When children grow up, teachers go first - learning is always on the way - the ninth responsibility area of ​​Dushan County Preschool Education Training carries out learning and seminar activities in the field of teachers’ language Tools for thinking. Early childhood is an import

When children grow up, teachers go first - learning is always on the way.

- Dushan County Preschool Education Training Ninth Responsibility Area carries out learning and seminar activities in the language field of teachers

html It is mentioned in the Learning and Development Guide for 43-6-year-old children: "Language is a tool for communication and thinking. Early childhood is an important period for language development, especially oral language development. Children's language development runs through various fields and also has an important impact on learning and development in other fields." This passage illustrates language importance to the overall development of young children. In order to improve teachers' ability to organize and guide language activities, on June 28, 2022, the Ninth Responsible Area of ​​Preschool Education Training in Dushan County carried out the "Study and Research in the Language Field of the 3-6 Years Old Children's Development Guide" event. Participants in this event There is Principal Long, the preschool education instructor of Dushan County, and the education director of Yangfeng Kindergarten.

First of all, the director of child care of Yingshan Kindergarten explained in detail the core values ​​in the language field and the strategies to achieve the goals in the "3-6-year-old children's learning and development guide ". And around the question: What is language? How can we develop children's "listening" ability? How to develop children's "speaking" ability? "Guide" What is important for kindergarten and early childhood teachers? The teachers held a heated discussion, mainly focusing on how to develop children's language ability in education and teaching. According to the age characteristics of children of all ages, the teachers collided with each other and actively expressed their own opinions, opinions and teachings. Way.

then used the group as a unit to discuss, design, and display a theme network activity in the language field with the theme of "Spring". Finally, they went on stage to display the results of their group discussions. During the exchange and discussion, the teachers collided with wisdom, learned from each other's strengths, and built It provides a learning platform for mutual understanding, mutual discussion, and mutual promotion, providing a more solid theoretical support for future language teaching practice.

Finally, Principal Long, a preschool education researcher from the County Education Bureau, and Principal Shi from Yingshan Kindergarten were invited to give in-depth guidance and comments to further deepen the teachers’ understanding and mastery of the knowledge they have learned. The training of

has ended, but everyone’s learning and thinking will not stop. A good idea is like a seed, it takes time to take root, grow and grow. I believe that teachers will take this study as a new starting point for professional growth and continue to reflect, practice and improve in future education and teaching activities...

Editor: Lu Zujun

First review: Meng Zelian

Second review: Long Xia

Third review; Shi Linna