Hello, I am Xiancao! Summer vacation, my dears, is here! Recently, many friends have asked me: What should I do during the summer vacation so as not to waste time? ——Xiancao believes that everything you learn becomes your character. The holidays are a rare golden period for self-

Hello, I am Xiancao!

My dears, summer vacation is here!

Many friends have come to me recently and asked me:

What should I do during the summer vacation so as not to waste time?


Xiancao believes that

whoever learns will become a character.

The holiday is a rare golden period for self-recharge.

It’s better to plan it carefully and

take the opportunity to overtake!

1. Learn to drive and take the driving license test

I have heard a saying:

Life can be divided into before learning to drive and after learning to drive. Once you master the driving skills, your life radius will expand.

Yes, before work, you must learn to drive during the holidays. Life will give you great surprises.

certification process:

registration - Subject 1 theory test - Subject 2 practical test (in-site test) - Subject 3 road test - Subject 4 theoretical test - take a notebook

2, improve expression skills

can be interviewed by one person The number of people he spoke to was the measure of his success. This is indeed the case with

. People who can talk will win as soon as they speak.

In the era of self-media, expressiveness is a person's basic ability. Only by improving this ability can we catch up with more dividends and seize more opportunities.

Interview variety show to enhance expressive power:

" Qi Pa Shuo "

" Thirteen Invitations "

"Host Competition"

" Round Table School "

" Qiang Qiang Three People "

3, learn one subject Skills

The turning point in life is hidden in every thought you have to become better.

Learn more skills and you will have more exits in life.

The more skills you have, the more choices you will have in life.

*PPT skills

Learning websites: PPT courseware network, Office plus

*Writing skills

Learning websites: Sentence Reading, Copywriting Dog, So Say, Shuying.com

*Excel skills

Learning websites: Excel for lazy people, Excel Home

4, exercise logical thinking Ability

Logical thinking ability is not something you are born with, but is continuously cultivated through repeated learning.

Logical thinking can be used in many places: taking notes, making plans, thinking about something...

Books to improve logical thinking skills:

"Learn to Ask Questions"

"Thinking, Fast and Slow"

" Pyramid Principle"

"A Little Blue Logic Book"

5, Learning English

From being very poor in English and failing CET-4 to winning the translation award and passing and CET-8 , my English scores have really improved. It is visible to the naked eye.

shares some of my English learning methods:

* Watch ted speeches

Ted speeches are really rich in content and very informative.

"Don't be afraid of being too late to change yourself"

"How to think comprehensively"

"I like the sensitive self"

"How do unfortunate people have a happy life"

* Tips for memorizing words (for specific methods, please refer to the notes: "As a English major student, how do I memorize words? 》)

Ebbinghaus word memorization method

Try to summarize your day in English

Put the words in sentences and memorize them

Post-it method

Choose the original English book that suits you , and insist on watching

6 and develop a real hobby. What is the use of


Those things you like may not make much money, can't cure any diseases, and can't drive away bad guys and bad luck, but only you know that it has silently saved yourself many times at countless shaky life nodes.

Low-cost hobbies:


Keeping journals

Practicing calligraphy

Mobile phone photography


7. Learning makeup and dressing

No one is obligated. Look through your sloppy appearance to discover your excellent inner self. Dress appropriately. My own tenderness.

Learning makeup and dressing is not to please others, but to make yourself happy.

* Learn to wear

Buy some basic and high-quality items

Try to match a few sets of decent clothes

for different occasions

* Learn to put on makeup

First of all, you must understand your skin type

Refer to those daily items that can magnify your facial features Advantages of makeup

Find a beauty blogger who suits you, watch tutorials repeatedly, practice

8 continuously, start a side job, and try self-media

Self-media has always been criticized, and there are always people getting involved.

started this path, the hard work is there, and the rewards are doubled:

if you have an account, you will have more confidence than others during the internship;

compared to other part-time jobs, the income from self-media is also more High; the process of operating

is also the process of constantly improving oneself

* Choose a platform that suits you

Determine a suitable direction

Have the determination to continue to persevere

Have the perseverance to continue learning

* Recommended student party positioning:

Share good things

Reading blogger

Development blogger

Handbook blogger

Cognitive growth blogger

Author introduction:

Li Xiancao, a worker in the system. Will continue to share self-media writing and growth tips on the public account [Li Xiancao].

personal WeChat: xiancao068