In order to make sufficient political preparations, ideological preparations, theoretical preparations and practical preparations, according to the unified arrangements of the Forest Fire Bureau, the Daqing Aviation Rescue Detachment concentrated for 8 days from June 21 to 28, ad

Welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This is the main theme of the team's work this year. In order to make sufficient political preparations, ideological preparations, theoretical preparations and practical preparations, according to the unified arrangements of the Forest Fire Bureau, the Daqing Aviation Rescue Detachment concentrated for 8 days from June 21 to 28, adopting the method of simultaneous development, integration of unified and decentralized operations, and full-scale rescue operations. In a joint manner, we will solidly carry out the second concentrated study of the 2022 Party Committee Theoretical Study Center and the leadership organization, and provide ideological guidance and theoretical guidance to promote the team to deepen reforms, transform and become stronger, and better perform their functions and missions.

Combining theoretical arming with improving ideological understanding

This theoretical study coincides with the increasingly intense political atmosphere across the country to celebrate the 20th National Congress, and the special period when the merger of the two bureaus is actually taking place, which puts forward higher political requirements for us.

To this end, the party committee of the detachment insisted on focusing on major issues first, reducing the number of flights, and focusing everything on learning. Political Commissar Jiang Fumin, secretary of the party committee, reviewed the study notes and experiences of the party committee members one by one, and shared their thoughts and understandings with the cadres of the agency. .

Deputy political commissar Li Chao focused on the central group to study the content of and comprehensively studied the general secretary’s speech, the spirit of superior documents, laws and regulations, and improved the learning enthusiasm of all personnel. While focusing on the study of their own departments, members of each party committee conducted discussions and exchanges around the central group's learning themes and content, combined with the work in charge, and focused on the deep-seated issues that restrict the reform and development of the team.

Combining theoretical arming with enhanced capabilities and quality

As a team created by General Secretary Xi personally, we must actively respond to the General Secretary’s call, pass on the original intention, shoulder the mission, and work hard with a more high-spirited spirit. Fight tenaciously. On June 8, General Secretary Xi Jinping made comprehensive instructions on flood control and flood fighting during his inspection in Sichuan. The detachment took advantage of the learning opportunity of the central group and invited Director Zhang Ren of the Heilongjiang Water Conservancy School Training Center to come to the team twice for water conservancy, flood control and flood fighting. Emergency rescue theory coaching and teaching adopts teaching methods such as theoretical explanations, watching videos, and physical demonstrations to provide theoretical support for efficiently and successfully handling flood fighting and rescue tasks.

Combining theoretical arming with strengthening task training

Detachment, as the main force and national team of national aviation rescue, shoulders the important responsibility of preventing and responding to various natural disasters and protecting the safety of people's lives and property. It has a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission, and it is even more necessary to use it. Continuously study to strengthen ideals and beliefs, and apply theoretical learning to daily combat readiness training. During the study period, due to mission needs, the detachment organized "3+3" flight training. In order to strictly implement the various learning contents of the central group, without affecting the top flight safety, it adopted concentrated learning before flight, dispersed learning during flight, and flight training. In the form of make-up lessons later, we use the "Three Studies" time in the evening to organize concentrated large-class tutoring, use the M3 office platform to upload learning materials, grasp the learning links, and implement the make-up lesson system, so that all personnel can improve their thinking and learn during the heavy combat readiness training. There is gain.

combines theoretical arming with rich learning carriers.

detachment has always been committed to popularizing and popularizing theoretical arming, so that all officers and soldiers can feel the power of faith, learning, thought and theory through learning. On the basis of implementing the study arrangements of the central group of the bureau as required, the detachment adopts centralized tutoring, departmental study, experience exchange and personal self-study. It organizes study and compilation content as a unit of the departmental party branch, determines study topics, arranges discussion speeches, and forms Study minutes effectively promote learning results. In order to promote theoretical learning to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, to achieve the purpose of exchanging experiences and mutual improvement, we distinguish the two levels of section chiefs and assistants, exchange experiences around reading experiences, and share learning experiences. After the speeches of the eight cadres, Comrade Jiang Fumin, secretary of the party committee of the detachment, focused on "the need to have the courage to be based on the long-term and plan for the future; to have a mind with a large scale and exquisite details; to have a realistic and pragmatic style that pays attention to research; to have strict self-discipline and The character of a clean officer; the ability to work quickly and get things done right away; the ability to be close to the masses and pour out true feelings."Six aspects shared their learning experience with everyone, set standards and clarified the direction for everyone.

Through communication, everyone agreed that this theoretical study has a concentrated theme, a special timing, and is of great significance. It is a time to explore the truth, The process of following is also a process of purifying party spirit and tempering style, especially General Secretary Xi’s work history in various places, which embodies the firm historical confidence and strong sense of responsibility of Chinese Communists in the new era, and forges ahead for us in the new era. Journey and new achievements point the way. As a national comprehensive fire rescue team, shouldering the glorious mission of sharing worries for the party, contributing to the country, and benefiting the people, we must keep the "greatest of the country" in mind and adhere to the "two supremacy." , seize the major opportunity of deepening reform, do a solid job in emergency rescue work, and effectively promote the continuous progress of emergency rescue with high-quality development; we must stand responsible for the party's cause, history, and the long-term development of the team, and steadily Keep your mind and do not get lost, maintain your determination and remain unwavering, use a more positive spirit of historical initiative, resolutely integrate your thoughts and actions into the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and better shoulder the sacred mission of the main force of emergency rescue and the national team. When major disasters strike, they truly become the "backbone" of the people, serve as the "night watchman" of the party and the people, and celebrate the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

Source: Daqing Aviation Rescue Detachment

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Zhang Jie Fan Liang Sun Haojie Hu Xiang

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Yang Guolin