As the college entrance examination scores are released, another "big test" also kicks off this week - filling in the voluntary application form. Flip through forms, look up information, consult with “experienced people”… After repeated considerations, some special majors are qui

As the college entrance examination scores are released, another "big test" also kicks off this week - filling in the voluntary application form.

Flipping through forms, looking up information, consulting “experienced people”... After repeated considerations, some special majors are quietly coming into people’s sight. Many of them seem "unpopular", but they feel "really fragrant" when you are in them. The good industry prospects under the severe employment situation are attracting aspiring students to join in and radiate excitement.

Tea Science: Listen to the lecture while tasting, the aroma of tea fills the classroom

"The ancients used gold and silver to grind tea, believing that grinding tea with such materials will not change the color of the tea." "People in the Song Dynasty favored white tea, in order to better set off the white color of the tea foam. , usually dark-colored tea cups are used for comparison."...

In the recently popular costume drama " Meng Hua Lu ", the heroine Zhao Pan'er has a tea fight with the owner of Tea Soup Alley in an episode, which makes the audience understand the popularity of tea cups. The tea culture during the Song Dynasty had an image. South China Agricultural University Su Diandian, who is a first-year graduate student majoring in tea science, has written down the knowledge and measurement standards of tea ordering, tea fighting, tea play, and even some problems in the plot that cannot be shown in detail in the picture in his spare time. The public account "Tea Science" is run by the company. From not knowing anything about tea when he first entered school, to continuing his postgraduate studies after graduating from undergraduate, this young man in his early twenties said that he has truly fallen in love with Chinese tea culture.

South China Agricultural University is the earliest university in my country to offer the tea science major and the most comprehensive education system. The tea science major can be said to be one of the school’s trump card majors. This is an important reason why Su Diandian chose tea science when she applied for a volunteer.

"People often ask me, do your majors require you to drink tea every day?" Su Diandian said with a smile. In fact, in the first two years of college, in addition to basic required courses, students mainly study botany, organic chemistry, microbiology and other professional courses. , haven’t had much contact with “tea” yet.

In my junior year, the real knowledge surrounding tea began to pour in. At this time, everyone was a little impatient! Su Diandian introduced that the more important professional courses include tea biochemistry , which studies the impact of various functional ingredients on the quality of tea. "It means that if there is more or less of the ingredient, the tea will taste better or worse."

There is also a tea review and inspection, which uses terminology to objectively describe and grade a tea. "We will evaluate the tea leaves according to their appearance, taste, soup color, aroma, and leaf base. We have a special evaluation room." Relatively speaking, the course is more in line with the outside world's imagination of the tea major: students observe and analyze Brewing, tasting and listening, the aroma of tea is often overflowing in class.

However, unlike the leisurely tea tasting state of mind, tea tasting in the classroom requires repeated pondering. "In the beginning, I couldn't distinguish the so-called aromas and flavors. I could only try and drink more, feel and remember, and keep accumulating." Su Diandian recalled that from undergraduate to graduate school, he bought it by himself, drank it during internships and classes, and drank it on various occasions. , fighting with classmates to buy... I have tasted no less than a hundred kinds of tea from the six major tea categories.

In addition, personally cultivating tea trees in the school tea garden, tea processing, tea art and tea culture... are all professional learning contents. After graduation, students mainly go to tea enterprises, tea houses, agricultural administrative institutions, etc. "Although the salary is not as high as that of the Internet and finance, if you are interested in tea science, the employment rate is very good." Su Diandian said, Last year, the employment rate of tea science undergraduates exceeded 90%. Because I was interested in scientific research, I chose to continue my studies and determined to become a " tea doctor " and contribute my talents to the things I love.

Fragrances and Flavors: Dismantling and Assembling, Indulging in Creativity

On top of the scent of tea, If I were to recommend the most "fragrant" major in the university, it would be "Fragrances and Flavors". The full name of this major is "Fragrance and Fragrance Technology and Engineering". Last year Beijing Technology and Business University added this major.Previously, it was only offered in two or three universities in China, with Shanghai University of Applied Sciences being the most famous and known as the "Cradle of Chinese Perfumers".

"Our main employment direction is the research and development of flavors for food, daily necessities, and tobacco. There is about a 50-50 split between private companies and state-owned enterprises. Because the number of graduates is not large, they can basically find a job smoothly." Not long ago, Shanghai Applied Technology Ji Kaize, a fresh graduate of the university's Fragrance and Fragrance Technology and Engineering, joined a perfume company. According to his observation, the average starting salary of his classmates is six to seven thousand yuan. "This year's epidemic situation is severe, and this level is acceptable to everyone."

In the year of the college entrance examination, Ji Kaize first determined the target city because he liked Shanghai, and then matched him to a school based on his score. "Fragrance and flavoring is a major I discovered when I was doing my application search. I had never heard of it before. Because I often saw my mother spraying perfume, I thought it would be interesting to make fragrances. My parents didn't object, so I chose to apply."

