dissolve some substances, and knowing that there are two major categories of changes in matter: physical and chemical changes. Some changes are reversible, and some changes are irreversible.

  . Know that using machinery can improve work efficiency and understand some simple machinery. Able to measure and record the position of an object moving in a straight line at different times, and know that describing the movement of an object requires position, direction, and speed.

  Teaching purpose:

  1. Fifth grade students have mastered certain process and method skills, such as observation, recording, simple experiments, etc. This book will guide students to experience a more complete inquiry process.

   2. Through learning, let students emphasize that their speculations and explanations before and after the experiment must have sufficient basis.

   3. Master the skills of controlled variable experiments and learn actual controlled variable experiments.

  4. Use simulation experiments to explore the causes, changes and patterns of natural things.

  5. Face several long-term observation and research activities: be able to record observation phenomena using lines, symbols, pictures, text, etc., process data with bar graphs and line graphs, and recognize the significance of repeated experiments.

  Major and difficult teaching points:

  Teaching focus: Pay attention to the design of students' typical scientific inquiry activities, with inquiry as the core, and cultivate the scientific literacy of primary school students.

  Teaching difficulties: Through the use of hands and brains, personal practice, and on the basis of perception and experience, students can develop strong scientific inquiry abilities.

  5. Main types of teaching activities:

  Collect information, on-site inspection, observation in natural state

  Experimental special research situation simulation

  Scientific small production, discussion and debate, planting and breeding

  Scientific games, visit and visit competition

   Science appreciation community science activities Family science and technology activities

  Role play Science fiction information conferences, reports, and exchange meetings

6. Main teaching methods:

Inquiry method, demonstration method, visit method, practice method, discussion method

Conversation method, debate method, experimental method, list method, suggestion method

7. Basic measures:

3rd grade Measures:

 Start from the students' inquiry learning process, with experiments as the main focus and social practice as the secondary. We strive to allow students to conduct hands-on experiments, use audio-visual media to reproduce some daily life phenomena proposed in the course, and carefully design problem situations for students to Verify it experimentally, think about the phenomena observed during the experiment, and write an observation report. At the same time, we pay attention to the spiritual cultivation of students' inquiry learning and the cultivation of process.

 4th grade measures:

 1. Implement the overall goal of the science curriculum into every lesson;

 2. Grasp the learning characteristics of primary school students' science courses and make the best use of the situation;

 3. Enrich the teaching process with colorful personal activities;


The training of teachers’ own basic scientific teaching skills is the most important. You should make full use of your free time, study science curriculum standards and science textbooks carefully, study science teaching methods, and become a qualified science teacher as soon as possible.

   2. Combine the specific conditions of the classes and students you teach and try your best to create a democratic, harmonious and open teaching atmosphere in the classroom. Taking students as the main body of classroom teaching, designing teaching methods that are consistent with students' age characteristics for classroom teaching, and taking all means to mobilize students' enthusiasm and interest in learning science.

  3. Make full use of the school's science laboratory, go to the science laboratory as much as possible to take classes, achieve "intensive lectures and practice more", and guide students through experiments to discover problems on their own, solve problems, and gain gains.

Selected and practical teachers’ personal teaching plans (Part 8)

  1. Brief analysis of teaching materials:

  This volume has a total of 36 texts, including 29 intensive reading texts and 7 skimming texts. It is divided into seven units, and each set of teaching materials includes two parts: text and Chinese garden. It includes a list of new words (1), words that are required to be recognized;

  This textbook continues to adopt the form of thematic units, and seven themes are designed. They are in order: feeling the perfection of nature; beautiful fairy tales; beautiful scenery of the motherland; the magical world of science and technology; valuable family and friendship; people and the environment; and stories of great people. Each topic has rich humanistic connotations, is close to children's lives, reflects the characteristics of the times, and contains educational value.

 Each "Accumulation and Application" consists of five to six columns: reviewing the past and learning new things, picking up new lessons from the sea, clicking on idioms (happy moment), comprehensive learning (oral communication), practice garden, and independent reading garden. There are a total of 36 main texts in the volume, including poems, stories, letters, and expository texts. In addition to the self-reading texts and ancient poems in the "Chinese World", the genres are diverse and the text and quality are both beautiful, allowing students to learn and appreciate in the process. During the course, you can feel the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, appreciate the charm of the motherland’s language, and stimulate your enthusiasm for learning Chinese.

  The selected texts in the six volumes are full of cultural connotations and the flavor of the times, some are full of childishness, some show wisdom; some highlight the beauty and magic of nature, and some praise human beings' perfect emotions and noble moral character. The text materials are closely related to students' lives, are in line with the physical and psychological characteristics of middle-grade students, and are in sync with students' physical and mental development. They can enable students to cultivate thoughts and feelings that love the motherland, love their hometown, and love life during the Chinese learning process; and be inspired by noble sentiments. With the influence of fun, you can develop your personality and enrich your spiritual world; it can inspire students to pursue their dreams, advocate science, and work hard to realize their dreams.

