In recent years, it has been deeply affected by the epidemic. Many college students have missed out on their college life. Especially for the students who graduated in the previous batches, they were not able to hold a proper graduation ceremony. I can only end my college journey

has been deeply affected by the epidemic in recent years. Many college students have missed out on their college life. Especially for the students who graduated in the previous batches, they were not able to hold a proper graduation ceremony. I can only end my college journey online in a hurry. Therefore, many seniors expressed their envy for this class of graduates. Because they can have a good relationship with their classmates and friends without any regrets.

And for the students of the 20th class, their graduation ceremony will be relatively simple. Graduation also means that we are about to embark on a journey of work, about to face this society, and to venture into it alone.

Graduation ceremonies have always been a very memorable event. Every time, many school leaders and teachers attend. As a teacher, it is inevitable to take photos with students.

Not only teachers, but also deans. And every time this happens, many deans will show embarrassment. Then all they can do is smile to relieve their embarrassment. Because many people don’t know exactly where and where the future will lead. All they can do is to grasp the present moment and take every step of the present moment.

There are also a lot of students in universities. It will be very tiring for the dean to take photos with every student. Many deans seemed to be as motionless as statues, just waiting for students to take photos.

Many people also joked that the dean could tell whether he was real or fake just by standing there motionless. Many students expressed that they felt very reluctant to leave. College is passing by in a hurry. I haven't done what I want to do in the past four years, and as a result, I am about to graduate.

Many students are still very sad. Including the dean and teachers, they are extremely reluctant to give up. Time flies by. It is like a wild horse that is running wild and cannot be restrained from running away. What we can do is to cherish the limited time and accomplish what we want to accomplish.

Graduation actually means employment. Graduating from college truly means that your student days are over. Although when I was a student, I had endless homework, endless classes, and countless types of questions I couldn’t solve. But our student days are definitely the life we ​​miss the most and yearn for the most.

changes and progresses with the times. Our social competitiveness is also getting higher year by year. Many times we fail to successfully find a position that suits us. With the increase in the number of college students every year, there are many jobs that are far from meeting people's needs. At this time, many college students will also decide to go in another direction. Either he is taking the exam for editing, or he is taking the civil service exam, or he is planning to become a teacher. In short, many people prefer a stable and dull life.

Some students will directly plan to devote themselves to work. Many times, such students often cannot afford the tuition fees, so they decide to work at a young age. Generally speaking. Most students will choose to continue their studies. The jobs of the future are actually related to the major chosen by each person. This also means that we must think carefully and carefully when choosing a major. After all, we all have to deal with the profession of our choice in the future. If the major we choose is not what we like, then we will easily not be able to stick to it. Many people will easily give up halfway. Therefore, we must know what we are interested in. Only in this way can we better invest in future work. And only in this way can we get along better with the future.

Of course, there are also many students who find that they cannot find a suitable job in their chosen major after graduation. Then at this time, many people will choose other jobs that have nothing to do with their major.Some people can still do well even though the jobs they choose have nothing to do with their major. Therefore, there will still be many possibilities in the future. As long as we don't give up our love for life and our patience for life, one day we will find a path that suits us and a job that suits us.

We still need to cherish the four years of college and take the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills. Improve your abilities and improve yourself. Only in this way will you be able to better find a job that suits you when you go out to find a job in the future, and will you have the capital and conditions to defeat others. Social competition is getting stronger and stronger, and the phenomenon of being rolled into is becoming more and more serious. We still need to take the power into our own hands.