Guests from Beijing and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao attended the "Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" event briefing online and offline. Photo courtesy of the event organizing committee. Guests from Beijing and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao attended the "Towards Carbo

Guests from Beijing and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao attended the "Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" event briefing online and offline. Photo provided by the event organizing committee

Guests from Beijing and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao attended the "Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" event briefing online and offline. Picture provided by the event organizing committee

(Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland) The 2022 "Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" event was officially launched

China News Service, Hong Kong, June 30 (Suo Youwei and Liu Yuting) Celebrating the return of Hong Kong The 25th Anniversary of the Motherland - "Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" China (Hong Kong) Youth Chapter 2022 event was officially launched on the 29th. The event organizing committee hopes to use this to enhance students in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao's understanding of carbon neutral and practice the action of “national carbon reduction” from an early age.

Guests from all walks of life from Beijing, Shenzhen and Macau, as well as supervisors, school directors and principals from more than 30 schools in Hong Kong, participated in the day's activities online. Huang Baoji, voluntary deputy secretary-general of the Hong Kong Sports Association and Olympic Committee, and Cheng Guohong, chief executive officer, attended the event in Hong Kong.

"Towards Carbon Neutral Bay Area Youth Tour" event briefing venue in Hong Kong. Picture provided by the event organizing committee

It is reported that the event is guided by the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region, China Environmental Protection Federation , and Tsinghua University Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development It is a supporting unit; co-sponsored by the United Front Work Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, United Front Work Department of Shenzhen Longgang District Committee, Shenzhen Damei Youth Growth and Development Guidance Center, Hong Kong Langqing Charity, and Macau Shenzhen Economic and Cultural Promotion Association, and received funding from Bank of China (Hong Kong). Organized by Greenway Academy, Hong Kong Productivity Council , Eternal Education Foundation Co., Ltd., and Dongcheng Production (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

activity committee member and Hong Kong Langqing Charity Chairman Mak Le Chang introduced the annual activity plan, which includes the Beijing National Academy of Painting exhibition "Carbon Neutral World in the Minds of Bay Area Children" and the opening ceremony in Hong Kong, which showcases the award-winning youths from the three places. Thematic works; "National Carbon Reduction" carbon neutral education action, "Carbon Neutrality under the Lens" competition, and "Carbon Neutral Pioneer" biodiversity protection promotion activities, etc. Dr. Wang Minxian, consultant to the

event group, expressed the hope that this year's event can not only celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, but also cultivate the habit of practicing carbon neutrality among young people and strengthen the connection between young people in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. (End)