  2. Student situation analysis

   There are 19 students in this class, including 9 boys and 10 girls. The students are all from rural areas. The vast majority of students have good study habits, write carefully, love reading, and actively complete homework assigned by teachers. And can carry out extracurricular development. They also have a certain interest in writing. Some students do not have good study habits. They are afraid of hardship and tiredness in learning, are perfunctory and lazy by nature. The family education environment is also poor.This semester, special methods and methods should be adopted for such students to continuously transform them, stimulate their interest in learning, and cultivate their good study habits. Judging from the test scores of last semester, some students did not master basic things well enough, and their ability to apply knowledge flexibly was also poor. This has also become the focus of teaching this semester.

  3. Teaching objectives

 1. Literacy and writing

 (1) Be able to use dictionaries, learn to use dictionaries, and have preliminary independent literacy skills.

  (2) Recognize about 300 new characters and be able to write 247 new characters.

  (3) Continue to practice writing regular characters skillfully with a hard pen, and make sure it is standardized and neat.

   2. Reading

   (1) Read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally in Mandarin, and be able to recite the required texts and paragraphs.

  (2) Continue to learn to read the text silently, and be able to ask questions about things you do not understand in the text.

  (3) Learn to connect the context, and understand the meaning of words and sentences with the help of dictionaries, dictionaries, and life accumulation. Continue to understand the role of key phrases in the text in expressing expressions.

  (4) Accumulate beautiful words and wonderful sentences in the text. Recite 10 excellent poems (paragraphs) and practice retelling the texts.

  (5) Continue to learn and skim the text to get a rough idea of ​​the article.

  (6) Preliminarily grasp the main information of the article and understand the thoughts and feelings expressed in the article.

  (7) Continue to cultivate the habit of reading and reading newspapers, collect and exchange books and materials with classmates, and read a total of no less than 100,000 words outside of class.

 3. Exercises

 (1) Observe carefully, expand your imagination, and be willing to express yourself in writing. I am willing to read my homework to others and share the joy of homework with others.

  (2) Learn to write letters of gratitude.

  (3) Be able to reasonably use the collected materials in exercises.

  (4) Be able to arrange the article information in an orderly manner and write down the impressive parts in detail.

  4. Oral communication

  (1) Be able to converse in Mandarin and continue to develop the habit of speaking Mandarin.

  (2) Able to tell stories concretely and vividly, strive to impress others with words, tell the story clearly and clearly, and be able to express one's own feelings and thoughts.

  (3) Ability to listen carefully during conversations, ask others for advice on things you do not understand, and discuss different opinions with others.

 5. Comprehensive learning

 (1) Comprehensive Chinese learning, learning to observe nature, observe society, and express one's own observations through written and oral expressions.

  (2) In family life and school life, try to use Chinese knowledge and skills to solve simple problems.

  4. Teaching focus and difficulties

  1. Be able to use Chinese pinyin to read and learn Mandarin. Learn about 300 new characters, be able to read the pronunciation of the characters, recognize the glyphs, understand the meaning of the words in the language environment, and be able to write 247 characters correctly.

  2. Guide students to learn to grasp the key words and phrases in the text for understanding, gradually learn and be good at grasping the key words and phrases of the article, and then understand the text.

  3. Guide students to preview, cultivate self-study skills and develop the habit of previewing during the preview process.

  4. Encourage students to question, cultivate students' awareness of inquiry, and teach students the method of questioning and inquiry

  5. Write more specific information based on observation. Learn to write about imaginary things, be able to unfold your imagination and fantasies, and write out your own experiences and imagination in an informal and free manner, with specific information, true feelings, and complete and smooth sentences.Learn to use commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, colons, and quotation marks.

   5. Teaching measures:

  1. Pay attention to students' emotional experience in Chinese learning, how to learn to read, think, question, how to search for information, explore and discuss, express and communicate, how to cooperate with others, and how to use the learned knowledge and methods Solve the problem. Teachers should also pay attention to the development of students' good habits and the establishment of innovative consciousness. Starting from the perspective of paying attention to the process, students will be allowed to make mistakes in learning, and children will be given a loose and harmonious space to grow and improve, and they will be given more methodological guidance and thinking inspiration.

   2. Create situations, carry out oral teaching, two-way interaction, reflect communication, and mobilize students' emotional participation. First of all, teachers must be "emotional" first and use their own vitality to infect students with emotional vitality.

   3. In reading teaching, pay attention to the guidance of learning methods, cultivate students' self-reading skills, guide students to learn to question and read with questions through comparison and identification in practice.

   4. To develop good study habits, teachers must follow the strict requirements of the standards and undergo rigorous training to prevent "resurgence" from tightening and loosening at times.

  5. Pay attention to providing good composition guidance classes with purpose and plan, enrich students' accumulation, mobilize their interest in writing, and improve their writing level.

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