On June 29, the 40th special lecture on cutting-edge knowledge of the times of Guizhou Province’s “New Era Learning Lecture Hall” was held in Guiyang. Wang Shijiang, deputy director of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute and Doctor of Science,

On June 29, the 40th special lecture on cutting-edge knowledge of the times of Guizhou Province’s “ new era learning lecture hall” was held in Guiyang. Wang Shijiang, vice president of China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute and doctor of science, was invited to provide special tutoring through remote video. The leading cadres of the organization in Honghuagang District listened to the lecture. At the

lecture, Wang Shijiang gave a special interpretation of the "Opinions of the State Council on Supporting Guizhou to Break a New Path in the Development of the Western Region in the New Era" - Accelerating the Implementation of Strong Chain Actions for the Digital Industry" as the theme, focusing on the positioning of digital economic development and the development trends of the digital industry. , digital new infrastructure development opportunities, digital energy development prospects, digital economy future prospects and suggestions, comprehensively expounds the connotation and essence of the digital industry strong chain action, analyzes the industry development prospects, and combines the actual situation of Guizhou Province , and put forward policy suggestions from eight industrial development directions, including integrated circuits, new displays, artificial intelligence , blockchain, and the metaverse.

After listening to the lecture, the participants said that the lecture was very professional, forward-looking and instructive. Next, they will closely connect with their job responsibilities and seize the historic opportunity of the issuance of the new National Development Document No. 2. Make good use of the knowledge learned from the lectures at work and make due contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the province's digital economy.

lectures are held in villages (communities) in the form of video and telephone conferences. Zou Xiaoli, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Zhao Zhengjun, Chairman of the District CPPCC, Zhang Hui, Liu Meishan, Tang Yuanli, Pan Li, members of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, members of the leadership team of the District People's Congress and the District CPPCC, the District People's Court, the District People's Procuratorate, the Railway Compliance Center, and various units directly under the district The main persons in charge listened to the lecture at the Honghuagang District venue.

Reporter: Tang Yu

Picture: Sun Jidong

Editor: Luo Xiaoshan

Proofreader: Zhou Bin

Reviewer: Yan Xuebin Li Rumin

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