On June 30, Xie Wenhua, Secretary of the Jiangnan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to Wenhua Primary School in the area to investigate the education and teaching work and carried out "July 1" condolences. Xie Wenhua carefully inspected the campus environme

On June 30, Xie Wenhua, Secretary of the Jiangnan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, went to Wenhua Primary School in the area to investigate the education and teaching work and carried out "July 1" condolences.

Xie Wenhua carefully inspected the campus environment and listened to reports on education and teaching. He pointed out that education is a major plan for the country and the Party. It bears the historical mission of educating people for the Party and the country. It carries the future of every child and entrusts the hopes of millions of families. Schools should integrate moral education into all aspects of ideological and moral education, cultural knowledge education, and social practice education, build souls, enlighten minds and nourish hearts, and strive to provide education that satisfies the people. It is necessary to uphold the school motto of "Words convey morality, and culture inherit morality", cultivate patriotism in the practice of moral education, and integrate the qualities of "simplicity, honesty, courage, perseverance, and innovation" into the quality of every teacher and student. in thought and action.

Xie Wenhua emphasized that the education system should combine the special actions of party members to make contributions to the new journey, guide the majority of party members and teachers to have stronger political responsibility, greater responsibility, and higher awareness of action, clarify their identity, set an example, establish an image, and play a pioneering role model effect. It is necessary to establish and improve the principal responsibility system under the leadership of party organizations in primary and secondary schools. The party organizations should direct, manage the overall situation, make decisions, grasp the team, lead the team, promote implementation, and overall improve the level of party building work in primary and secondary schools.

Xie Wenhua requested that departments at all levels in urban areas should combine their responsibilities and functions to promote the establishment of counties and districts with high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education across the country, focus on serving the construction of major projects, introduce high-quality educational resources, and promote the integrated high-quality and balanced development of urban and rural education. The education system must continue to uphold the purpose of "providing education that satisfies the people", pay attention to the role of schools as the main position of educating people and the main channel of classroom teaching, resolutely implement the " double minus " policy, and create a high-quality education brand. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the teaching team, deepen the reform of "district-managed school recruitment", promote the "three" project of famous teachers, famous class teachers, and famous principals, improve teachers' remuneration and working and living conditions, and consolidate the foundation of educational talents. It is necessary to strengthen school management, continue to improve school running conditions, focus on collaborative education between home and school, and make good use of the channels for ideological and political courses in schools to promote the healthy physical and mental development of young people.

urban district leader Huang Ruogu accompanied the investigation.

Manuscript: Bu Yuling

Picture: Deng Guohua

Editor: Zhao Bing

Reviewer: Yang Qiaona

Produced by Jiangnan District Media Center

Submission email: jnqrmt@163.com