The Ministry of Education's 2022 college student financial aid hotline summer centralized acceptance period starts from June 29 to September 15, a total of 79 days. The telephone numbers of the Ministry of Education’s college student financial aid hotline are 010-66097980 and 010

In order to ensure that students from families with financial difficulties

can successfully enter and complete their studies

the Ministry of Education has announced the college student financial aid hotline

The Ministry of Education’s 2022 college student financial aid hotline summer centralized acceptance period starts from June 29 to September 15, a total of 79 sky. The daily acceptance time of is adjusted from 8:00-11:30 and 14:00-17:00 on every working day in other periods to 8:00-20:00 every day (including Saturdays and Sundays).

The Ministry of Education’s college student financial aid hotline numbers are 010-66097980 and 010-66096590. It is mainly used to receive consultations and complaints about student financial aid policies at the higher education stage, to help students accurately understand the national financial aid policies at the higher education stage, and to successfully apply for relevant funding projects. .


Ministry of Education and local universities

student financial aid hotline

2022 central ministries and universities

student financial aid hotline

junior college student education stage

national student financial aid policy

Postgraduate education stage

National student financial aid policy

1.National scholarship

awards For particularly outstanding full-time postgraduate students, 45,000 are awarded each year. Among them, there are 35,000 master's degree students, with a salary of 420,000 yuan per student per year; 10,000 doctoral students, with a salary of 430,000 yuan per student per year.

2. Academic scholarship

The coverage, level, specific standards and evaluation methods of the postgraduate academic scholarship are determined by each university.

3. National scholarship

supports the basic living expenses of full-time graduate students. The annual scholarship for master's students in central universities is RMB 46,000 per student, and the annual scholarship for doctoral students is RMB 415,000 per student; the national scholarship funding standards for graduate students in local universities are determined by the financial departments of each province (autonomous regions, municipalities, and cities under separate state planning) in conjunction with the education department. The annual scholarship is no less than RMB 46,000 , and the annual scholarship for doctoral students is no less than RMB 413,000 .

4. "Three Assistants" Position Subsidy

Set up "Three Assistants" (research assistant, teaching assistant, management assistant) positions for graduate students, and provide job subsidies.

Graduate students National student loans , grassroots employment tuition compensation, national student loan reimbursement, national education subsidies for military service college students, application conditions, procedures and other relevant regulations are basically the same as those for undergraduate and junior college students, and the subsidy standard is per student per year Not higher than 16000 yuan .

specially reminds students and parents

Before and after the start of school is the period when fraud is most common

They must be more vigilant

If there is a problem, consult

through formal channels such as the education administration department and

universities, or seek help from teachers and parents in a timely manner

to avoid causing losses

Source: Hubei release, CCTV News, People's Daily, People's Daily, Weiyan Education

Editor: Gong Tianshu

Review: Yang Changhong

Final review: Guan Yongxia

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