In Ji Kaize's case In the first semester, there were two classes in the flavor and fragrance major, with a total of 80 students, about one-third of whom were boys. Chemistry-related courses were the core. "To make perfume, you need to know the principles and structure of the aroma. For example, the aroma of a rose may be composed of dozens of aroma molecules. The structure of each aroma molecule is different. We need to learn one by one and master four or five Hundreds of aroma molecular structures. "

In the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the incense master An Lingrong only needs to put the Huanyi incense used in Hua Fei in front of his nose and smell it for a while, and he can tell the difference. Several kinds of spices are included, which Ji Kaize believes that he and his classmates can do. "Separating a fragrance into its main raw materials, and using various raw materials like building blocks to piece together the flavor you envision in your mind, is what we have been learning."

This process requires students to work in the laboratory Repeat a large number of operations to accumulate and master various data. "Some people ask me if my sense of smell needs to be particularly sensitive. In fact, you can develop a normal sense of smell." Ji Kaize said that solid basic skills are the prerequisite for doing this industry, and the deeper he gets, the more he becomes intoxicated with the endless creativity in the process of perfume making. . "I think it is possible to work hard and create a fragrance that is popular in the industry, and it is also the direction of my future efforts."

Audiology: With the "ear" as the center, there is a gap in talents

in Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine In the university's major list, the audiology major has three "names": national-level first-class undergraduate majors, national-level specialty majors, and Zhejiang provincial key majors. It can be said to be one of the school's well-known advantageous majors.

"Our hearing does not refer to whether we can understand foreign languages, but the ability to 'listen' in a literal sense." He Diudiu, a graduate of the school's audiology undergraduate program, said with a smile that even though she has graduated for several years, she still encounters the opposite from time to time. I asked curiously about my professional doubts. "In a nutshell, it mainly focuses on the ears, such as various pathologies of the ears, linguistics, phonetics, acoustic engineering, etc. The content is quite extensive."

According to He Diudi's observation, the quality of audiology graduates There are three main types of employment. Entering a hospital to work as a clinical audiologist and engaging in various hearing-related examinations, such as newborn hearing screening, tinnitus vertigo detection, etc. Or enter a hearing aid, cochlear implant manufacturer, provide training for staff, and work in the hearing aid equipment distribution department or retail store. You can also enter the Disabled Persons' Federation system or a speech rehabilitation institution to engage in speech rehabilitation training and special education.

Compared with foreign countries, audiology in my country started relatively late. Currently, there are only more than ten colleges and universities offering this major across the country, with hundreds of graduates every year. Among the five disabilities, hearing, language and have a population of about 27.8 million, ranking first among all disabilities. Even if each hospital is equipped with one audiology technician, there is still a large gap in related talents.

"Audiology is a rising industry, and the employment rate has always been relatively high." He Diudi said that when she first applied for a volunteer, her sister, who works in dental foreign trade equipment, thought audiology was good and recommended it to her. Although I did feel unpopular, considering that I was timid and being an audiologist would be less likely to cause medical disputes, I followed the other party's advice.

“The more I do it, the more I feel that I like this industry and can help others effectively and quickly.” Six years after graduation, He Diudi has been working in a hearing aid manufacturer, training staff on theoretical knowledge and conducting hearing aid testing for customers. match. "Companies generally pay more attention to people with professional backgrounds like ours, and the salary is pretty good. It can reach over 10,000 per month. I think the current situation is quite satisfactory."

These majors are equally exciting

Horse Industry Science

In March 2019, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Qingdao Agricultural University became the first university in the country to successfully launch the equine science major. Students will understand the structural characteristics and living habits of horses, master professional core courses such as horse training and care, stable management, events and management, and become all-round talents who are grooms, riders, and coaches. Most of the graduates are located in racecourses, clubs, event organizations, industry associations and other units, engaged in management, marketing, teaching and other jobs.

Brewing Engineering

Brewing Engineering is located in Sichuan Light Chemical University . It is a special and key construction major and has the reputation of "the cradle of training Chinese liquor talents". The initial learning is similar to the bioengineering course. In the junior year, students begin to be exposed to courses such as factory design, process design, brewing engineering technology, and liquor tasting. In fact, the major of does not have too much "alcohol smell", and applicants do not need to "mass". Students can easily find jobs in the industry, and the alumni network can be said to be spread throughout large wine companies.

Planetary Science

Some people say that "Planetary Science" is "the strongest major in the universe", while others say that it is like going to space to pick up "stones". According to reports, the main research objects of "planetary science" are the formation and evolution processes of planets in the solar system, comets , asteroids and exoplanets . Taking deep space exploration as the main research method is based on the previous intersection of earth science, space science, astronomy and other disciplines. On September 8, 2020, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences recruited the first batch of 10 planetary science graduate students; on September 19, 2020, Chengdu University of Technology selected the "Planetary Science Elite Class" for the whole school, starting an elite Undergraduate training.

source Beijing Daily client | reporter Wei Jing

editor Wang Qiong

process editor Liu Weili