Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Chen Zhuodong Intern Zhong Yinpei Correspondent Tan Yaoguang has entered the graduation season. In various colleges and universities in Jiangmen, in addition to farewell words, students also wish each other good luck in their job sea

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Chen Zhuodong Intern Zhong Yinpei Correspondent Tan Yaoguang

Entering the graduation season, in various colleges and universities in Jiangmen, students tell each other not only parting words but also blessings for "success in job hunting". During a recent visit, the reporter learned that during this graduation season, various colleges and universities in Jiangmen frequently visited companies, held campus job fairs, and promoted outstanding graduates through live broadcasts, and tried their best to promote more full and higher-quality employment for graduates in various ways. At the same time, all walks of life in Jiangmen are also working together to create a good employment environment for graduates.

Wuyi University Fresh graduates participated in talent exchange meetings and other activities to look for job opportunities. Picture provided by Jiang Yixuan

Job hunting competition is fierce and many interviews are held

The reporter learned that this graduation season, the number of fresh graduates from various colleges and universities in Jiangmen has increased significantly compared with last year. Ke Xiaowei, director of Wuyi University's Employment Guidance and Service Center, said: "This year our school has 5,842 undergraduate graduates, an increase of nearly 20% over last year. There are 225 postgraduate graduates this year, an increase of 32% over last year."

Wuyi Many counselors from the university led students to participate in the Shunde University Talent Exchange Meeting. Picture provided by Jiang Yixuan

The increase in fresh graduates means more competition on the job search journey. In order to find a suitable job, graduates from various colleges and universities in Jiangmen put a lot of effort into it. Shi, a recent graduate of Wuyi University majoring in communication engineering, recently went to Shenzhen and other cities to participate in many job fairs. At each job fair, he carefully circled the positions he was interested in on the information and participated in as many interviews as possible. " There are many fresh graduates looking for jobs this year. In order to find a suitable job, I have to go to more interviews."

Xiao Zhang, a recent graduate of Guangdong Southern Vocational College , made preliminary contact with several favorite companies through online applications. He said: "The salary, work content, and development direction of these companies are relatively consistent. Regarding my future plans, I have made an appointment with them for an interview. "

School leaders go to companies to find positions for graduates.

As the last stop before students enter the society, various colleges and universities in Jiangmen are working hard to welcome graduation during this graduation season. Students expand their positions and seek opportunities.

reporters learned that Wuyi University has adopted a series of response measures, including holding multiple graduate supply and demand meetings, holding 6 online job fairs and college special sessions, and providing more than 30,000 positions to this year's graduates.

The relevant person in charge of Wuyi University introduced that the school has conscientiously implemented the work arrangements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education on carrying out the "Secretary and Principal's Visit to Enterprises to Find Jobs and Promote Employment Actions", organized and carried out special actions to visit enterprises to find jobs and promote employment, and will continue to do so. By August, we will make every effort to promote the employment of graduates. The reporter learned that since May, relevant leaders of the school’s Department of Intelligent Manufacturing, School of Art and Design, School of Applied Physics and Materials, and other departments and colleges have actively carried out visits to enterprises and job openings, and visited Taishan Xinxin Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd., Taishan Xinxin Electrical Appliance Factory Co., Ltd. Enterprises in Jiangmen such as Jiangkou Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jinqiao Aluminum Profile Factory Co., Ltd., and Jiangmen Keheng Industrial Co., Ltd. understand the talent needs of enterprises and provide guidance on talent training, "3+1" school-enterprise collaborative education, and industry-university-research institutes. Cooperate, develop job opportunities and conduct in-depth exchanges.

Wuyi University Summer Recruitment for 2022 Graduates and Internship for 2023 Graduates Double Selection Meeting Site Photo provided by Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Visits to companies are not limited to local areas. The school's counselors led more than a hundred students to participate in the university talent exchange meeting in Shunde, Foshan, and leaders of the Department of Intelligent Manufacturing also went to Dongguan to visit many companies. Many companies have reported their demand for professional and skilled talents and are willing to provide employment opportunities for school graduates.

Another university in Jiangmen, Jiangmen Vocational and Technical College , has also formulated 26 measures to promote the employment and entrepreneurship of graduates in 2022. The secretary and principal personally focus on employment, taking the lead in visiting parks and enterprises to establish school-enterprise cooperation. It is worth mentioning that the school focuses on employment assistance for special groups. Lin Xiaoming, chief of the employment guidance section and director of the teaching and research section of the college, said that the college has established a ledger for graduates whose families have financial difficulties, graduates from ethnic minorities, retired graduates and graduates with disabilities, and mobilizes the efforts of all members of the school to provide assistance.

participated in campus recruitment and graduates found good jobs.

While visiting companies, schools also did not relax in campus recruitment activities.

Reporters learned that Jiangmen Vocational and Technical College launched a large-scale online recruitment event "Hundred Schools Work Together to Focus on Employment" Jiangmen Vocational College special job fair, which has attracted 77 companies to participate, providing 330 categories of jobs, and the total demand for talents The number of participants reached 3873, attracting a large number of students to actively participate.

