The principal said: "I was 18 years old when I came to study in Tangshan. Another 18 years have passed. I would like to say that the sun is the reddest and the people of Tangshan are the most friendly. It is the fertile soil of Tangshan that trained me from an ignorant boy to a p

Recently, a principal named Li Junjie of Tangshan became popular. He emotionally called on college entrance examination students across the country to apply for Tangshan school. This video quickly became popular on the Internet.

The principal said:

"I was 18 years old when I came to study in Tangshan. Another 18 years have passed. I would like to say that the sun is the reddest and the people of Tangshan are the closest. It is the fertile soil of Tangshan that has cultivated me from an ignorant boy to a mature person." Principal. Welcome students to apply for Tangshan College. I’m waiting for you in Tangshan.”

It can be seen that this principal is very grateful to Tangshan for training him.

Perhaps out of gratitude or worried about the negative impact of the previous beating incident in Tangshan, the principal made a video like this, calling on college entrance examination candidates across the country to apply for schools in Tangshan.

In fact, after the Tangshan beating incident, many locals in Tangshan also said that if there were still choices, students from other places might not be willing to apply for colleges in Tangshan.

Netizens have different opinions on this matter.

Some netizens said that if the child's score is only enough to go to Tangshan University, then he should simply go to Lanxiang to learn technology and learn a skill. After all, life is still more important.

Some netizens believe that even if the admission scores of Tangshan universities are low, they will not be able to get into it. After all, it’s school, not a few days of fun. It takes 4 years to study in college. If one day, the child accidentally touches someone or steps on someone else, he may be beaten. If he is not convinced, it may even cause a fight.

However, some netizens have confidence in Tangshan and believe that if schools in Tangshan can lower admission scores, it would be a good idea to go to school in Tangshan. One thing cannot represent a city. And by the time school starts in September, the beating incident will be almost settled.

It can be seen that most netizens are still reluctant to let their children apply for schools in Tangshan.

Of course, everyone is not rejecting Tangshan, but they are worried. After all, the safety of the children comes first.

If my child wants to apply for a school in Tangshan, I may also object.

No, I will definitely object.

Although I want to be a mother who respects her children, I really don't feel comfortable sending my children away, because many times, it doesn't mean that if you don't cause trouble, things won't find you.

Just like the four women who were beaten, they were eating out honestly and did not provoke anyone, but they were still beaten.

Some experts said that Tangshan’s enrollment this year will be affected. What do you think of


Will you let your children apply for schools in Tangshan?