"The Constitution is the fundamental law of our country, and its connotation is very profound. The Constitution is the general charter for the governance and security of our country. All other laws in our country must be formulated based on the Constitution. Laws are only truly e

" The Constitution is the fundamental law of our country, and its connotation is very profound. The Constitution is the general charter for the governance and security of our country. All other laws in our country must be formulated based on the Constitution. Laws can only be engraved in the hearts of the people. It is truly effective. Consciously observing and safeguarding the law can improve the overall quality of citizens and become law-abiding and good citizens. This is also an important part of the construction of our judicial position that embodies the spirit of the Constitution and the rule of law." On June 28, Jia Shiyu, Director of the Judicial Office of the 21st Regiment, introduced the content of the rule of law culture in the construction of the Judicial Office of the 21st Reclamation District to three members of the party branch of the Judicial Bureau of Yanqi Reclamation District.

The Judicial Bureau of Yanqi Reclamation District has always integrated the leading role of party building into all judicial administration work, promoted the coordination of party building leadership and the construction of judicial offices, and the promotion of the rule of law in the field, and the party branch strictly implemented the intra-party organizational life system, organized 23 sessions of various leading studies were carried out to make intra-party life more solemn, more serious and more standardized. We will be more refined in improving our capabilities, continue to strengthen dual learning and improvement activities in political and business affairs, and make party history study, rule of law study, and serving the people compulsory courses for all police officers. The party branch has organized the party members of the grassroots judicial offices of the bureau to actively participate in the education and study of various advanced subjects 4 times, strengthen the cultivation and training of young party members and police officers, give full play to the role of veteran police officers in teaching and helping, and go out and bring back to strengthen business. In the construction of the judicial office, the party branch always adheres to the concept of creating excellence and improving quality, learns from each other and continuously improves the functional level of judicial administration serving the people, actively practices and promotes the purpose of serving the people, and actively plays a role in promoting the central work of the Youth League Party Committee. The society in the group field is harmonious and stable. The

Party branch has taken the lead in party building to fully implement its main responsibilities and build a strong branch battle fortress. The leadership team has always taken the lead in setting an example and focusing on the construction of judicial offices. The construction of 7 grassroots judicial offices in the jurisdiction has continued to achieve new results. The construction of judicial offices has become more standardized and the office environment has been better. , service levels have been continuously improved, and the role of improving quality and efficiency for the people has been fully exerted and demonstrated. Under the leadership of the party branches of the grassroots judicial bureaus in the jurisdiction, a good atmosphere of continuous learning from the advanced, excellence, and comparison has been formed.

(Correspondent: Jia Shiyu Ma Qiang)