From June 21st to 23rd, Wuyi University also organized three consecutive "Wuyi University 2022 Graduates Summer Recruitment and 2023 Graduates Internship Selection Fairs" in conjunction with the Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. It is reported that the participating units are mainly enterprises above designated size, and 140 key companies such as Rongsheng, Dingjin, Dingyi, CIMC, Lee Kum Kee, Jin Laite, Jiashili, etc. participated in the conference, providing engineers, administrative assistants, translators, accountants, etc. There are about 2,100 high-quality jobs and internship positions such as e-commerce anchors, management trainees, and . The monthly salary of the jobs ranges from 5,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan, and nearly 50% of the jobs have a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan or more. The double selection event attracted nearly 2,000 students. As of the 23rd, about 800 students had submitted resumes and about 230 had reached employment intentions.

Multiple parties work together to expand employment channels for college graduates. Picture provided by Jiang Yixuan

During the interview, the reporter learned that campus recruitment activities are still the main channel for graduates to find jobs. Situ Junmin, a student at the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Wuyi University, successfully found a job by participating in many campus recruitment activities: "I think I am quite lucky. I have found a job corresponding to my major. The school's employment guidance center will also organize some Online and offline job fairs, contacting alumni companies to provide employment information, etc., help us solve the problem of difficulty in finding a job. "

Departments send policies and companies send jobs.

While the school is working hard, all walks of life in Jiangmen are also helping college graduates. Contribute to your job search.

The relevant person in charge of the Jiangmen City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said that on June 21, the bureau held a launching ceremony for the Jiangmen City "Three Deliveries" event on campus at Wuyi University. At the ceremony, the bureau signed talent supply agreements with five colleges and universities in Jiangmen; the five colleges signed internship base agreements for the 2023 college graduates with representatives of the Jiangmen Human Resources Association and leading industrial enterprises. The Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau also distributed "policy, position, and service" gift packages to five colleges and universities. Wen Li, director of the bureau, said that the "three gifts" campaign will go to various local colleges and universities to further release policy dividends, channel government support, smooth the matching of supply and demand, and do everything possible to increase the supply of job positions for college graduates and expand employment channels for college graduates.

Wen Li (third from right), director of Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, went to Wuyi University to communicate with the school. Photo provided by Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

And the Pengjiang District Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) organized Pengjiang District key enterprises and Jiangmen occupations The Technical College carries out the "Private Enterprises and Colleges Join Hands to Promote Employment Action" to build school-enterprise employment channels and provide students with employment and internship positions. Huang Zhijian, Chairman (President) of the Pengjiang District Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), expressed the hope that both enterprises and schools can truly break the barriers and truly present the advantages of local enterprises to every college student, giving them more confidence support and truly Keep talents in Jiangmen.

", three supports and one support " There is a new way to find employment

The reporter noticed during the interview that in addition to entering various enterprises, "three supports and one support" at the grassroots level has become a new direction for college graduates to find employment.

It is reported that the "Three Supports and One Support" plan refers to the selection of college graduates to engage in voluntary services at the grassroots level such as supporting education, supporting agriculture, supporting medical care, and assisting rural revitalization. The relevant person in charge of the Jiangmen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said that this year, the recruitment positions for Jiangmen City’s “Three Supports and One Support” program cover all counties (districts) in the city, and the number of recruitment positions has reached 160, setting a record high. The number of applicants has also increased by nearly 1,000 compared to last year.

reporter learned that last year Jiangmen introduced relevant management measures for the "Three Supports and One Support" plan, which will provide one-time rewards to college graduates who can continue to work at the grassroots level after the expiration of the term, and undergraduates will receive one-time rewards. 24,000 yuan, and if you are a graduate student, the reward will be doubled to further attract more talents to stay at the grassroots level.

The reporter learned from Wuyi University that the school encourages graduates to actively seek employment at the grassroots level. Through posters and the WeChat official account of "Yida Employment Guidance and Service", policies are released to promote interpretations of policies and publicity of typical cases. Various colleges (departments) have extensively mobilized graduates to participate. According to statistics, in 2022, 1,137 graduates of the school will sign up for the "three supports and one support" program, setting a record high.

The principal "appeared" and "led people" in the live broadcast

html At the end of May, Zhu Guochang, the principal of Jiangmen No. 1 Vocational and Technical School, and Bi Guoqiang, the vice principal, led student representatives to appear in the live broadcast room and carry out online promotion activities for the 2022 graduates through WeChat video accounts and other platforms. .

brought up the idea of ​​"live streaming to recruit people". The person in charge of the school said that due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, large-scale offline recruitment activities have decreased, and students are also subject to various restrictions on interviewing in various places, and their employment faces many challenges. So I tried to carry out live broadcast activities, hoping to use new media platforms to overcome various offline obstacles and activate more possibilities for students to find employment.

Jiangmen No. 1 Vocational and Technical School creates job opportunities for graduates through live broadcasts. Picture provided by interviewee

In the first live broadcast, Zhu Guochang introduced the school’s general education strategy in recent years, as well as various projects in which students have participated in research and development. Cai Huanjin, a 2019 accounting student from the school, and Li Jinhua, a hotel management student, also appeared as student representatives to introduce their employment intentions and the school-running characteristics of their major groups.

It is reported that the first live broadcast has been watched by more than 20,000 people on multiple platforms, with more than 5,000 likes, and more than 200 corporate messages. Many companies contacted schools to "rob people" during the live broadcast. "The 'live broadcast recruiting' activity can effectively improve the convenience and efficiency of companies in recruiting talents. During the live broadcast, I posted recruitment information in the message area and got in touch with the school's employment department." said Li Weibiao, head of Guixing Group.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng School

Editor | Huang Tiean