Introduction As academic qualifications gradually become an important factor in social competition, parents have begun to pay unprecedented attention to their children's learning. Especially during the critical period of high school, cram schools for various subjects must be arra


When academic qualifications gradually become an important factor in social competition, parents have begun to pay unprecedented attention to their children's learning . Especially during the critical period of high school, cram schools for various subjects must be arranged. Even if the performance of a certain subject has not declined, in order to gain more points in the college entrance examination, the supplementary classes must still be kept up. It may cost more, but as long as the child makes progress, it is worth the extra effort.

However, this is always the thought of most parents. Everyone's situation is different, and their thoughts on making up lessons in and are also different. For example, those students with excellent grades usually rely on their long-term self-discipline and experience to study. They rarely attend cram schools or simply don't spend money on it. So, will there be any obvious difference between students who make up classes and those who don’t?

As one of the ways to improve academic performance, most children have been arranged by their parents to receive a series of tutoring courses for excellence during the winter and summer vacations. Compared with the course schedule and regular schedule during school, winter and summer vacations are actually more tiring.

For children, although there are not many cultural classes arranged at school, fortunately there are other courses interspersed, which is beneficial to individual physical and mental development; but during the long holidays, only is boring knowledge about , and it’s not just one subject, but there are several subjects waiting for you to learn.

In addition to children, parents also have complaints about tutoring. After all, with the huge demand, various cram schools are also constantly increasing their prices. Just one class can cost thousands. After the semester, it is not a small expense.

Most parents choose to provide supplementary classes for their children. In fact, this is so that their children can better cope with the ever-changing education policies and go to better schools in the future entrance exams. However, the effect of tutoring is different for different people.

For example, with the help of extracurricular tutoring, some students have made very obvious progress, and their scores have improved several places; but some students cannot adapt to this excessive arrangement. Not only have there been no changes, but they have also had a negative impact on their learning. Feeling disgusted, I began to think of escaping. In addition, there are also those who have never attended cram school but still rank among the best.

This situation has also made many parents wonder, is not tutoring the best way to educate? But without tutoring, students' performance will only stagnate. So, how to determine whether a child should take tutoring? We must first understand the difference between and between the two tutoring methods.

As we all know, one of the biggest purposes of tutoring is to achieve good results in the college entrance examination and get admitted to a strong university. But for students who have never made up for classes or who often make up for studying, their thoughts on and for the college entrance examination are also different.

Let's take this year's college entrance examination as an example. On the basis of the linear increase in the difficulty of each subject, the question types are no longer mainly in the traditional form, but there are many more creative test questions. This also caught many students off guard. It seemed that the books they usually immersed themselves in reading and the questions they worked hard on were all "disappeared" when they encountered these new question types.

However, students who often have tutoring after class said that because the review time in the third year of high school is relatively short, many teachers only focus on speed when teaching in order to catch up with the progress. Many knowledge points do not take into account and . When doing exercises, they realize that they have some problems. Important knowledge is not mastered. Fortunately, there are teachers in cram schools who can supplement and improve what I have not learned well.

However, there is also an annoying thing about tutoring, that is, some teachers always like to start new courses, and sometimes "learn ahead of ", which is several times faster than the progress of the school teachers. In this way, the effect is also great. discount.

On the other hand, students who have not taken supplementary classes can only spend more time after class. After all, some knowledge points in the class are covered in one stroke. If you want to fully master them, you still have to rely on your personal conscious .

Looking at it this way, it seems that students who take supplementary classes will have an advantage, but if you think about it carefully, when encountering rich and varied question types, students who have not taken supplementary classes will actually be able to cope better and be able to think better. diverges from , and you can come up with problem-solving ideas faster.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the issue of whether it is necessary to make up classes, especially under the pressure of to enter , the school's schedule is already very full, and occasionally Saturdays and Sundays are also used for classes, so it is still necessary More coaching?

Whether to take tutoring or not, parents still have to start from the actual situation of their children. For example, some children are slower in mastering knowledge and find it difficult to keep up with the teacher. If they do not take tutoring, they will only think about what they have entrusted to the school. Teacher, it is still difficult to make progress.

Another thing to note is that learning requires methods and self-discipline . If a child cannot find a suitable learning method and is often unable to concentrate on learning, then additional tutoring is still necessary.

Summary: We always say that learning depends on self-consciousness, but whether we should be like other parents who urge their children to attend cram schools for various subjects, we should still consider it based on personal status and grades. If you can improve children's interest and motivation in learning through tutoring, it must be feasible.