Qilu.com·Lightning News, June 30th: The summer festival is here again, and the vegetation is lush; we need to pack our bags and pursue our dreams for the future. Recently, the 2022 graduate graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Shandong First Medical University (Sha

Qilu.com· Lightning News June 30th The summer festival is here again, and the vegetation is lush; repacking your bags and pursuing your dreams for the future. Recently, the 2022 graduate graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Shandong First Medical University ( Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences ) was held at the main campus in Jinan. School (college) leaders Han Jinxiang, Lu Lin, Yu Jinming, Xiaoli, Liu Sijin, Zhao Jiajun, Zhang Furen, Wang Pengcheng, Liu Dongping, Liu Chuanyong, Li Dong, Wang Yuxuan, and Ma Luyu attended the ceremony and bid farewell together. 2022 PhD and Master graduates. Vice President Zhao Jiajun presided over the ceremony.

The graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Ma Luyu, member of the party committee and vice president of the school (department), read out the list of degree recipients in 2022. Lu Xiaoli, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, read out the "Notice on Commending the Outstanding Graduates of Shandong Province in 2022". Han Jinxiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school (college), issued honorary certificates to outstanding provincial graduate students.

School (college) leaders issued letters of appointment to the 2022 graduate alumni class liaisons.

In the warm applause, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of the school (dean) Lu Lin, on behalf of the teachers, students, and medical staff of the school (department), sent the most sincere congratulations and best wishes to all the graduates, and expressed his sincere wishes to the graduate students who have been caring for them all the way. The teachers and family members who have grown into talents express their high respect and heartfelt thanks. Lu Lin pointed out that since the school (college) was officially established in 2019, all work has been in full swing and has achieved a successful and resounding start. In accordance with the "three-step strategy" proposed by the first party congress of the school (college), comprehensive Implement the “135 Project” and strive to build a first-class applied research university that is domestically leading and has important international influence. He put forward three expectations for graduate students: First, they should have great ambitions and dare to take on big responsibilities. We must base ourselves on the present, aim high, move forward in pursuit of dreams, integrate the "small self" into the "big self", and be brave enough to be forge ahead, pioneers and devotees ahead of the times. The second is to strengthen character and pay attention to moral cultivation. From winning the "four consecutive championships" in the history of eradicating the epidemic in New China, to working hard to start a business during the Lou De period, and now bravely fighting the epidemic on the front line, advocating morality and self-cultivation has always been the spiritual gene of Shanyi people. It is necessary to carry forward this tradition, find the correct position in life, grasp the bottom line of life, and realize the ideal of life. The third is to be good at learning and have the courage to pioneer and innovate. We must follow the example of academician teachers such as Xie Lixin and Yu Jinming, always maintain the enthusiasm for learning and innovation, strive to be persistent and actionable innovators, and never stop on the road to pursuit of excellence. Finally, he said to the graduates affectionately that he hopes that after graduation you will truly carry forward the spirit of the school motto of "Standing for Thousands of Miles, Stopping at Perfection". Wherever you are in the future, shanda. will be there; what are you like? , what is Shanda University like? I look forward to you all becoming the pillars of the motherland, the darlings of the times, and the pride of Shanda University in the future. No matter where you are in the future, your alma mater will always be your spiritual home, your spiritual harbor, and your strong support.

Yu Jinming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , honorary school (dean) president, and director of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital, delivered a speech, saying that graduates should strengthen their beliefs, always maintain their feelings for their family and country, and consciously resonate with the pulse of national development with the pace of their struggle. , consciously implement the code of conduct of "respecting life, saving lives and healing the wounded, being willing to contribute, and boundless love" and "people first, life first" into action; we must forge ahead, build a youthful foundation, and in the tireless study, we are constantly learning. Develop excellent skills through the practice of fighting, and become a young man in the new era who is knowledgeable, educated, and self-reliant; we must pioneer and innovate, establish a scientific way of thinking, actively participate in the rolling wave of reform and innovation, and compete with the fastest Race, compete with the strongest, and strive to write a glorious chapter of youth that "lives up to the times, lives up to the times, and lives up to the people".

Professor Liu Hong, the instructor representative, put forward three instructions to all graduates in his speech: first, be diligent and eager to learn, and persevere; second, practice diligently and pursue perseverance; third, remain innocent and never change your original intention.I hope that everyone can always abide by the ethics of medical practice, abide by the meaning of helping the world, practice the motto of Shanda University of "Standing a Thousand Miles, Stopping at Perfection", let youth bloom magnificently, and let dreams fly freely. In his speech, Chen Cunbao, the graduate representative of

, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the school leaders and teachers for their hard work on behalf of all graduates of the class of 2022, and promised to his alma mater and mentors: It will be a long road, and we will not change our original intention, brave the wind and waves, live up to our mission, lead With the support given by his alma mater and mentor, he will contribute his own strength to the medical and health cause of mankind.

In a solemn and warm atmosphere, the leaders of the school (college) honored the graduating students, awarded them degree certificates and took group photos.

Before the ceremony, the carefully produced video "Don't Say Goodbye after Graduation from Shanda University" was played, and programs such as "Graduation Season Songs" and the dance "Love You" brought by graduate students brought warmth to the scene. , a reluctant graduation atmosphere.

"I am determined to do my best to eliminate human suffering, help improve health, safeguard the sanctity and honor of medical skills, save lives and heal the wounded, work tirelessly and persistently to pursue, and strive for the development of the medical and health industry of the motherland and the physical and mental health of mankind throughout my life." Finally, in front of all the teachers, The ceremony and degree conferring ceremony concluded successfully as the students reaffirmed the medical student oath.

School (college) degree evaluation committee members, tutor representatives, responsible comrades of relevant departments and units, and more than 500 doctoral and master's degree graduates attended the ceremony.

Lightning News reporter Ge Yifan reports on